Christen Reighter: I don't want children -- stop telling me I'll change my mind
Christen Reighter: Ne želim otrok- prenehajte mi dopovedovati, da si bom premislila
Christen Reighter writes and performs as a poet and essayist, focusing primarily on social justice issues. Full bio
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that were placed on me very early.
ki so mi bile dodeljene.
ki sem ga opazovala,
supposed to have children,
le imeti otroke,
that adults spoke to me
kako so odrasli govorili z menoj,
in the context of "when."
v kontekstu - ko ...
were always presented to me
so mi vedno bila predstavljena
like someone else's dream.
da gre za sanje nekoga drugega.
always understood about myself
vedno razumela v povezavi s seboj,
to explain this,
their roles and my values,
vlogami in mojimi vrednotami,
at the absurdities of children.
otroških absurdnostim.
things like that to me my whole life.
govorijo že vse moje življenje.
can turn intrusive fast.
lahko hitro postanejo nadležni.
when discussing childlessness,
ko je govora o življenju brez otrok:
a woman may have
zakaj se mora ženska morda
not self-prioritizing.
postavljanjem sebe na prvo mesto.
to publicly vilify women as such,
javno obrekovati ženske,
have made it into the social narrative.
ni postal del družbene pripovedi.
about the inevitability of maternity,
učila o neizogibnosti materinstva,
that women consider,
morajo razmišljati o faktorjih,
predale dedno bolezen,
hereditary illness,
life-saving medication
prekiniti nujno potrebno zdravljenje
415,000 children
in the United States at any given time.
things of this magnitude to chance,
tako pomembne reči naključju,
with undergoing a tubal ligation,
for getting your tubes tied.
za zavezovanje jajčnikov.
has always been taught to me,
who didn't want children were so rare,
one in five American women
peta Američanka
druge po naključju.
the more disheartened I became.
bolj mi je jemalo pogum.
for women to exhaust their finances
so ženske izčrpale svoje finance,
over many years,
na ducate ginekologov,
that they just gave up.
da so preprosto odnehale.
were often condescending
zdravstveni delavci pogosto vzvišeni
in boste imeli otroka."
with a child."
who went to go get this procedure,
in so želele ta poseg,
for getting this kind of surgery were,
za tako operacijo -
acting of your own accord,"
all of these legal requirements
izpolnjevala vse te zahteve,
in the exam room
boriti v ordinaciji
to that first appointment.
srečanjenje oblekla kot za razgovor.
every piece of evidence
of birth in that file.
kot so:
to these doctoral programs,
has this kind of business,"
ima to in to podjetje.
on this for months.
about it, all the risks."
that this was not a whim,
vedel, da to ni kaprica,
looking to go out and party
se rada zabavala
integral to who I was.
on how it all worked, but ...
spet podučil, kako vse poteka, ampak ...
given to me started to feel agenda'd,
da imajo informacije skriti namen,
and inflated statistics.
in napihnjeno statistiko.
my situation better,
asking questions to try to trip me up.
sprašujejo, da bi me spodnesli.
being cross-examined.
na prostoru za priče.
feel about all of this?"
the same man for five years,
I make for my body."
ki jih sprejemam o svojem telesu."
what happens in the future,
wants children?"
how to react to that,
to disregard everything I believe
pozabiti vse, v kar verjamem,
has always been first date conversation.
pri meni vedno tema za prvi zmenek.
come to regret this" ...
decision back then,
drugače odločila,
a single path to parenthood.
le eno pot do starševstva.
to form family anyway."
da bi si ustvarila družino.
deal with that any day
vsak dan,
or was prepared to care for.
zanj nisem pripravljena skrbeti.
se tiče samo mene.
are not to be gambled with.
was going to approve this procedure,
ne bo potrdil tega postopka,
called medical paternalism,
imenuje medicinski paternalizem,
as my well-informed provider,
dobro obveščeni ponudnik storitev
of my best interest,
kaj je zame najboljše,
as the patient, want or believe.
pacient želim ali verjamem.
da bo šel še korak dlje
with my potential surgeon,
potencialnim kirurgom.
describe me as a little girl.
opisuje kot majhno deklico.
to each one of these providers
vsakomur od teh ponudnikov,
ki sem jih imela pripravljene,
questions and statements.
podcenjevalnih vprašanj in trditev.
for objectivity and support
objektivnosti in podpore,
odslovljeno in utišano
disrespect me repeatedly.
da me ljudje ne spoštujejo.
that I had to go to.
na katera sem morala iti.
medical professionals in the same hour.
pet ali šest zdravnikov v eni sami uri.
felt more like the door to a clown car.
kot vrata v klovnov avto.
to infect me with smallpox
da me okužijo s kozami,
obtain birth control.
to allow the procedure.
da je dovolil poseg.
signing the consent forms
in podpisovala soglasja
and tying up loose ends ...
in reševala zadeve,
his head in disapproval.
v znamenje nestrinjanja.
clings to this role
za zdravstveno osebje,
to separate me being a woman
that having children
not the definition.
by whether or not she has a child,
ali nima otroka,
of her entire identity
to create life,
da ustvarijo življenje,
is a means to an end.
samo sredstvo za dosego cilja.
that society places on us
ki nam jih določa družba,
that comes with them,
to these standards ...
cast aside to accept them?
da bi jih sprejeli?
to happiness and fulfillment.
to self-determination.
to embrace or forego motherhood
izbira za ali proti materinstvu
to your worthiness or identity
ali identiteto kot
a choice behind maternity,
Christen Reighter - Poet, essayistChristen Reighter writes and performs as a poet and essayist, focusing primarily on social justice issues.
Why you should listen
Christen Reighter's primary advocacy platform is for the childfree-choice. She often writes and speaks out about her experience obtaining elective sterilization at age 22, including how she encountered and confronted harassing societal prejudice, condescending medical paternalism, and civil rights violations. Her other writing and advocacy work includes LGBTQIA+ rights, gender equality, sex-positivity, women's issues (including sexual assault) and mental health issues and recovery.
Reighter is also an award-winning spoken word artist. she has competed and performed across the country and in international competitions such "Brave New Voices" on on HBO.
Originally born and raised in Texas, Reighter now lives happily in beautiful Colorado with her partner and their three rambunctious cats, and she currently is finishing her MA in clinical mental health counseling.
Christen Reighter | Speaker |