Teitur: Home is a song I've always remembered
Teitur: Shtepia eshte kenga qe gjithmone e kam kujtuar
Whether they’re sung in in English or his native Faroese, Teitur laces his deceptively innocent songs with often stinging hooks. Full bio
Double-click the English transcript below to play the video.
ta duam njeri-tjetrin
in that dancing dress
ne fustanin e vallezimit
ne ate drite te zbehte
by the sight of my Kodak delights,
me Kodakun tim,
instead of kissing you babe
se te te puth ty e dashur
with cute dogs and cupids
dhe engjullin e dashurise ne to
e duke me munguar ti
I still desperately love you
koke e kembe me ty
te dashuruar perseri
instead of kissing you babe
te te puth ty e dashur
vetem nje here ne jave
instead of kissing you
te te puth ty e dashur
what you're talking about intimately,
se cfare imtesira te jetes je duke ndare
to share this insight
t'a ndash brendesine
to share in everything,
qe te ndaj gjithcka,
behind this architecture or this product
prapa kesaj arkitekture or ketij produkti
ose prapa ketij vakti?
are to impress people
qe t'i besh per vete njerezit
dhe jo duke dhene.
has their version of.
versionin e vet te te kenduarit.
I'm from, nice to meet you all,"
"Nga ketu kam ardhur, kenaqsi t'ju takoj,"
early in the morning
heret ne mengjes
gjithmone e kam kujtuar
of my first day in school
se pare ne shkolle
ne nje qytet te larget
and where I’d like to go
dhe ku dua te shkoj
qe ajo m'i ka thene mua
qe kurre s'do e hedh
ne fytyren time kur vdes
in the same place
ka jetuar ne te njejtin vend
you’re born and raised
ku je lind e rrit
looking out to the sea
ai ishte i ulur duke soditur detin
ku deshiron te jesh
whatever he's having
qe eshte ai duke pire
we never met before?
qe nuk jemi takuar me heret?
eshte munduar
Teitur - Singer-songwriterWhether they’re sung in in English or his native Faroese, Teitur laces his deceptively innocent songs with often stinging hooks.
Why you should listen
Teitur crafts songs with unexpected lyrical twists portraying everything from awkward love affairs to lost weekends. Although he’s written hits for singers like Seal and Corinne Bailey Rae, the best interpreter for Teitur’s songs is himself: his half-dozen solo albums have won him accolades from the Danish Royal family, the Guardian and fans around the world.
His album Story Music (recorded in a former ice factory) features contributions from legendary Beach Boys arranger Van Dyke Parks and 78 musicians gathered from his native Faroe Islands.
Teitur | Speaker | TED.com