Norman Lear: An entertainment icon on living a life of meaning
Норман Лир (Norman Lear): Легенда забаве о смисаоном животу
Writer, producer and free-speech champion Norman Lear defined decades of US popular culture with his groundbreaking TV shows. Full bioEric Hirshberg - CEO, Activision
Eric Hirshberg leads Activision, one of the world's largest interactive entertainment companies. Full bio
Double-click the English transcript below to play the video.
није потребно опширно представљање,
doesn't need much of an introduction,
са његовом биографијом,
with starting with his bio,
the entire 18 minutes.
93 година у 93 секунди или мање.
93 years in 93 seconds or less.
I got that right.
when you were nine years old.
када си имао девет година.
као ратни пилот у Другом светском рату.
as a fighter pilot in World War II.
to break into Hollywood,
да би се пробио у Холивуду,
called "All in the Family."
под називом „Све у породици“.
немају премца у Холивуду:
in Hollywood:
commercially successful,
погурали културу напред
члановима друштва
members of society
међу првих десет најгледанијих.
in the top 10 at one time.
од 120 милиона људи недељно
of 120 million people per week
for Super Bowl 50,
до дела „човече“.
to the holy shit part.
Ричарда Никсона;
on Richard Nixon's enemies list --
on the first day that it exists.
од првог дана њеног постојања.
фокусирајући се на заштиту Првог амандмана
focusing on protecting the First Amendment
entertainment and politics
о својој животној причи.
about your life story.
да си спреман за TED говор.
you're ready for a TED Talk.
јер си пристао да урадимо ово.
that I had written her from overseas,
која сам јој писао док сам био ван земље,
if I could have them,
сам питао мајку да ми их да,
током предстојећих година свог живота...
all the years of my life ...
in more recent times is --
коју си поменуо.
to which you referred.
ТВ академију науке и уметности.
the TV Academy of Arts & Sciences.
they had met all day yesterday
да су цео дан пре тога имали састанке
да ће отворити Кућу славних,
they were going to start a hall of fame
који је покренуо Си-Би-Ес,
ког је икада изнедрила телевизија,
that ever came out of television --
у Хардфорд у Конектикату.
immediately in Hartford, Connecticut.
ко сам ја да приговарам?“
want to do, who am I to say?"
has a piece of that mother.
is born, right there.
из комедије, баш ту.
a large role in your life,
имао важну улогу у твом животу,
када си имао девет година.
when you were nine years old.
за које је моја мајка рекла:
anything to do with them,
some fake bonds,
неке лажне обвезнице
across the country to sell.
да би их продао.
to Oklahoma in a plane,
у Оклахому авионом
back a 10-gallon hat,
мој омиљени каубој...
my favorite cowboy wore.
after Lindbergh crossed the Atlantic.
прешао Атлантски океан.
that my father was going there.
што мој отац иде тамо.
were all over the house,
испред свог лица,
in front of his face,
because we were leaving --
јер смо одлазили;
in that state of shame,
put his hand on my shoulder and said,
руку на раме и рекла:
"You're the man of the house now."
„Ти си сада глава породице.“
of the human condition.
лудост људског стања.
да се вратим на то
and feel it was a benefit.
да то називаш корисним.
you call it a benefit.
me that springboard.
одскочна даска,
to this crying nine-year-old boy,
уплаканом деветогодишњем дечаку:
of the human condition,
лудост људског стања.
ништа није довољно добро.
apparently nothing is good enough.
who maybe never felt heard
као дете које нико никада није чуо
као одраслом особом
of 120 million people?
од 120 милиона људи?
да сам провео живот желећи,
I've spent my life wanting --
that we had made together,
да је отац Коглин.
to be Father Coughlin.
у мржњи према „Новом договору“,
about hating the New Deal
in this world that hated me
effect on my life.
of strong male role models,
talked about that grandfather.
running down his eye.
како му се суза слива низ лице.
of the United States.
америчким председницима.
wonderful about what he did.
о нечему што је урадио.
са председником, такође је писао:
with the President, he also wrote,
every now and then
сјурио бих се низ степенице
у Њу Хејвену, у Конектикату.
reading, "Shya C. called at this address."
„Шаја Ц. се позива на ову адресу.“
about my grandfather --
on the envelopes --
и других пре њега;
and others before him,
in which I told that story.
у којима сам причао ту причу.
the whole story was a lie.
да је цела та прича била измишљена.
took me to parades,
an occasional letter,
мили г. Председниче“
од доброг пријатеља
who wrote those letters.
који је писао та писма.
Arthur Marshall's grandfather
I needed the father.
Arthur Marshall's grandfather.
деду Артура Маршала.
because I needed the father.
јер ми је био потребан отац.
and think about him is --
и на коју помислим везану за њега
and stole and cheated
borrow and professionals steal.
а професионалци краду.
attributed to John Lennon,
да га је украо од Т. С. Елиота.
he stole it from T.S. Eliot.
has been written about
слушао читавог живота -
about it all your life:
за нашу културу,
имена твојих емисија,
named the names of the shows,
половина људи у овој просторији.
in the room through your work.
about the impact of your work
приче о утицају твог рада
from head to toe.
within the last year
током прошле године
међу седам људи на тој сцени.
was among seven on the stage.
на листи емисија.
thing that made a big --
која је имала дубок -
write a check on "The Jeffersons,"
исписује чек у „Џеферсоновима“
could write a check.
да црнац може да испише чек.
impacted his life so --
anybody in this audience
за неку стварчицу коју је урадио за неког,
some little thing they did for somebody,
као осмех или неочекивано „здраво“,
or an unexpected "Hello,"
while he was speaking, so he wrote it,
док је причао, па га је исписао;
коју сам поделио на почетку,
I shared in the beginning,
да си измислио хип-хоп.
that you invented hip-hop.
both of those things --
обе ове ствари;
to accomplish both of those,
да постигну обе ове ствари
how to do them together.
како да их споје.
кроз своју уметност
forward through your art
commercial success.
комерцијални успех на светском нивоу.
that recitation of all I accomplished.
рецитацију о свему што сам постигао.
of which there are billions --
what she does about something
шта да ради везано за нешто
у Њувигтону, у Конектикату.
in Newington, Connecticut.
градоначелнику, неком.“
or your mayor or something."
ја сам Клер Лир.“
Norman Lear, I'm Claire Lear."
I said what I'm saying,
оно што ћу сада рећи.
да сам можда учинио
you think about what I may have done
величину планете и тако даље,
of the planet and so forth,
у односу на било шта што си ти учинила?“
to anything you may have done?"
as I may have accomplished.
колико сам ја можда постигао.
да прихватите величину и обим
the size and scope
ти си заиста био важан.
you have really mattered.
of whoever I'm talking to.
младо као особа која седи преко пута мене.
as the person I'm sitting across from.
Norman Lear - Producer, activistWriter, producer and free-speech champion Norman Lear defined decades of US popular culture with his groundbreaking TV shows.
Why you should listen
With his blockbuster TV hit All in the Family, Norman Lear introduced new icons -- Archie and Edith Bunker -- while simultaneously redefining television and its role in America’s moral conscience. The series spawned hit spin-offs like The Jeffersons, One Day at a Time and Maude, making Lear a household name throughout the 1970s and 1980s.
Lear’s free-speech activism dovetails with his entertainment career. In 1981, Lear founded People for the American Way in response to a wave of religious fundamentalism he viewed as a threat to the separation of church and state. In 2001, he purchased an early print of the Declaration of Independence, showing it throughout the US as part of the Declaration of Independence Road Trip.
Lear's memoir, Even This I Get to Experience, was released in 2014. The PBS documentary series American Masters will release Norman Lear: Just Another Version of You in theaters July 2016 and on PBS and Netflix Fall 2016.
Norman Lear | Speaker |
Eric Hirshberg - CEO, Activision
Eric Hirshberg leads Activision, one of the world's largest interactive entertainment companies.
Why you should listen
Under Eric Hirshberg's leadership, Activision has delivered the largest entertainment launch in history three times with Call of Duty, the biggest new franchise launch in the industry's history with Destiny, and both the biggest kids' game and the biggest action figure line in the world with Skylanders. All of this has helped Activision Blizzard to be named as one of the 50 most innovative companies in the world by Fast Company and one of the 100 best places to work by Fortune.
Before his time at Activision, Hirshberg built the award winning advertising agency, Deutsch LA as its Co-CEO/Chief Creative Officer. Under Eric's leadership, DeutschLA was named Agency of the Year seven times. Hirshberg has been named one of the 10 most influential people in marketing by Advertising Age Magazine and one of the 50 most creative people in business by Creativity Magazine.
Hirshberg also sits on the boards of the UCLA School of the Arts and Architecture and The X-Prize Foundation. In 2015, Hirshberg gave the commencement address for the School of the Arts and Architecture on June 13, 2015.
Eric Hirshberg | Speaker |