Jinsop Lee: Design for all 5 senses
Jinsop Lee: Dissenyar per als 5 sentits
Jinsop Lee is an industrial designer who believes that great design appeals to all five senses. Full bio
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vam tenir un ràpid projecte
es veu la direcció cap a on mira
sota cadascuna d'elles.
al got de xarrup que hi ha a sota.
vaig adonar-me que la seva idea era millor que la meva,
durant més d'una dècada.
que el sexe potser era tan bo
experiències que havia tingut
el gràfic dels cinc sentits.
com si fos un diari dels cinc sentits.
dissenyador de motos
així que obligava els meus...
és el soroll de xarrupar.
és una gran part de l'experiència de sortir de discoteca.
la sensació de sostenir una cigarreta
de l'experiència de fumar,
han fet per a les cigarretes.
també explicava per què el rellotge d'en Chris
m'ha ensenyat sobre el meu camp.
que només pujant
que un producte sigui brillant.
amb la teva essència preferida
d'una flauta o d'un clarinet.
sinó també pel tacte
amb un instrument que sí sé tocar:
en què usem aquests productes
de la meva propera conferència.
Jinsop Lee - Multi-sense designerJinsop Lee is an industrial designer who believes that great design appeals to all five senses.
Why you should listen
A former professor of design, Jinsop Lee founded the firm Uncle Oswald Is My Hero, which produces clever iPod speakers from old telephone handsets. And we'll let him take it from here:
"My design background began when I was 5 years old. My mother cruelly refused to buy me a Star Wars X-wing fighter, so I built my own from Lego. Yes, I was the traumatized little boy in the corner of the playground holding the multi-coloured Lego X-wing fighter. However, this did teach me an important lesson: You don't have to follow the instructions that come with the box.
As an adult, I started my career as a suit-wearing design consultant, designing stuff and strategies for large companies. I then spent a mandatory two years in the Korean Army without killing anybody. Then I began teaching English, which eventually led to a job as an associate professor of industrial design. Being a professor means you're designing the most important thing of all: students and the type of designers they will later become.
"Now I am working on a series of short videos about industrial design. Each video follows a simple formula: the viewer must learn something new about design while laughing (or snickering) an average of two times per minute. It turns out the second criteria is much harder than the first."
Jinsop Lee | Speaker | TED.com