Didier Sornette - Risk economist
Didier Sornette studies whether it is possible to anticipate big changes or predict crises in complex systems.

Why you should listen

While financial crashes, recessions, earthquakes and other extreme events appear chaotic, Didier Sornette's research is focused on finding out whether they are, in fact, predictable. They may happen often as a surprise, he suggests, but they don't come out of the blue: the most extreme risks (and gains) are what he calls "dragon kings" that almost always result from a visible drift toward a critical instability. In his hypothesis, this instability has measurable technical and/or socio-economical precursors. As he says: "Crises are not external shocks."

An expert on complex systems, Sornette is the chair of entrepreneurial risk at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, and director of the Financial Crisis Observatory, a project to test the hypothesis that markets can be predictable, especially during bubbles. He's the author of Why Stock Markets Crash: Critical Events in Complex Financial Systems.

More profile about the speaker
Didier Sornette | Speaker | TED.com
TEDGlobal 2013

Didier Sornette: How we can predict the next financial crisis

Didier Sornette: Làm thế nào dự đoán được cuộc khủng hoảng tài chính tiếp theo


Bạn có thể cho rằng cuộc khủng hoảng tài chính 2007-2008 là một tai nạn dáng xuống bất ngờ. Nhưng Sornette và Phòng Quan sát Khủng hoảng tài chính của ông đã nhận ra những dấu hiệu cảnh báo sớm về một hệ thống phình đại bất ổn ngay vào những thời điểm những bong bóng bất thường bắt đầu sủi bọt. (Và ngay giờ đây ông lại thấy những triệu chứng ấy đang xảy ra.)
- Risk economist
Didier Sornette studies whether it is possible to anticipate big changes or predict crises in complex systems. Full bio

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Didier Sornette - Risk economist
Didier Sornette studies whether it is possible to anticipate big changes or predict crises in complex systems.

Why you should listen

While financial crashes, recessions, earthquakes and other extreme events appear chaotic, Didier Sornette's research is focused on finding out whether they are, in fact, predictable. They may happen often as a surprise, he suggests, but they don't come out of the blue: the most extreme risks (and gains) are what he calls "dragon kings" that almost always result from a visible drift toward a critical instability. In his hypothesis, this instability has measurable technical and/or socio-economical precursors. As he says: "Crises are not external shocks."

An expert on complex systems, Sornette is the chair of entrepreneurial risk at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, and director of the Financial Crisis Observatory, a project to test the hypothesis that markets can be predictable, especially during bubbles. He's the author of Why Stock Markets Crash: Critical Events in Complex Financial Systems.

More profile about the speaker
Didier Sornette | Speaker | TED.com