Patty McCord: 8 lessons on building a company people enjoy working for
Patty McCordová: 8 ponaučení o tom, jak vybudovat firmu, kde lidé rádi pracují
Patty McCord served as chief talent officer of Netflix for 14 years and helped create the Netflix Culture Deck. Since it was first posted on the web, the Culture Deck has been viewed more than 15 million times, and Sheryl Sandberg has said that it "may be the most important document ever to come out of Silicon Valley." Full bio
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jako OKR a PIP.
understands: OKRs and PIPs.
like regular human beings.
jako normální lidi.
an HR professional,
dobrou personalistkou,
the language of management.
after all this time?
kterým říkáme „nejlepší metody“,
that we call "best practices"
We don't measure this stuff.
Nedá se to měřit.
that "best practices" usually means
je většinou považováno
and evolving all the time.
které se můžou hodit.
Vaši zaměstnanci jsou dospělí.
and so many guidelines
that treat people like they're children.
který zachází s lidmi jako s dětmi.
walk in the door every single day.
they have obligations,
a difference in the world.
odvádět to nejlepší,
to do an amazing job,
isn't to control people,
Úkolem managementu není řídit lidi,
here's how you know it.
tak to poznáte následovně.
Zákazníci budou spokojení.
"Do you come to work on time?"
„Chodíte včas do práce?“
"Did you follow the rules?"
„Dodržujete nařízení?“
that means something.
Lidé chtějí dělat něco užitečného.
možnost se posunout.
they should be free to move on.
the same thing for 60 years.
for the sake of keeping them
abychom je neztratili,
that were great places to be from?
kde by bylo skvělé prostředí?
for not only your product,
a jak to u vás funguje.
of excitement throughout the world,
Ve firmě by měl každý rozumět byznysu.
should understand the business.
that we've got smart adults here,
že máme chytré dospělé lidi,
naučit to, jak funguje byznys.
is how our business works.
that are moving fast,
které se rychle rozvíjejí,
with agility and speed,
agilně a rychle,
se učit jeden od druhého, co a jak děláme,
is constantly teach each other what we do,
jak vypadá dobrá kvalita,
what goodness looks like,
towards achieving the same thing.
k dosažení toho samého.
by měl být schopen přijmout pravdu.
should be able to handle the truth.
zpětnou vazbu je tak náročné?
giving feedback is so hard?
that you're really good at
a jste v tom tak dobří,
pokud je to pravda.
význam slov „zpětná vazba“
the truth, the honest truth,
říkáte pravdu, upřímnou pravdu o tom,
and what they're doing wrong,
ještě dnes a třikrát.
today, three more times.
Vaše firma musí ctít své hodnoty.
to live out its values.
s ředitelem jedné firmy.
not long ago, to the CEO.
because the company was rocky
protože firma byla nestabilní,
na schůzky včas – nikdy.
firemních hodnot jejich dodržování.
to "uphold your values" is to live them.
representation of women
že ve vedení máme 30 procent žen.
Všechny startupy mají hloupé nápady.
ideas are stupid.
in larger, more established companies.
kteří pracují v zavedených společnostech.
se kterými pracuji.
the companies that I work with.
mají hloupé nápady.
all start-up ideas are stupid.
už by je realizoval někdo jiný.
would have already been doing them.
Každá firma se musí těšit na změnu.
needs to be excited for change.
"Remember the way it used to be?"
„Pamatuješ, jaké to bývalo?“
„Představ si, jaké to bude.“
a je čas zahnout ostře doleva.“
as fast as we can to the right,
a neustále se mění.
and it's changing all the time.
a budeme z něho nadšení,
and get excited about it,
Patty McCord - Author, mavenPatty McCord served as chief talent officer of Netflix for 14 years and helped create the Netflix Culture Deck. Since it was first posted on the web, the Culture Deck has been viewed more than 15 million times, and Sheryl Sandberg has said that it "may be the most important document ever to come out of Silicon Valley."
Why you should listen
Patty McCord participated in IPOs at Netflix and, before that, Pure Atria Software. A veteran of Sun Microsystems, Borland and Seagate Technologies, she has also worked with small start-ups. Her background includes staffing, diversity, communications and international human resources positions.
Currently, McCord coaches and advises a small group of companies and entrepreneurs on culture and leadership. She also speaks to groups and teams around the world. Her book Powerful: Building a Culture of Freedom and Responsibility was published in January of 2018.
Patty McCord | Speaker |