Alan Smith: Why you should love statistics
Alan Smith: Hvorfor man burde elske statistik
Alan Smith uses interactive graphics and statistics to breathe new life into how data is presented. Full bio
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en undersøgelse,
levels of numeracy
adults in the country,
niveau 1-regnefærdigheder.
that's low-end GCSE score.
det er en lav GCSE-score.
percentages and decimals.
procenter og decimaler.
a lot of hand-wringing in Whitehall.
i Whitehall.
the survey again in 2011.
igen i 2011.
what happened to this number?
this figure in the FT,
i Financial Times,
to 51 percent of the population."
for 51 procent af befolkningen."
the reaction of a schoolchild
fra en skoleelev,
at a school this information,
denne information på en skole.
who made that number
der regnede tallet ud,
med regnefærdigheden,
important skills for life,
en vigtig færdighed i livet.
that we want to introduce in this century
vil gennemføre i dette århundrede
more comfortable with numbers.
mere komfortable med tal.
looking at numeracy in young people,
om regnefærdighed hos unge,
in the US have low numeracy.
som har ringe regnefærdigheder.
with figures above 20 percent.
værdier over 20 procent.
because it doesn't have to be that way.
behøver at være sådan.
af denne graf,
are in single figures.
med ét ciffer-størrelser.
problem that we want to address.
som der skal gøres noget ved.
inadvertently into one of two categories;
at putte folk i én af to kategorier;
with numbers, that can do numbers,
som kan regne med tal,
to talk about here today
that is a false dichotomy.
at det er en falsk modsætning.
tremendously high levels of numeracy
en voldsom god talforståelse
to the journey ahead.
hvad vi gør fremover.
we can begin that journey, for me,
tal interessante, er, for mig,
that statistics has got somewhat
at statistikken
af et imageproblem.
don't particularly like,
holder ret meget af,
is all about precision and certainty,
handler om præcision og sikkerhed,
to the world of statistics myself.
til statistikken.
to excel in after university,
ville udmærke mig i efter universitetet,
and computer programming,
programmering af computere,
some statistical graphics
at vise jer statistiske grafikker,
was actually an interesting thing?
at statistikken faktisk er interessant?
statistics are about us.
of the word statistics,
for ordet statistik,
that we live in.
som vi lever i.
som en gruppe,
we as individuals relate to our groups,
i forhold til vore grupper,
are at their most powerful
mest kraftfuldt,
surveys carried out recently
vidunderlige undersøgelser for nyligt
1,000 adults in the UK,
1.000 voksne i Storbritannien.
in England and Wales,
i England og Wales,
fra denne undersøgelse,
of the total population, was 24.
den samlede befolkning, var 24.
people in the country are Muslim.
af 100 mennesker er muslimer.
that figure to be about five.
at tallet er omkring fem.
between what we think, our perception,
hvad vi tror,
that misperception?
til denne fejlopfattelse?
in presentations. I was referring to it.
mine foredrag. Jeg fortalte om det.
in Hammersmith,
i Hammersmith,
of sixth-form girls.
bestod af piger i 10. klasse.
the British public think
at den britiske offentlighed mener
out of every 100 teenage girls
at 15 ud af hver 100 teenagepiger
closer to 200 dots
flere end 200 prikker,
the official figures tell us.
this is not just an English problem.
er dette ikke bare et engelsk problem.
in recent years to go across the world.
med mange lande.
overvægtige eller fede?"
was just over a quarter.
lidt over en fjerdedel.
are overweight or obese.
var overvægtige eller fede.
it's nearer to three-quarters.
at det er tættere på tre fjerdedele.
they asked the Japanese,
just over halfway.
omkring 50-50, lidt over halvvejs.
Japanese people lived in rural areas.
levede i landdistrikterne.
and surprising to some,
og overraskende for nogle,
who have read the work
som har læst
the Nobel-winning economist.
Nobel-prismodtager i økonomi.
spent years researching this disjoint
brugte år på undersøgelser af denne
and the reality,
hvad folk oplever og virkelighededen.
pretty poor intuitive statisticians.
temmelig dårlige intuitive statistikere.
can influence our perceptions,
påvirke vore opfattelser.
reporting things by exception,
om det usædvanlige,
of referring to that.
to the obvious" --
overfor det indlysende" --
to our blindness about it."
overfor vores blindhed."
repercussions for decision making.
for beslutningstagning.
while this was all going on,
der er problemet her.
how well do you know your country?
hvor godt kender du dit land?
do you know 64 million people?
Hvor godt kender du 64 millioner mennesker?
I can't do that.
Jeg kunne ikke gøre det.
this same sort of approach
in a very local sense.
en meget lokal sammenhæng.
based on census data
baseret på folketællingsdata
in designing this.
to the widest possible range of people,
det bredeste udvalg af befolkningen.
who can get the numbers.
for representing numbers
but they sit in the background.
men de findes i baggrunden.
of representing quantity
at repræsentere en mængde
like "percentage,"
udtryk som "procent",
on the left-hand side there,
på venstre side,
we're asking you questions about
vi stiller spørgsmål til
between zero and a hundred,
mellem nul og hundrede,
between zero and a hundred.
mellem nul og hundrede.
a quick look at the quiz
et hurtigt kig på quizzen
how many are aged under 16?
hvor mange er under 16 år?"
at all, so I had a guess at this,
så jeg gættede,
of how this quiz works.
hvordan denne quiz fungerer.
to highlight your icons,
for at fremhæve ikonerne,
between your answer and reality.
dit svar og virkeligheden.
terrible guess: five.
at jeg havde et ret forfærdeligt gæt: fem.
what the average age is,
hvad den gennemsnitlige alder er,
the population are younger
af befolkningen er yngre
middle-aged to me.
det lød midaldrende for mig.
it's incredibly young,
of the university in this area.
af universitetet her i området.
as you go through.
about homeownership:
are owned with a mortgage or loan?
hvor mange har et banklån?"
mine gæt her,
more than 50 out on the answer.
at have flere end 50 forkert.
these questions,
when you're in a community,
når du bor i et samfund,
to whether a population is old or young.
hvorvidt befolkningen er gammel eller ung.
the area, you can see it.
kan man se det.
is much more difficult to see,
er langt vanskeligere at se,
vore egen heuristik,
we think own their own homes.
ejer deres eget hjem.
when we published this quiz,
at da vi offentliggjorde denne quiz,
was already a few years old.
allerede et par år gamle.
that allow you to put in a post code
der tillader en at skrive et postnummer
and not necessarily new.
og ikke nødvendigvis nyt.
what reaction we might get
hvilken reaktion man kan få
in the way that we have,
that people have their own preconceptions.
at folk har deres egne fordomme.
to bring down a statistics website
en statistik-hjemmeside i knæ
"statistics," "gov" and "UK,"
"statistik", "gov" og "UK",
favorite words in a URL.
foretrukne ord i en URL.
was that the website came down
at hjemmesiden gik i knæ
engaging with this data
a quarter of a million people
en kvart million mennesker,
of 48 hours of launching it.
efter den blev lanceret.
online, on social media,
på sociale medier,
with their misconceptions,
med deres misforståelser,
I couldn't have hoped for any better,
jeg ikke har kunnet håbe på noget bedre
sending it to politicians.
at sende det til politikerne.
you claim to represent?
du hævder at repræsentere?
til de to slags mennesker.
really interesting to see
interessant at se,
would do on this quiz.
der er gode til tal ville klare quizzen.
of England and Wales, John Pullinger,
i England og Wales, John Pullinger,
after a glass of wine -- 36.
ganske vist efter et glas vin -- 36.
can inspire us all.
at tallene kan inspirere os alle.
videnskaben om os.
be fascinated by numbers.
vi bør være fascineret af tal.
Alan Smith - Data visualisation editorAlan Smith uses interactive graphics and statistics to breathe new life into how data is presented.
Why you should listen
Alan Smith is Data Visualisation Editor at the Financial Times in London. Previously he was Head of Digital Content at the UK Office for National Statistics (ONS).
With a background in cartography and digital mapping, he has spent the last decade finding ways of bringing statistics to wider audiences. In 2010, he was an inaugural recipient of the Royal Statistical Society's Award for Excellence in Official Statistics. He was appointed Office of the Order of the British Empire (OBE) in the Queen's 2011 Birthday Honours list.
Alan Smith | Speaker |