Rutger Bregman: Poverty isn't a lack of character; it's a lack of cash
Rutger Bregman: Fattigdom er ikke mangel på karakter, det er mangel på penge
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et simpelt spørgsmål:
so many poor decisions?
så mange dårlige valg?
Prime Minister, Margaret Thatcher.
premierminister, Margaret Thatcher.
"a personality defect."
"en personlighedsbrist".
would be so blunt.
wrong with the poor themselves
i vejen med de fattige selv
should be held responsible
help them to make better decisions.
hjælpe dem med at træffe bedre valg.
er den samme:
how to live their lives,
hvordan de skulle leve,
that I discovered
about poverty was wrong.
stumbled upon a paper
da jeg læste en afhandling
all the way to India,
til Indien for at foretage
with sugarcane farmers.
bønder, der dyrkede sukkerrør.
collect about 60 percent
poor one part of the year
den ene del af året
an IQ test before and after the harvest.
intelligens før og efter høsten.
completely blew my mind.
overraskede mig fuldstændigt.
on the test before the harvest.
testen før høsten.
in poverty, it turns out,
to losing a night's sleep
I heard that Eldar Shafir,
hørte jeg, at Eldar Shafir,
and one of the authors of this study,
og medforfatter af denne afhandling,
new theory of poverty.
nye teori om fattigdom.
opfører sig anderledes,
behave differently
doesn't much matter --
hvad den ting er,
money or food.
penge eller mad.
frokosten over,
to your immediate lack --
in five minutes
to be paid tomorrow.
i morgen.
goes out the window.
en ny computer,
på en gang.
og laver fejl.
for meget på en gang.
because they are dumb,
fordi de er dumme,
programs don't work.
projekter ikke virker.
are often completely ineffective.
ofte er ineffektivt.
of money-management training
that it has almost no effect at all.
don't learn anything --
ikke lærer noget ...
som professor Shafir fortalte mig -
this all out decades ago.
for årtier siden.
any complicated brain scans;
komplicerede hjernescanninger.
more that 100 years ago.
over 100 år siden
the psychology of poverty before.
om fattigdommens psykologi.
writers who ever lived,
største forfattere,
firsthand in the 1920s.
i 1920'erne.
he wrote back then,
skrev han dengang,
they have the right to preach at you
at de har ret til at prædike
below a certain level."
under et vist niveau."
as resonant today.
a few solutions up their sleeves.
løsninger ud af ærmet.
deres regnskaber
with their paperwork
to remind them to pay their bills.
at betale deres regninger.
with modern politicians,
blandt moderne politikere,
a symbol of this era
in which the poor live?
de fattiges levevilkår?
with the software
by installing some extra memory instead?
at installere mere hukommelse?
responded with a blank look.
more money to the poor
of left-wing politics
an old-fashioned, leftist idea?
gammeldags, venstreorienteret ide?
en gammel plan ...
by some of history's leading thinkers.
historiens førende tænkere.
first hinted at it in his book, "Utopia,"
at skrive om det i sin bog "Utopia"
the spectrum from the left to the right,
spektret fra venstre til højre,
Martin Luther King,
Martin Luther KIng,
for your basic needs:
der dækker dine basale behov:
what you have to do for it,
hvad du skal yde for den,
what you have to do with it.
hvad du skal bruge den til.
is not a favor, but a right.
en gave, men en rettighed.
nature of poverty,
fattigdommens sande natur,
we've all been waiting for?
har ventet på?
about basic income.
all over the globe,
upon a story of a town
en fortælling om en by,
had actually eradicated poverty.
og udryddet fattigdom.
was guaranteed a basic income,
udbetalt en basal indtægt,
below the poverty line.
descended on the town.
was voted into power,
little point to the expensive experiment.
ingen mening i det dyre eksperiment.
no money left to analyze the results,
analysere resultaterne,
their files away in some 2,000 boxes.
papirer ned i 2.000 kasser.
a Canadian professor,
en canadisk professor,
to all manner of statistical analysis,
a resounding success.
had not only become richer
ikke bare var blevet rigere,
improved substantially.
by as much as 8.5 percent.
var op til 8,5% lavere
were new mothers and students --
var nybagte mødre og studerende,
around the globe,
med at være bedrevidende,
pretending we know best.
og bamser til fattige,
and teddy bears to the poor,
industry of paternalistic bureaucrats
hand over their salaries
thing about money
to buy things they need
til at købe ting, de behøver
experts think they need.
som eksperterne tror, de behøver.
and entrepreneurs and writers,
entreprenører og forfattere
talent vi kunne frigøre,
and talent we would unleash
like venture capital for the people.
til at investere mere i dem selv.
in the US, for example.
børnefattigdom i USA.
dollars each year,
dollars om året,
spending, higher dropout rates,
til sundhedspleje,
of human potential.
menneskeligt potentiale.
i rummet".
the elephant in the room.
a basic income guarantee?
til garanteret borgerløn?
than you may think.
end man skulle tro.
with a negative income tax.
negativ indkomstskat.
below the poverty line.
best estimates,
one percent of GDP --
én procent af BNP,
above the poverty line.
op over fattigdomsgrænsen.
and little nudges is past.
for radical new ideas,
than just another policy.
of what work actually is.
eller ingen betydning har.
meaning or significance.
blandt 230.000 lønarbejdere
actually like their job.
holdt af deres job.
as 37 percent of British workers
at 37 % af britiske arbejdere
doesn't even need to exist.
behøver at findes.
hader, for at købe møg, vi ikke behøver."
so we can buy shit we don't need."
and the garbagemen
professionals with excellent résumés
professionelle med strålende CV'er,
add-on of disruptive co-creation
disruptivt samarbejde
talent we're wasting,
they'll have to "earn a living."
skal "tjene til livets opretholdelse".
at Facebook lamented a few years ago:
beklagede sig for få år siden:
to make people click ads."
folk til at klikke på annoncer."
and economy right now.
in the past few years,
may feel pessimistic
at vide hvad man er imod.
to know what we're against.
"I have a nightmare."
"Jeg har et mareridt."
is not determined
to prepare you for another useless job
er at gøre dig klar til et unyttigt job,
without poverty is not a privilege
ikke er et privilegium,
we've got the evidence
vi har beviserne,
first wrote about a basic income,
Thomas More skrev om borgerløn,
discovered the true nature of poverty,
opdagede sandheden om fattigdom,
is not a lack of character.
mangel på karakter.
Rutger Bregman - HistorianRutger Bregman is the author of "Utopia for Realists."
Why you should listen
Rutger Bregman is one of Europe's most prominent young thinkers. The 28-year-old historian and author has published four books on history, philosophy and economics. His book Utopia for Realists -- on universal basic income and other radical ideas -- has been translated in more than 20 languages. His work has been featured in The Washington Post and The Guardian and on the BBC.
Rutger Bregman | Speaker |