Rutger Bregman: Poverty isn't a lack of character; it's a lack of cash
Rutger Bregman: Kurangnya karakter tak menyebabkan kemiskinan; kemiskinan adalah kekurangan uang
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pertanyaan sederhana:
so many poor decisions?
membuat banyak keputusan buruk?
tabungan sedikit,
Prime Minister, Margaret Thatcher.
Perdana Menteri Inggris, Margaret Thatcher
"a personality defect."
sebagai "cacat kepribadian."
would be so blunt.
tak berpikir sedangkal itu.
wrong with the poor themselves
ada yang salah dengan orang miskin
should be held responsible
orang miskin harus bertanggung jawab
help them to make better decisions.
orang miskin dalam pengambilan keputusan.
how to live their lives,
bagaimana menjalani hidup,
that I discovered
about poverty was wrong.
tentang kemiskinan ternyata salah.
stumbled upon a paper
tak sengaja membaca tulisan
all the way to India,
sejauh 13.000 km ke India,
with sugarcane farmers.
dengan para petani tebu.
collect about 60 percent
sekitar 60 persen sekaligus
poor one part of the year
selama kurun waktu tertentu,
an IQ test before and after the harvest.
tes IQ sebelum dan setelah panen.
completely blew my mind.
benar-benar mengejutkan saya.
on the test before the harvest.
sebelum panen.
in poverty, it turns out,
to losing a night's sleep
tidak tidur semalaman,
I heard that Eldar Shafir,
Eldar Shafir,
and one of the authors of this study,
dan salah satu penulis penelitian ini,
new theory of poverty.
yang baru dan revolusioner.
hanya dengan dua kata:
behave differently
doesn't much matter --
money or food.
makan siang
to your immediate lack --
ke hal-hal berjangka pendek --
in five minutes
to be paid tomorrow.
goes out the window.
menjadi terbengkalai.
dengan komputer baru
10 program berat sekaligus.
dan bermasalah,
yang dikerjakan sekaligus.
because they are dumb,
bukan karena mereka bodoh,
keputusan bodoh.
programs don't work.
tak berjalan.
are often completely ineffective.
seringkali tak efektif.
kurang pengetahuan.
of money-management training
pelatihan mengatur uang
that it has almost no effect at all.
kurang berhasil.
don't learn anything --
tak belajar apa pun --
seseorang berenang
ke laut berbadai."
this all out decades ago.
diselesaikan sejak dulu.
any complicated brain scans;
melakukan penelitian otak yang rumit;
mengukur IQ para petani,
more that 100 years ago.
lebih dari 100 tahun yang lalu.
the psychology of poverty before.
tentang psikologi kemiskinan.
writers who ever lived,
sepanjang masa,
firsthand in the 1920s.
kemiskinan pada tahun 1920-an.
he wrote back then,
tulisnya dulu,
"membinasakan masa depan."
they have the right to preach at you
mereka berhak berceramah
below a certain level."
jatuh ke angka tertentu."
as resonant today.
di zaman sekarang.
a few solutions up their sleeves.
punya beberapa solusi.
with their paperwork
mengisi dokumen
to remind them to pay their bills.
agar membayar iuran mereka.
with modern politicians,
di kalangan politikus modern,
a symbol of this era
menyimbolkan zaman sekarang
in which the poor live?
kehidupan orang miskin?
with the software
perangkat lunaknya
by installing some extra memory instead?
dengan memasang memori tambahan?
responded with a blank look.
merespons dengan tatapan kosong.
more money to the poor
kepada orang miskin
of left-wing politics
politik sayap kiri semacam itu,
an old-fashioned, leftist idea?
ide sayap kiri yang kuno?
wacana kuno --
by some of history's leading thinkers.
beberapa filsuf sejarah terkemuka.
first hinted at it in his book, "Utopia,"
menulis di bukunya, "Utopia,"
the spectrum from the left to the right,
pihak sayap kiri hingga kanan,
Martin Luther King,
Martin Luther King,
for your basic needs:
membayar kebutuhan pokok:
what you have to do for it,
what you have to do with it.
Anda mau habiskan untuk apa.
is not a favor, but a right.
bukan bantuan, tetapi hak.
nature of poverty,
ciri-ciri kemiskinan yang sejati,
we've all been waiting for?
yang kita semua nantikan?
about basic income.
mengenai pendapatan dasar.
all over the globe,
upon a story of a town
saya membaca kisah sebuah kota
had actually eradicated poverty.
was guaranteed a basic income,
diberi jaminan pendapatan dasar,
below the poverty line.
ke dalam garis kemiskinan.
descended on the town.
menetap di kota itu.
semua baik-baik saja.
was voted into power,
little point to the expensive experiment.
eksperimen mahal itu tak bermanfaat.
no money left to analyze the results,
untuk menganalisis hasilnya,
their files away in some 2,000 boxes.
berkas mereka ke dalam 2.000 kotak.
a Canadian professor,
seorang profesor Kanada,
to all manner of statistical analysis,
data itu dengan berbagai statistik,
a resounding success.
suatu kesuksesan yang besar.
had not only become richer
menjadi lebih kaya,
improved substantially.
meningkat tajam.
by as much as 8.5 percent.
menurun hingga 8,5 persen.
masalah kesehatan jiwa.
tak berhenti dari pekerjaan.
were new mothers and students --
adalah ibu baru dan para murid --
lebih tinggi.
around the globe,
di seluruh penjuru dunia,
pretending we know best.
berpura-pura bahwa kita tahu yang terbaik.
and teddy bears to the poor,
dan boneka untuk orang miskin,
industry of paternalistic bureaucrats
para birokrat yang "peduli",
hand over their salaries
gaji mereka disalurkan
yang butuh bantuan.
thing about money
to buy things they need
experts think they need.
para ahli gadungan.
and entrepreneurs and writers,
dan penulis yang brilian,
and talent we would unleash
yang bisa kita lahirkan
kemiskinan untuk selama-lamanya.
like venture capital for the people.
berfungsi layaknya modal ventura.
in the US, for example.
untuk anak-anak di US.
dollars each year,
dihabiskan tiap tahunnya,
spending, higher dropout rates,
angka putus sekolah yang lebih tinggi,
of human potential.
the elephant in the room.
masalah pokoknya saja.
a basic income guarantee?
jaminan pendapatan dasar?
than you may think.
dari yang Anda pikirkan.
with a negative income tax.
dengan pajak pendapatan negatif.
akan ditambah
below the poverty line.
di bawah garis kemiskinan.
best estimates,
para ahli ekonomi,
one percent of GDP --
satu persen dari PDB --
above the poverty line.
Amerika dari garis kemiskinan.
and little nudges is past.
memikirkan ide-ide kecil.
for radical new ideas,
ide baru yang radikal telah tiba,
than just another policy.
jauh lebih dari sekadar kebijakan.
of what work actually is.
fungsi pekerjaan.
meaning or significance.
tak begitu berarti atau berguna.
terhadap 230.000 karyawan
actually like their job.
suka pekerjaan mereka.
as 37 percent of British workers
sebanyak 37 persen pekerja di Inggris
doesn't even need to exist.
menurut mereka tak perlu ada.
so we can buy shit we don't need."
demi membeli hal-hal tak berguna."
and the garbagemen
para guru, tukang sampah
professionals with excellent résumés
bergaji dan berprestasi tinggi
dengan mengadakan
berbagai pihak
add-on of disruptive co-creation
apa gunanya mempertemukan mereka
talent we're wasting,
bakat yang kita sia-siakan,
they'll have to "earn a living."
anak-anak kita agar "bekerja demi hidup."
at Facebook lamented a few years ago:
yang bekerja di Facebook:
to make people click ads."
agar orang mengeklik iklan."
and economy right now.
masyarakat dan ekonomi kita saat ini.
in the past few years,
beberapa tahun belakangan ini,
mengandalkan status quo --
may feel pessimistic
mungkin merasa pesimis
yang semakin bertumbuh,
to know what we're against.
mendukung sesuatu.
"I have a nightmare."
"Saya punya mimpi buruk."
is not determined
tak ditentukan
to prepare you for another useless job
diri untuk pekerjaan tak berguna
without poverty is not a privilege
bukan merupakan hak istimewa,
we've got the evidence
first wrote about a basic income,
menulis tentang pendapatan dasar,
discovered the true nature of poverty,
menulis ciri-ciri kemiskinan yang sejati.
pandangan dunia kita,
is not a lack of character.
tak menyebabkan kemiskinan.
Rutger Bregman - HistorianRutger Bregman is the author of "Utopia for Realists."
Why you should listen
Rutger Bregman is one of Europe's most prominent young thinkers. The 28-year-old historian and author has published four books on history, philosophy and economics. His book Utopia for Realists -- on universal basic income and other radical ideas -- has been translated in more than 20 languages. His work has been featured in The Washington Post and The Guardian and on the BBC.
Rutger Bregman | Speaker |