Rutger Bregman: Poverty isn't a lack of character; it's a lack of cash
Rutger Bregman: Siromaštvo nije nedostatak karaktera, već nedostatak novca
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so many poor decisions?
toliko loših odluka?
Prime Minister, Margaret Thatcher.
britanska premijerka, Margaret Thatcher.
"a personality defect."
would be so blunt.
koji biste bili toliko izravni.
wrong with the poor themselves
nije u redu sa siromašnima
should be held responsible
da bi siromašni trebali biti odgovorni
help them to make better decisions.
trebali pomoći da donose bolje odluke.
kako da žive svoje živote,
how to live their lives,
that I discovered
about poverty was wrong.
o siromaštvu -- pogrešno.
stumbled upon a paper
nabasao na stručni rad
all the way to India,
13.000 kilometara, sve do Indije,
with sugarcane farmers.
s uzgajivačima šećerne trske.
collect about 60 percent
da ovi zemljoradnici prikupe oko 60%
poor one part of the year
relativno siromašni,
an IQ test before and after the harvest.
test inteligencije prije i poslije žetve.
completely blew my mind.
potpuno me raspametilo.
on the test before the harvest.
mnogo slabije rezultate na testu.
in poverty, it turns out,
ispostavilo se,
kvocijenta inteligencije.
to losing a night's sleep
čuo sam da Eldar Shafir,
I heard that Eldar Shafir,
and one of the authors of this study,
jedan od autora ovog istraživanja,
revolucionarnoj teoriji siromaštva.
new theory of poverty.
behave differently
doesn't much matter --
money or food.
novca ili hrane.
to your immediate lack --
na trenutni nedostatak,
in five minutes
to be paid tomorrow.
goes out the window.
nestaje s vidika.
deset zahtjevnih programa.
previše toga za obaviti odjednom.
because they are dumb,
zato što su glupi,
programs don't work.
protiv siromaštva ne funkcionira.
are often completely ineffective.
često su potpuno nedjelotvorna.
of money-management training
that it has almost no effect at all.
da obuka nije imala skoro nikakav učinak.
don't learn anything --
this all out decades ago.
desetljećima ranije.
nikakva složena skeniranja mozga;
any complicated brain scans;
prije više od 100 godina.
more that 100 years ago.
the psychology of poverty before.
o psihologiji siromaštva.
writers who ever lived,
pisaca koji je ikada postojao,
firsthand in the 1920s.
siromaštvo 1920-ih.
he wrote back then,
da vam mogu držati prodike
they have the right to preach at you
čim vam prihodi padnu
below a certain level."
as resonant today.
nekoliko rješenja na raspolaganju.
a few solutions up their sleeves.
s papirologijom,
with their paperwork
kao podsjetnik da plate račune.
to remind them to pay their bills.
with modern politicians,
kod suvremenih političara,
a symbol of this era
simbol našeg doba,
in which the poor live?
u kojem siromašni žive?
računalnu analogiju:
with the software
by installing some extra memory instead?
instaliranjem dodatne memorije?
responded with a blank look.
je odgovorio praznim pogledom.
more money to the poor
više novca siromašnima
of left-wing politics
ljevičarske politike
an old-fashioned, leftist idea?
staromodna, ljevičarska ideja?
o nekom starom planu,
neki od vodećih povijesnih mislioca.
by some of history's leading thinkers.
first hinted at it in his book, "Utopia,"
nagovjestio u svojoj knjizi "Utopija",
the spectrum from the left to the right,
čitavim spektrom, od lijevog do desnog,
Martin Luther King,
Martina Luthera Kinga,
jednostavnoj ideji:
dovoljan da platite osnovno:
for your basic needs:
što morate učiniti za to,
what you have to do for it,
što da radite s tim.
what you have to do with it.
is not a favor, but a right.
nature of poverty,
pravu prirodu siromaštva,
we've all been waiting for?
o osnovnom prihodu.
about basic income.
all over the globe,
na priču o gradiću koji je uspio,
upon a story of a town
had actually eradicated poverty.
was guaranteed a basic income,
bio je zajamčen osnovni prihod,
below the poverty line.
ispod granice siromaštva.
descended on the town.
was voted into power,
little point to the expensive experiment.
mnogo smisla u skupom eksperimentu.
no money left to analyze the results,
preostalo novca za analizu rezultata,
their files away in some 2,000 boxes.
svoje dokumente u nekih 2.000 kutija.
a Canadian professor,
kanadska profesorica,
to all manner of statistical analysis,
svim tipovima statističke analize
a resounding success.
ne samo postali bogatiji,
had not only become richer
se značajno popravio.
improved substantially.
by as much as 8.5 percent.
smanjila se za skoro 8,5%.
were new mothers and students --
bili su novopečene majke i učenici,
around the globe,
diljem svijeta,
pretending we know best.
praviti se da najbolje znamo.
cipele i igračke siromašnima,
and teddy bears to the poor,
industry of paternalistic bureaucrats
količine pokroviteljskih birokrata,
hand over their salaries
thing about money
ono što im stvarno treba,
to buy things they need
experts think they need.
"stručnjaci" misle da im treba.
and entrepreneurs and writers,
znanstvenika, poduzetnika i pisaca,
i talenta bismo oslobodili,
and talent we would unleash
jednom i zauvijek.
like venture capital for the people.
bio poput rizičnog kapitala za ljude.
da ga ne usvojimo,
in the US, for example.
troškove dječjeg siromaštva u SAD-u.
dollars each year,
dolara godišnje,
većih stopa ispisivanja iz škole
spending, higher dropout rates,
of human potential.
ljudskog potencijala.
the elephant in the room.
što je ovdje očito.
a basic income guarantee?
zajamčen osnovni prihod?
than you may think.
nego što biste pomislili.
with a negative income tax.
putem negativnog poreza na prihod.
below the poverty line.
best estimates,
naših ekonomista,
one percent of GDP --
vojske SAD-a, ili 1% BDP-a,
above the poverty line.
Amerikance iznad granice siromaštva.
iskorijeniti siromaštvo.
i male pomake je prošlo.
and little nudges is past.
for radical new ideas,
za radikalno nove ideje,
than just another policy.
od samo još jedne uredbe zakona.
of what work actually is.
toga šta je zaista posao.
nekakvog smisla ili značaja.
meaning or significance.
actually like their job.
zapravo voli svoj posao.
as 37 percent of British workers
da gotovo 37% britanskih radnika
doesn't even need to exist.
da ne treba ni postojati.
rekao u "Klubu boraca",
radi kupovanja gluposti koje ne trebamo."
so we can buy shit we don't need."
and the garbagemen
o nastavnicima, čistačima
professionals with excellent résumés
profesionalcima s odličnim životopisima,
prekinute kokreacije
add-on of disruptive co-creation
talent we're wasting,
koliko talenta bacamo u vjetar,
they'll have to "earn a living."
da će morati "zarađivati za život."
at Facebook lamented a few years ago:
genija iz Facebook-a prije par godina:
to make people click ads."
da klikaju na oglase."
and economy right now.
postavili društvo i ekonomiju.
i mijenjaju svijet.
in the past few years,
u proteklih nekoliko godina
may feel pessimistic
možda osjećaju pesimistično
protiv čega smo.
to know what we're against.
"Imam noćnu moru."
"I have a nightmare."
is not determined
nije određena
da vas pripremi za novi beskoristan posao,
to prepare you for another useless job
without poverty is not a privilege
nije privilegija,
we've got the evidence
Thomas More prvi pisao o osnovnom prihodu
first wrote about a basic income,
discovered the true nature of poverty,
otkrio istinsku prirodu siromaštva,
svoj pogled na svijet,
is not a lack of character.
Rutger Bregman - HistorianRutger Bregman is the author of "Utopia for Realists."
Why you should listen
Rutger Bregman is one of Europe's most prominent young thinkers. The 28-year-old historian and author has published four books on history, philosophy and economics. His book Utopia for Realists -- on universal basic income and other radical ideas -- has been translated in more than 20 languages. His work has been featured in The Washington Post and The Guardian and on the BBC.
Rutger Bregman | Speaker |