Peggy Orenstein: What young women believe about their own sexual pleasure
Peggy Orenstein: Mida tähendab noorte naiste jaoks seksuaalne nauding?
In her groundbreaking book Girls & Sex, Peggy Orenstein explores the changing landscape of modern sexual expectations and its troubling impact on adolescents and young women. Full bio
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about sexual assault on campus.
seksuaalvägivald ülikoolilinnakutes.
understand the ground rules for consent,
about sex is ending.
seksist rääkides ei jõuta.
meediast ja internetist
mitte meie käest.
to engage safely, ethically,
oleksid turvalised, eetilised
about what happens after "yes,"
rääkida ausalt sellest,
kui nõusolek on antud,
seni suurimast tabuteemast,
the biggest taboo of all
and entitlement to sexual pleasure.
talking to girls ages 15 to 20
15-20 aastastele neiudega
and experience of sex.
kogemustest seksi vallas.
entitled to engage in sexual behavior,
feel entitled to enjoy it.
et neil on õigus seda nautida.
ülikooli rebane mulle ütles:
at the Ivy League college
targad ja tugevad naised.
of smart, strong women.
välja, see on meie naiselik tugevus.”
and that's our form of feminine power."
to describe her sex life to me:
ega ka eriti nauditavad.
sellisteks malbeteks olevusteks,
to be these docile creatures
what a smart, strong woman you are?"
ja tugev naine sa oled.”
strong image applies to sex."
kuvand kehtib ka seksi osas.”
that despite the hype,
teismelised seksuaaleluga
more often or at a younger age
kui 25 aastat tagasi.
engaging in other behavior.
riskantset ja alandavat käitumist.
to risky behavior and disrespect.
to be less intimate than intercourse.
vähem intiimne kui vahekord.
sama kasutusjuhist,
the same instruction manual --
were on the receiving end.
on kasusaaja osas.
kaasa erinevatel põhjustel.
of reasons for participating.
mainet sõprade seas,
to get out of an uncomfortable situation.
ebameeldivast olukorrast.
esmakursuslane selgitas mulle:
college said to me,
at the end of the night
want to have sex with him,
of girls performing one-sided oral sex
nõustuvad ühepoolselt suuseksiga,
kui jääd kutiga kahekesi,
you were alone with a guy,
a glass of water from the kitchen,
poisid kunagi ei taha.
that boys didn't want to.
tahtnud, et poisid seda teeksid.
around their genitals.
oma suguelundite osas.
simultaneously icky and sacred.
to their enjoyment of sex.
a researcher at Indiana University,
Debby Herbenick on leidnud,
self-image is under siege,
peetaks millekski ebasobivaks.
in their natural state.
eemaldavad kõik oma häbemekarvad,
remove their pubic hair -- all of it --
seda regulaarselt.
karvadeta puhtam tunne,
made them feel cleaner,
if left alone on a desert island,
et omaette üksikul saarel
choose to spend their time.
would be disgusted by it,"
niimoodi räägitakse.”
talked about like that."
meelde 1920ndaid aastaid,
reminded me of the 1920s,
kaenla alt ja jalgadelt karvu ära ajama.
shaving their armpits and their legs.
kleidid hakkasid moodi minema
came into style,
said äkitselt kõigile nähtavaks.
that this too is a sign.
et see oli omamoodi märguandeks,
olid nüüd kõigile vaatamiseks väljas,
is open to public scrutiny,
how it looks to someone else
mis mulje teistele jäetakse
uus mood - häbememokkade plastika.
another rise in labiaplasty.
häbememokkade korrigeerimist.
of the inner and outer labia,
koguv iluoperatsioon
surgery among teenage girls.
operatsioonide arv 80%.
tehakse alla 18-aastastel 2%,
two percent of all cosmetic surgeries,
on alla 18-aastaseid 5%.
häbememokkade kuju on selline,
appear fused like a clam shell,
ümber sisemiste, nagu merikarp,
Ameerika naistearstidele sedavõrd muret,
has become so worrisome
of Obstetricians and Gynecologists
armistumine, tuimus, valulikkus
include scarring, numbness, pain
is still quite small,
as canaries in a coal mine,
about the way girls see their bodies.
Ülikooli psühholoog
at the University of Michigan,
äärmiselt tabava nimetuse:
in talking about all of this:
ühiskondlik kui ka isiklik tähendus,
as well as personal implications,
the dishes in your house,
issues about inequality,
mis on seotud ebavõrdse kohtlemise,
vaimse ja füüsilise tervisega.
to engage in an experience.
define "good enough"?
jaoks “piisavalt hea”.
väga keerulised ja teinekord valusad,
are tricky and sometimes traumatic
et nende esmased seksuaalkogemused
that their early sexual experience
millest tuleb lihtsalt üle saada.
something that they get over.
were more likely than young men
sagedamini kui noormeestel
as a measure of their satisfaction.
hoopis partneri nauding.
their satisfaction by their own orgasm.
ka halba seksi teisiti.
bad sex differently.
on American sexual behavior,
seksuaalkäitumise osas tehtud,
in their sexual encounters
on naisele valusad.
on nad seksiga sama rahul
report sexual satisfaction levels
or greater than young men's --
hoping that it won't hurt,
lootes, et see ei ole valus,
if those criteria are met.
kui soovitakse partneriga lähedust
to feel close to your partner,
measure of an experience ...
for your own sexual fulfillment.
latt küll väga madalale seatud.
ja selle üle järele mõtlen,
and thinking about it,
a kind of psychological clitoridectomy
rohkem kõiki nende kehaosi,
to name all their body parts,
"here's your pee-pee."
go right from navel to knees,
naba juurest otse põlvede juurde
situation in here unnamed.
to make something unspeakable
kus lastele õpetatakse,
their puberty education classes
have erections and ejaculations,
naise reproduktiivorganitest,
of a woman's reproductive system --
kind of like a steer head --
teismelistest tüdrukutest
of teenage girls age 14 to 17
into their partnered experience
they'll think sex is about them,
et seks on ka nende jaoks,
their needs, their desires, their limits.
oma vajadusi, soove ja piire.
in their partner's pleasure remains
palju orgasmi, kui mehed.
at the same rate as men.
tüdrukutelt kuulsin,
to get off the script --
teha seda teistmoodi,
that worked for them.
nagu see neile hea tundus.
the idea of first intercourse
esimene vahekord
kas see üks akt,
why we consider this one act,
seostub valu või ebameeldivusega,
with discomfort or pain,
of sexual adulthood --
than anything else.
muutuse kui miski muu.
kas see on tüdrukute huvides,
how this is serving girls;
safer from disease,
mutuality and caring;
they see other sex acts;
seksuaalsuse väljenduste kontekstis?
teismeliste geide jaoks,
et oldaks heteroseksuaalses vahekorras.
without heterosexual intercourse.
sa ei ole enam süütu?”
you weren't a virgin anymore?"
olnud enam süütu siis,
that she wasn't a virgin anymore
oma esimese orgasmi.
her first orgasm with a partner.
poleks suur asi,
intercourse isn't a big deal --
seksist kui võidujooksust finiši suunas,
as a race to a goal,
as a pool of experiences
kui elamuste ja kogemuste allikast,
iha, puudutusi ja lähedust.
seksuaalselt kogenum,
experienced person?
with a partner for three hours
erinevate võimalustega
tension and communication,
and hooks up with a random
before they get to college?
enne ülikooli minekut.
in thinking can happen though
more about sex --
muutuvad tavaliseks,
igapäevaselt rääkida,
in a different way --
intiimsetesse vahekordadesse,
avalikkuses kõneldakse.
about women in the public realm.
läbi 300 tüdruku hulgas
of 300 randomly chosen girls
varajastest seksuaalkogemustest.
experience of sex.
tahame, et meilgi oleks.
we say we want from our girls.
with their partner,
that their doctors, teachers and parents
et arstid, õpetajad ja vanemad
and the importance of mutual trust.
kui tähtis on vastastikkune usaldus.
less comfortable talking about sex,
seksist rääkimine midagi ebamugavat,
seda, et vastutus ja nauding
about balancing responsibility and joy.
uuringu peale sattunud,
rasestumisvastastest vahenditest,
about contraception,
meie tüdrukutel oleks vaja.
nende jaoks enda tundmise allikas,
as a source of self-knowledge,
kehast rõõmu tunda,
to revel in their bodies' sensuality
vaid füüsilisele kestale.
mis neile voodis meeldib,
to ask for what they want in bed,
kaitstud soovimatu raseduse,
from unwanted pregnancy,
abi ja toetust koolist,
from their schools,
ja aktivistidena
advocates and activists,
põlvkonna, kes seisavad enda eest
of girls to have a voice,
treatment in the home,
that intimate justice
et intiimne õiglus kehtiks
Peggy Orenstein - Journalist, authorIn her groundbreaking book Girls & Sex, Peggy Orenstein explores the changing landscape of modern sexual expectations and its troubling impact on adolescents and young women.
Why you should listen
From her pioneering book Schoolgirls to her latest, Girls & Sex, author Peggy Orenstein interviewed young women across the country, mapping the terrain of adolescent female sexuality and gender expectations. Her interviews reveal an uncomfortable truth: although women may display self-confidence in public society, their knowledge of their own sexuality has plummeted, resulting in a “psychological clitoridectomy.”
In addition to her bestselling books, Orenstein writes for New York Times Magazine, comments for NPR and was recognized by the Columbia Journalism Review as among its “40 women who changed the media business in the past 40 years.”
Peggy Orenstein | Speaker |