Enrique Peñalosa: Why buses represent democracy in action
Enrique Peñalosa: Zergaitik autobusek martxan den demokrazia azaltzen duten
Enrique Peñalosa is the mayor of Bogotá, Colombia. He advocates for sustainability and mobility in the cities of the future. Full bio
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edo etxebizitzarekin gertatzen ez den bezala
lotutako gauza bat baino,
herrialdeetako desberdintasunek
most of society's resources.
beste batzuek hondoa jo.
eskubidea du errepidean.
more road space than a car,
leku gehiagorako eskubidea duela kontuan hartuz,
zituen sistema bat aplikatu genuen.
in order to make buses sexier.
democratic symbol, because as buses zoom by,
ez aurrera eta ez atzera geratzen direlako.
demokrazia baten marrazkia da.
eraman ahal izateko modu bakarra dira
garapen bidean dauden hirietan.
baino bidaiari gehiago mugitzen ditu,
autobusentzat lekua lortzeko soilik,
nahiko alferrikako goi-pasabide bat egin zuten,
are more important than cars.
ez dute autoek baino garrantzi handiagorik.
islatu beharko luke.
erakusten duen hiri bat sortzea.
and political issue anywhere
bada gai ideologiko eta politiko garrantzitsu bat,
petrolioa edo diamanteak aurki ditzake
errepideetako lekua bezain garrantzitsua.
for developing country cities.
garapen bidean dauden herrialdeekin bakarrik.
Britainia Handian, Frantzian eta Kanadan dauden
liratekeen batzuk sor daitezkeela.
mintzatzen ikasten ari den 3 urteko haur bati
less than 100 years.
modu seguruan ibili ahalko lukete,
hiriaz gozatzeko modua aldatzen du.
auzo txiroenetariko batean
of the very poor neighborhoods,
bizikletentzako dugun erraila, eta
erraila asfaltatu nahiko nukeela,
in those neighborhoods don't have cars.
zantzu bat besterik ez da,
which would solve mobility,
herrialdeetan dagoen erronka zail hori,
autobusentzako errailak lirateke;
nire ametsetan bezain ona.
arazo handi bat dute auzo txiroetan.
have a large problem of slums.
legez kanpoko asentatzeak ziren hasieran.
zera gomendatuko nieke
oraindik urbanizatzeko dauden herrialdeei
%33ko hiri populazioa duelarik,
all land around cities.
Enrique Peñalosa - Colombian politician, urban activistEnrique Peñalosa is the mayor of Bogotá, Colombia. He advocates for sustainability and mobility in the cities of the future.
Why you should listen
Enrique Peñalosa sees urban transportation not as a matter of convenience and economics but as a matter of justice, of equality for every resident. In his own city of Bogotá, Colombia, where he served as mayor from 1998 to 2001 before being elected again in 2015, he proudly says that more than 350 km of protected bicycle ways have been created.
Peñalosa has worked as a consultant on urban strategy, advising officials in cities all over the world on how to build a sustainable cities that can not only survive but thrive in the future. He was president of the board of directors of the Institute for Transportation and Development Policy, an organization promoting sustainable and equitable transportation worldwide.
Enrique Peñalosa | Speaker | TED.com