Naomi Klein: How shocking events can spark positive change
Naomi Klein: Kako šokantni događaji mogu aktivirati pozitivnu promjenu
Naomi Klein is a public intellectual, journalist and activist. Full bio
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puzzling over and writing about
i o kojem sam pisala
kao odrasle osobe.
to change and evolve
da se promijenimo i evoluiramo,
I'm talking about are big --
rising fascism,
rastući fašizam,
that poisons on a massive scale.
trovanje masivnih razmjera.
can act like a collective alarm bell.
mogu djelovati kao kolektivni alarm.
we get organized.
i organiziramo se.
that was previously unimaginable.
koja je prije bila nezamisliva.
walking, but leaping.
korakom, nego u skokovima.
seems to be busted.
naš kolektivni alarm pokvaren.
we often fall apart, regress
često se raspadamo, nazadujemo
for antidemocratic forces
antidemokratske sile
to become more unequal and more unstable.
k još većoj nejednakosti i nestabilnosti.
about this backwards process
o tom procesu nazadovanja
we navigate through crisis?
ćemo krenuti u vrijeme krize?
and find those strengths
i pronaći tu snagu,
a pressing question these days.
u današnje vrijeme.
pretty shocking out there.
threatening to devour them,
koji prijete da ih proždru,
disappearing beneath the waves.
there are torches in the streets.
gore baklje na ulicama.
of people who are sounding the alarm.
koji dižu alarm i upozoravaju na opasnost.
I don't think we can honestly say
mislim da ne možemo iskreno reći
with anything like the urgency
demand from us.
zahtijevaju od nas.
to catalyze a kind of evolutionary leap.
bude katalizator evolucijskog skoka.
of this progressive power of crisis
za tu progresivnu snagu krize
of the sudden market collapse
došlo je do šoka
thrown onto breadlines.
natjerani su u redove za kruh.
that the system itself was broken.
da je sam sustav propao.
and they leapt into action.
i smjesta krenuli u akciju.
governments began to weave a safety net
vlade su počele plesti sigurnosne mreže,
like social security to catch people.
socijalnog osiguranja da prihvate ljude.
public investments
kojima su stvorena nova radna mjesta
i transportu.
of aggressive regulation
immigrants and women
imigranti i žene
of allied nations and economies
savezničkih država i ekonomije
for complex societies
da se kompleksna društva
in the face of a collective threat.
suočena s kolektivnom prijetnjom.
of the 1929 Crash,
o Slomu 1929. godine,
that it follows --
and it induced a wake-up call
koji je potaknuo poziv na buđenje,
na sigurnije mjesto.
to climate change.
klimatskim promjenama.
complete recipe for deep transformation
cjelovitiji recept za duboku promjenu,
on two key ingredients
of the history books.
iz povijesnih knjiga.
the other with organization.
drugi s organizacijom.
between the two
međusobnom djelovanju
didn't happen just because suddenly
samo zato jer su odjednom
the brutalities of laissez-faire.
'pustiti da sve ide svojim tokom'.
of tremendous ideological ferment,
ogromnih ideoloških previranja,
about how to organize societies
o tome kako organizirati društvo
in the public square.
sanjati velike snove
along radically egalitarian lines.
radikalno egalitarističkim pravcima.
of explosive imagining.
demanding change
koji su tražili promjenu
crushing poverty, widening inequality --
poraznog siromaštva, širenja nejednakosti,
they knew what they were for.
znali su za što se bore.
and they had their "yes," too.
models of political organization
modele političke organizacije
socijalni i radnički pokreti
their membership bases,
and increasing their strength.
i jačajući svoju snagu.
the Crash happened,
kad se dogodio Slom,
that was large and broad enough
koji je bio dovoljno velik i širok
that didn't just shut down factories,
koji nisu samo obustavljali rad tvornica,
were actually offered as compromises.
bile su zapravo ponuđene kao kompromisi.
seemed to be revolution.
da je alternativa revolucija.
that equation from earlier.
onu raniju jednadžbu.
plus utopijska imaginacija,
stoji naš sadašnji trenutak?
of extraordinary political engagements.
izuzetnih političkih borbi.
and resisting with tremendous courage.
i odupiru se golemom hrabrošću.
that "no" is not enough.
da "ne" nije dovoljno.
out there that are emerging.
koji se pojavljuju tamo vani.
a lot bolder quickly.
sve odvažniji.
used to talk about changing light bulbs,
prije govorili o mijenjanju žarulja,
for 100 percent of our energy
by police violence against black bodies
nad crnim tijelima
to militarized police, mass incarceration
policije, masovno hapšenje,
opposing tuition increases,
povećanju školarina,
do Velike Britanije
and debt cancellation.
i poništenje dugova.
and universalist vision
i sveobuhvatne vizije
than our predecessors had.
kakvog su imali naši preci.
we think about political change
u današnje vrijeme.
inequality in another,
nejednakost u drugom,
in a couple of other boxes,
u nekoliko drugih odjeljaka,
of different groups and NGOs,
i nevladinih organizacija,
for credit, name recognition
za priznanje, prepoznatljivo ime
a lot like corporate brands.
kao korporativni brendovi.
as the problem of silos.
problem organizacijskih silosa.
into manageable chunks.
na lako obradive blokove.
da se osjećamo manje shrvani.
they also train our brains to tune out
treniraju naš mozak da se isključi
needs our help and support.
treba našu pomoć i podršku.
glaring connections between our issues.
očiglednu povezanost naših problema.
poverty and inequality
protiv siromaštva i nejednakosti
to extreme weather.
ekstremnih vremenskih uvjeta.
rarely talk about war and occupation.
rijetko govore o ratu i okupaciji,
that the thirst for fossil fuels
has gotten better at pointing out
popravio se ističući
hit hardest by climate change
pogađaju klimatske promjene,
by black and brown people.
crnim i smeđim narodima.
are treated as disposable
kao jednokratna roba
when they emerge,
kada se pojave,
of demands that I was mentioning earlier,
listu zahtjeva koje sam prije spomenula,
of the world we're fighting for.
za koji se borimo.
and most of all, what its core values are.
svega, koje su mu temeljne vrijednosti.
krize velikih razmjera
to leap somewhere safer,
da skočimo nekamo na sigurno,
on what that place is.
o tome koje je to mjesto.
of conversations and experiments going on
i eksperimenti su u tijeku,
that are holding us back.
te podijeljenosti koje nas zadržavaju.
by talking about one of them.
govoreći o jednoj od njih.
a group of us in Canada
grupa nas u Kanadi
in our various silos.
u našim različitim silosima.
in a room for two days,
what bound us together.
što je to što nas povezuje.
who rarely get face to face.
koji su se rijetko sreli licem u lice.
with hipsters working on transit.
i hipstera koji su se bavili prometom.
representing oil workers and loggers.
naftnih radnika i drvosječa.
and feminist icons and many more.
feminističkih ikona i mnogih drugih.
a pretty ambitious assignment:
describing the world after we win.
opisivati svijet nakon što pobijedimo.
made the transition to a clean economy
prešli na čistu ekonomiju
about what will happen if we don't act,
onime što će se dogoditi ako ne djelujemo,
with what could happen if we did act.
što bi se moglo dogoditi ako djelujemo.
in small increments.
be the enemy of the good.
da savršeno bude neprijatelj dobra.
and we called it "The Leap."
that agreeing on our common "yes"
o našem zajedničkom "da"
of a lot of painful history
permission to dream,
much of our work became self-evident.
onoga što radimo, postale su očigledne.
to work more than 50 hours a week,
da rade više od 50 sati tjedno,
this epidemic of despair
profits and endless growth
i beskonačnim rastom
of our ecological crisis
što moramo učiniti.
a culture of care-taking.
and nowhere is thrown away.
and every ecosystem is foundational.
i svakog ekosustava čini temelj.
the whole thing to you out loud --
cijelu stvar ovdje naglas -
you can read it at
pročitati na
of what we came up with.
onoga što smo smislili.
renewable economy in a hurry,
obnovljivu ekonomiju, žurno.
on a guaranteed annual income,
godišnjem dohotku,
novca iz politike,
electoral reform and more.
izbornu reformu i još mnogo toga.
is that a great many of us
da velika većina nas
less like brands and more like movements.
kao pokreti, a ne kao brendovi.
to spread far and wide.
nadaleko i naširoko.
that there is this hierarchy of crisis,
da postoji ta hijerarhija krize
to prioritize one struggle over another
jednoj borbi u odnosu na drugu
has been picked up around the world
The Leap je prihvaćen širom svijeta,
in cities like Los Angeles,
u gradovima poput Los Angelesa,
that are traditionally very conservative,
koje su tradicionalno vrlo konzervativne,
the vast majority of people.
veliku većinu ljudi.
shocks and disasters for two decades.
i katastrofe tijekom 20 godina.
and capacity that we never knew we had.
kapacitete koje nismo ni znali da imamo.
that fill us with dread today
ispunjavaju strahom,
transform the world for the better.
mogu promijeniti svijet nabolje.
that we're fighting for.
za koji se borimo.
is going off simultaneously.
zvoni istovremeno.
Naomi Klein - Journalist, activistNaomi Klein is a public intellectual, journalist and activist.
Why you should listen
In her first book, No Logo: Taking Aim at the Brand Bullies, Naomi Klein made a strong case against the takeover of public life by global corporations and brands. She ended that pre-internet essay suggesting as a counterpoint that everyone could become their own "personal brand." In her most recent book, No Is Not Enough: Resisting Trump's Shock Politics and Winning the World We Need, she analyzes how social media has made the idea of personal branding commonplace -- and how it helped Donald Trump become the first brand-president.
Klein's other books The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism and This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs. The Climate have also energized the global conversation. Klein is a board member of climate-action group and one of the organizers of Canada’s Leap Manifesto, and in 2015 she helped launch Pope Francis’s historic encyclical on ecology. In 2016, she received the Sydney Peace Prize for "inspiring us to stand up locally, nationally and internationally to demand a new agenda for sharing the planet that respects human rights and equality."
Naomi Klein | Speaker |