Rose George: Inside the secret shipping industry
Rose George: Unutar tajne brodarske industrije
Rose George looks deeply into topics that are unseen but fundamental, whether that's sewers or latrines or massive container ships or pirate hostages or menstrual hygiene. Full bio
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malo pokraj Somalske obale
dvije činjenice, pomislila sam:
dogodilo u bilo kojoj drugoj industriji?
in any other industry?
još i više začuđujuća
da ju nisam znala prije
we still depend on shipping.
i dalje ovisimo o brodarstvu.
kao o starinskoj industriji,
bitno koliko je uvijek i bilo.
svjetske trgovine.
učetverostručilo od 1970.
lađa na moru --
reći tako nešto u Singapuru,
trade is carried by sea,
trgovine ide preko mora,
kompanija među njih punom
blizu onih Microsofta.
britanskog admiraliteta --
gospodar zemlje (gazda, op. prev.) --
jet-lagom nego sada.
koje su me iznenadile
posada od samo 21 člana.
brodarstvo vrlo učinkovito.
učinila vrlo učinkovitim.
kojeg sam jednom upoznala,
na kojeg ćete naići
je ili umoran ili iscrpljen,
ono što brodarstvo naziva
rade na kontejnerskim brodovima
u pojedinoj luci.
zdravo za gotovo, Internetu.
iznenadila kad sam se ukrcala na Kendal
when I got on board Kendal
they put me underneath her portrait --
zašto su me smjestili pod njen portret --
u časničkom salonu,
Rumunj, Moldavac, Indijac.
je bio momak iz Kine,
svi su bili Filipinci.
prestalo zapažati,
pod zastavom bilo koje nacije
kopnom zatvorene zemlje
premda ta nije jako popularna.
te vrlo višenarodne,
and into the Indian Ocean,
i u Indijski ocean,
jer odjednom,
kako mi je kapetan rekao,
na kontejnerskom brodu.
544 seafarers being held hostage,
544 pomoraca kao taoca
and the flag of convenience.
i zastave pogodnosti.
of unscrupulous ship owners,
nesavjesnih vlasnika brodova,
neke od zastava pogodnosti.
i pogledate gore na dimnjak,
and they want cheap fuel,
i žele jeftino gorivo,
zvano gorivo iz spremišta,
by someone in the tanker industry
nekog iz industrije tankera
metoda prijevoza.
ugljika po toni po milji,
jer ga ima toliko puno.
about three to four percent,
oko tri li četiri posto,
brodarska ispuštanja
ugljika po zemljama,
kako 15 najvećih brodova
o održivom brodarstvu.
kao o zračnim miljama?
na Cape Cod da vidim
sjevernoatlantskog pravog kita,
jedna od najneočekivanijih stvari
of the most surprising things
i pretjeranog izlova ribe.
tu ima ulogu za odigrati,
habitats of ocean creatures.
staništa oceanskih stvorenja.
the surface of the water,
ispod površine vode,
poput kitova i dupina
propellers make underwater
propeleri stvaraju pod vodom
koju koriste i kitovi,
North Atlantic right whale
sjevernoatlantskog pravog kita
acoustic pollution yet.
koji bi upravljali zvučnim zagađenjem.
didn't want to get off my ship.
nisam htjela sići sa svog broda.
i zabavnog kapetana,
for another five weeks,
za još pet tjedana,
kroz devet mjeseci u komadu
da mi opišu svoj posao,
"dolar za čežnju za domom."
i tegoban život
ovog dijela, dvoumim se,
hvale ili priznanja za to.
who know so little about it,
koja zna toliko malo o njemu,
Rose George - Curious journalistRose George looks deeply into topics that are unseen but fundamental, whether that's sewers or latrines or massive container ships or pirate hostages or menstrual hygiene.
Why you should listen
Rose George thinks, researches, writes and talks about the hidden, the undiscussed. Among the everyone-does-it-no-one-talks-about-it issues she's explored in books and articles: sanitation (and poop in general). Diarrhea is a weapon of mass destruction, says the UK-based journalist and author, and a lack of access to toilets is at the root of our biggest public health crisis. In 2012, two out of five of the world’s population had nowhere sanitary to go.
The key to turning around this problem, says George: Let’s drop the pretense of “water-related diseases” and call out the cause of myriad afflictions around the world as what they are -- “poop-related diseases” that are preventable with a basic toilet. George explores the problem in her book The Big Necessity: The Unmentionable World of Human Waste and Why It Matters and in a fabulous special issue of Colors magazine called "Shit: A Survival Guide." Read a sample chapter of The Big Necessity >>
Her latest book, on an equally hidden world that touches almost everything we do, is Ninety Percent of Everything: Inside Shipping, the Invisible Industry That Puts Clothes on Your Back, Gas in Your Car, Food on Your Plate. Read a review >>
In the UK and elsewhere, you'll find the book titled Deep Sea and Foreign Going: Inside Shipping, the Invisible Industry the Brings You 90% of Everything.
Rose George | Speaker |