Hugh Herr: The new bionics that let us run, climb and dance
Hugh Herr: Nova bionika koja nam dopušta da trčimo, penjemo se i plešemo
At MIT, Hugh Herr builds prosthetic knees, legs and ankles that fuse biomechanics with microprocessors to restore (and perhaps enhance) normal gait, balance and speed. Full bioAdrianne Haslet-Davis - Ballroom dancer
When Adrianne Haslet-Davis lost her left foot in the Boston Marathon bombing, her left leg was amputated to the knee. Less than a year later, she's back on her feet and dancing again. Full bio
Double-click the English transcript below to play the video.
basis of design methodology,
dizajnerske metodologije,
emulate neural processes,
oponašaju živčane procese,
očekivane od prirode.
moje noge su bioničke.
povezana s mojim tijelom
moju tjelesnost.
zbog smrzavanja
kod planinarenja.
specijaliziranih udova
i penjanja po ledu.
umjetni dio moga tijela
koji oblik ili funkciju,
možda možemo načiniti
se mogla ispružiti iza
ili visok koliko sam poželio.
vezano za sebe,
i uglađeno,
implantati omogućuju
potpuni oporavak
regenerativni popravak ljudi
noge funkcioniraju,
cilj ovoga centra.
obrijati sinoć noge,
of extreme interfaces.
ekstremnih sučelja.
uređaje na naše tijelo.
u današnje vrijeme,
stvari na naše tijelo.
egzoskeletne otpore,
potporu i savitljivost,
mojim biološkim tijelom
biomehanike moga tkiva.
za snimanje, poput MR-a
moga tijela,
podatke kombiniramo
represents tissue compliance.
koja predstavlja tkivnu popustljivost.
synthetic skin should be soft,
mekanu sintetsku kožu,
the synthetic skin is stiff,
koristiti krutu sintetsku kožu,
i pametne materijale
SRI International, Kalifornija.
mijenja svoju čvrstoću.
materijal je popustljiv.
tijekom trčanja
pokreću poput mesa i kosti?
proučavamo zdrave ljude
kralježnične moždine?
gležnjeve, koljena i kukove.
od samih temelja.
zovu se BiOM-ovi.
strike, under computer control,
kompjuterskom kontrolom,
bionički ud proizvodi
kako bi podigao osobu
djeluju mišići u području lista.
strane iste žene
normalne mišićne funkcije --
po stepenicama u kući.
izvanredne atletske podvige.
trči po kamenitom putu.
u Afganistanu.
nikakvu invalidnost.
mojih mišića.
mog fantomskog uda,
biološki ud,
modulirali smo
u svom batrljku,
potpunosti proizvedeno
poput mesa i kosti,
opremljena s dva bionička uda.
uopće opisati ovo.
motoričkog poremećaja,
ova ljudska prava
naša ograničenja,
je nastala ova slika
oblik umjetnosti.
odvezao kući u mom autu,
bionički ud
životu i plesu.
na plesnom podiju,
mi da vam predstavim
Enrique Iglesias)
Hugh Herr - Bionics designerAt MIT, Hugh Herr builds prosthetic knees, legs and ankles that fuse biomechanics with microprocessors to restore (and perhaps enhance) normal gait, balance and speed.
Why you should listen
Hugh Herr co-directs the Center for Extreme Bionics at the MIT Media Lab, where he is pioneering a new class of biohybrid smart prostheses and orthoses to improve the quality of life for thousands of people with physical challenges. A powered ankle-foot prosthesis called the Empower by Ottobock, for instance, emulates the action of a biological leg to create a natural gait, allowing persons with amputation to walk with normal levels of speed and metabolism as if their legs were biological.
Herr also advances powerful body exoskeletons that augment human physicality beyond innate physiological levels, enabling humans to walk and run faster with less metabolic energy. He is the co-founder and Chief Scientific Officer of Dephy Inc., which creates products that augment physiological function through electromechanical enhancement.
Hugh Herr | Speaker |
Adrianne Haslet-Davis - Ballroom dancer
When Adrianne Haslet-Davis lost her left foot in the Boston Marathon bombing, her left leg was amputated to the knee. Less than a year later, she's back on her feet and dancing again.
Why you should listen
To ballroom dancer Adrianne Haslet-Davis, dancing was everything. So when she lost her left foot in the April 2013 Boston Marathon bombing, she vowed — from her hospital bed — that she would dance again. Two hundred days later, standing on the TED2014 stage, she did just that. With the help of MIT prostheticist Hugh Herr, Haslet-Davis performed in Vancouver for the first time since the bombing.
Adrianne Haslet-Davis | Speaker |