Rachel Botsman: We've stopped trusting institutions and started trusting strangers
Rachel Botsman: Kako smo prestali vjerovati institucijama i počeli vjerovati strancima
Rachel Botsman is a recognized expert on how collaboration and trust enabled by digital technologies will change the way we live, work, bank and consume. Full bio
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a host or a guest on Airbnb.
ili gost u Airbnb sustavu.
if you've ever used Tinder
ako ste ikad koristili Tinder
because you're kind of going like this.
pokazujete ovako.
unknown people, companies and ideas.
nepoznatim ljudima, poduzećima i idejama.
with a company, I should say --
s poduzećem, rekla bih --
drivers and passengers
long-distance journeys together.
žele uputiti zajedno.
iznosi 320 kilometara,
to choose your fellow travelers wisely.
mudro izabirati suputnike.
help people make a choice.
pomažu ljudima izabrati.
you can see what kind of music they like,
možete vidjeti kakvu vrstu glazbe voli,
their dog along for the ride.
sa sobom povesti i svog psa.
that the key social identifier
to talk in the car.
za vrijeme vožnje.
to stop talking the entire way
that this idea works at all,
ta ideja uopće funkcionira
most of us were taught as a child:
čemu su nas učili u djetinjstvu:
more than four million people
više od četiri milijuna ljudi
that's more passengers
to je više putnika nego
or JetBlue airlines carry.
of how technology is enabling
kako nova tehnologija omogućuje
to take a trust leap.
da naprave korak prema povjerenju.
to do something new or different
riskiramo i činimo nešto novo i drugačije
with his eyes wide open.
širom otvorenih očiju.
velikom crvenom krugu. Vidim vas.
there exists a gap
i nečeg nepoznatog.
someone you've just met.
netko koga ste upravo sreli.
you've never tried before.
do sada još niste isprobali.
iz sigurne zone
or something unknown,
preko jaza,
for our lives to function.
to turn the lights out at night.
who flew me here to keep me safe.
da će mi put avionom biti siguran.
about what it really means
o tome što zaista znači
contexts of our lives.
kontekstima našh života.
hundreds of definitions of trust,
to some kind of risk assessment
neka vrsta procjene rizika
that things will go right.
da će se nešto razviti kako treba.
sound rational and predictable,
kao nešto racionalno i predvidljivo
to the human essence
relationship to the unknown.
povezanost s nepoznatim.
through this lens,
why it has the unique capacity
jednistvenu sposobnost
na kraj s neizvjesnosti,
prepustimo u ruke stranaca
you put your credit card details
kad ste podatke svoje kreditne kartice
prema povjerenju.
da sam rekla svom tati
secondhand Peugeot on eBay,
polovni Peugeot preko eBaya,
was "Invisible Wizard"
"Nevidljvi čarobnjak"
was not such a good idea.
focuses on how technology
fokusira na to kako tehnologija
the social glue of society,
povezanost zajednice,
so much we do not know.
trust differently in digital environments?
povjerenje u digitalnom okruženju?
face-to-face translate online?
osobnom kontaktu prenijeti na virtualu?
partnera preko Tindera,
to trust finding a ride on BlaBlaCar?
i suputnika preko BlaBlaCar-a?
of networks and marketplaces,
i trgovina doznali smo
that people follow,
zajedničke obrasce ponašanja
stogom povjerenja".
as an example to bring it to life.
koristit ćemo BlaBlaCar.
is safe and worth trying.
koju vrijedi isprobati.
confidence in the platform,
na imanje povjerenja u platformu,
if something goes wrong.
ako nešto pođe po zlu.
using little bits of information
na korištenje malih količina informacija
the other person is trustworthy.
možemo li vjerovati drugoj osobi.
we climb the trust stack,
stogom povjerenja,
where these ideas seem totally normal.
čine sasvim normalne.
change and innovation.
omogućava promjenu i inovativnost.
and I'd like you to consider,
in individuals in society
i promjene kod pojedinaca u društvu
that trust has only evolved
throughout the course of human history:
tijekom čitave ljudske povijesti:
around tight-knit relationships.
integriranih odnosa.
he might lend it to me,
mogao bi mi ih posuditi,
to do business with me in the future.
sa mnom u budućnosti.
and accountability-based.
i utemeljeno na odgovornosti.
a tremendous amount of change.
such as London and San Francisco,
poput Londona i San Francisca,
was replaced by large corporations
zamijenila su velika poduzeća
and regulation and insurance,
pravila i osiguranja,
direktnog povjerenja u druge ljude.
and commission-based.
temeljilo se na vjerovanju vladajućima.
in institutions and many corporate brands
u institucije i mnoge proizvodne marke,
and continues to do so.
by major breaches of trust:
stalnim povredama povjerenja:
in the Catholic Church,
u katoličkoj Crkvi,
financial crisis,
can exploit offshore tax regimes.
porezne režime drugih zemalja.
that institutional trust isn't working
institucionalno povjerenje ne funkcionira
of dishonest elites,
of the size and structure of institutions.
veličine i strukture institucija.
to have to rethink
with our customers, with our employees,
s našim klijentima ili našim radnicima,
of a leading international hotel brand,
vodećeg međunarodnog hotelskog lanca
we got onto the topic of Airbnb.
se teme Airbnb-a.
that he was perplexed by their success.
of strangers to trust one another
da vjeruju jedni drugima
that I had a confession to make,
do this as well --
as a guest on Airbnb.
da sam gost Airbnb-a.
as a guest on Airbnb
that they'll be rated by hosts,
da će domaćini ocijeniti njihov boravak
are likely to impact their ability
mogućnost njihovog
online trust will change our behaviors
mijenjati naše ponašanje
flows through society is changing,
utječe na društvo mijenja
is distributed amongst people
underpinning Bitcoin.
digitalni novac Bitcoin.
the way blockchain works
is it involves processing
and hash functions,
who verify transactions --
transakacije --
by this mysterious person
that hasn't happened yet.
novi korak prema povjerenju.
eloquently described the blockchain
rječito je opisao Blockchain
of being sure about things.
u to što se događa.
is imagine the blocks as spreadsheets,
kao blokove u obliku tablice
such as the rights to a song.
autorskih prava na pjesmu.
to somewhere else,
dobiva vremensku oznaku
for any kind of third party,
za bilo kakvim posrednikom
or maybe not a government intermediary
neovlaštenog posrednika
the other person
the doors to an age of information
vrata u doba informacija
trust on a global scale.
povjerenje na globalnoj razini.
intentionally to mention Uber,
da spomenem Uber
that it is a contentious
it's a great case study.
novog doba povjerenja.
of distributed trust.
raspršenog povjerenja.
and it can go horribly wrong.
u sasvim pogrešnom pravcu.
protests from taxi associations
što udruženja taksista prosvjeduju
based on claims that it is unsafe.
Uber zbog njegove nesigurnosti.
the day that these protests took place,
su se takvi prosvjedi odvijali,
a British minister for business.
#Uber app everyone's talking about?
#Uber aplikaciji o kojoj svi govore?
of the trust stack.
učinila su pravovaljanom
that they were trying to eliminate,
koju su pokušali uništiti,
by 850 percent in 24 hours.
u 24 sata poveća za 850%.
around a behavior or an entire sector,
neko ponašanje ili u čitavi sektor,
will take a trust leap
napraviti korak prema povjerenju
the ride-sharing platform,
za zajedničku vožnju,
a cross-cultural phenomenon.
da je to međukulturalni fenomen.
that both drivers and passengers report
i vozači i putnici izvještavaju
and their rating
in the taxi cab.
pristojnije u taksiju.
but powerful examples
is creating trust between people
povjerenje među ljudima
never possible before.
koja dosada nije bila moguća.
getting into cars driven by strangers.
u auto kojim upravljaju stranci.
we swiped right to be matched with.
jesmo li stvarno dobar par.
with people we do not know.
s ljudima koje ne poznajemo.
understand this new era of trust
razumijeti novo doba povjerenja
the opportunities to redesign systems
za poboljšanje sustava
inclusive and accountable.
inkluzivan i na koji će se moći računati.
Rachel Botsman - Trust researcherRachel Botsman is a recognized expert on how collaboration and trust enabled by digital technologies will change the way we live, work, bank and consume.
Why you should listen
Rachel Botsman is an author and a visiting academic at the University of Oxford, Saïd Business School. Her work focuses on how technology is enabling trust in ways that are changing the way we live, work, bank and consume. She defined the theory of "collaborative consumption" in her first book, What's Mine Is Yours, which she co-authored with Roo Rogers. The concept was subsequently named by TIME as one of the "10 Ideas that Will Change the World" and by Thinkers50 as the 2015 Breakthrough Idea.
Named a "Young Global Leader" by the World Economic Forum, Botsman examines the growth and challenges of start-ups such as Airbnb, TaskRabbit and Uber. She is regular writer and commentator in leading international publications including the New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, Harvard Business Review, The Economist, WIRED and more. She is currently writing a new book that explores why the real disruption happening isn’t technology; it’s a profound shift in trust.
Rachel Botsman | Speaker | TED.com