Chetan Bhatt: Dare to refuse the origin myths that claim who you are
Chetan Bhatt: Usuditi se odbaciti mitove o podrijetlu koji govore tko ste
Chetan Bhatt teaches and writes about the numerous dangers human rights face today from resurgent Far Right movements. Full bio
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I'm often asked, "Where are you from?"
ljudi me često pitaju odakle sam.
what they're really asking,
što zaista žele znati,
were born in India,
rođeni su u Indiji,
I've worked with one of those."
Radio sam s jednim takvim."
assume that I'm a Hindu.
pretpostavljaju da sam hinduist.
očima nekako učini boljim.
cooks, car mechanics --
kuhari, automehaničari -
to respond to questions about identity
odgovarati na pitanja o identitetu
teenage refusal to be labeled.
tinejdžerski bunt protiv etiketa.
we just assume that we have
koje pretpostavljamo da imamo,
to questions of identity and origin
o identitetu i podrijetlu
social and political importance.
i političku važnost.
going on all around us.
divljanja identiteta oko nas.
national and ethnic disputes.
nacionalne i etničke sporove.
on old stories of identity
na starim pričama o identitetu
primordial origins.
iskonskom podrijetlu.
of a caste or gender
društvene klase ili spola
of an empire or civilization
carstva ili civilizacije
zamišljeno božanstvo.
make us feel secure.
mitova o identitetu osjećamo sigurno.
kulturalna odjeća,
warm and fuzzy inside.
identity myths to feel safe?
potrebni da se osjećamo sigurno?
national, ethnic disputes
nacionalni i etički sporovi
every single primordial origin myth
mit o iskonskom podrijetlu
za čovječanstvo u cjelini,
o podrijetlu mistificiraju,
of women and girls,
ugnjetavanje žena i djevojaka
accelerating inequalities?
nejednakosti koje su sve veće?
are closely linked to tradition,
usko su vezani uz tradiciju,
points to something old
ukazuje na nešto staro
is just history,
da je tradicija samo povijest,
condensed into a nice story.
sažeta u lijepu priču.
tradition with history.
tradiciju i povijest.
u teškom konfliktu.
created fictions of ancient belonging,
izmišljene priče o pradavnoj pripadnosti
na složenost čovječanstva
even if very unequal world.
čak i u iznimno nejednakom svijetu.
Irish families living in our street,
irskim obiteljima u susjedstvu,
was massive then
tada je bila u punom jeku
i napadima na nas
of violence against us
nasilja nad nama
neonacista i drugih rasista.
a leaflet came through our letter box
u poštanski sandučić stigao letak
candidate for our area.
nacionalne fronte za naše područje.
when I played in the garden as a kid,
kad sam se kao mali igrao u njegovu vrtu
National Front activists
nacionalne fronte obrijanih glava
to go back home.
da se vratimo kući.
od maminih najboljih prijatelja.
political journey out of fascism
njegovom političkom izlasku iz fašizma,
that we got to know well --
koju smo dobro upoznali --
that life in our street
da je život u napoj ulici
for an Asian soap opera.
za azijsku sapunicu.
to be known by anyone at all.
da ih itko zna.
there was a quiet little boy
bio je tihi mali dječak
I didn't hear much more about him,
nisam čuo skoro ništa o njemu,
ovu kratku knjigu.
by a British supporter of Al Qaeda,
britanski pristaša Al-Kaide,
for attacks in Britain.
na napade u Britaniji.
was still in the future,
i iračka invazija tek slijedila
New York bombing targets.
bombaške mete New Yorka.
to use on the London Underground,
koju će koristiti u londonskom podzemlju
in London's shopping areas.
u londonskim trgovačkim zonama.
prisoner in the UK
u Ujedinjenom Kraljevstvu
figures to be arrested in Britain.
traženih ličnosti u Britaniji.
svjetskih terorista
his Hindu or Indian or British identity,
indijski ili britanski identitet
in Al Qaeda or Islamic State
u Al-Kaidu ili Islamsku državu
is a white American
za Al-Kaidu je bijeli Amerikanac
mixed background,
miješanog podrijetla,
where are they from.
where they're going.
occurs for those young men and women
prolaze oni mladi muškarci i žene
in Muslim family backgrounds.
muslimanskog podrijetla.
from Europe, Asia, North America,
iz Europe, Azije, Sjeverne Amerike,
rejected their backgrounds
odbacili svoja podrijetla
attacking their parents' backgrounds
napadajući podrijetla svojih roditelja
of cosmic apocalypse.
kozmičke apokalipse.
your society, your family and friends
svoje društvo, svoju obitelj i prijatelje
about a return to the past.
o povratku u prošlost.
which begins today at year zero.
koja započinje danas, na nultu godinu.
of Al Qaeda and Islamic State
Al-Kaide i Islamske države
when they take over an area
kad preuzmu područje
shrines, preachers, practices.
propovjednike, prakse.
and punish people internally,
i kažnjavati ljude iznutra,
obiteljske odnose,
of how one prays.
do u najsitnije detalje.
people from other Muslim backgrounds.
drugih muslimanskih podrijetla.
can ever be pure enough,
ne može biti dovoljno čist,
that have existed for centuries
koje postoje stoljećima
iz Birmingmaha ili Londona
that they so joyously obliterate.
koje tako radosno uništavaju.
is at war with history,
u sukobu je s povijesti,
very certain about their purity
uvjereni u njezinu čistoću
can lead to lethal visions
može dovesti do smrtonosnih vizija
i usavršenih pojedinaca.
fundamentalist organization in India
fundamentalistička organizacija u Indiji
of the 1930s in Italy or Germany,
na Italiju i Njemačku 30-ih godina,
are indeed in fascism.
Hindu fundamentalist movement
fundamentalističkog pokreta
view this murderer as a national hero,
na njega gledaju kao na nacionalnog junaka
statues of him throughout India.
njegove kipove diljem Indije.
against minorities.
prema manjinama.
on Valentine's Day,
na Valentinovo,
as their ancient culture
pradavnom kulturom
the strongest possible claims
imaju najjače moguće tvrdnje
hinduističkoj religiji
and white shirts
i bijele košulje
about their primordial religion
pure, pristine identities of conviction
izvorne identitete osuda
as their sole property, a property.
kao samo njihovo vlasništvo, vlasništvo.
They're messy. They're impure.
Zamršeni. Nečisti.
and you'll see disputes and arguments
i naići ćete na sporove i svađe
u bilo kojem obliku
to have and to express your religion
da imate i manifestirate svoju religiju
have to respect the content.
poštovati njihov sadržaj.
sviđati dio nje.
looks, for example,
stara crkva izgleda,
smatrati uvredljivim,
that you may find offensive,
not to be offended.
ne biti uvrijeđeni.
we're constantly offended
neprestano smo uvrijeđeni
different views all the time.
različita stajališta.
nečija politička stjaališta
or national or cultural background.
nacionalnom, kulturnom podrijetlu.
na nacionalizam i rasizam.
or ethnic identity,
ili etnički identitet,
from a warm and cozy womb,
iz tople i ugodne utrobe,
because of the accident of birth.
zbog slučajnosti rođenja.
that they imagine.
koje zamišljaju.
but only a little bit.
ali samo malo.
the supporter of some Little Englander
pristašu nekog Little Englandera
političke stranke
by his Spanish credit card
španjolskom kreditnom karticom
by his high-street British bank
u svojoj narodnoj britanskoj banci
owned by a Russian.
koji je u vlasništvu Rusa.
ribe i pomfrita
venture capitalist firm.
poduzetničkog kapitala.
u koju ponekad ide
in meetings in Ghana.
na sastancima u Gani.
national culture,
nacionalne kulture
da nas se sili da biramo
and religious right visions,
i vizija religijskog prava,
about language, food, clothing and music,
na jezik, hranu, odjeću i glazbu,
spomenike iz davnine,
what has been decided to be culture
ono za što se odlučilo da je kultura
politički interes
into the shape of a prison.
u oblik zatvora.
elitna su nastojanja za vlast.
are elite bids for power.
or economic or political injustices.
ili ekonomske ili političke nepravde.
of people across the globe
ljudi diljem svijeta
na spomenik svoje prošlosti,
to a monument from their past,
of a civilization or empire?
civilizacije ili carstva?
and your thoughts into a continuous person
i svoje misli u neprekinutu ličnost
all of your hopes and dreams,
i sva naša nadanja i snove,
in the biography of who you are.
u biografiji vašeg identiteta.
if such a thing exists,
ako takvo što uopće postoji,
zamršena i nesigurna suština,
impurities and uncertainties?
te nečistoće i nesigurnosti?
is a sign of immaturity,
čistih identiteta znak nesigurnosti
and religious traditions are bad for you.
religijske tradicije su loše za vas.
about every primordial origin claim
prema izjavama o iskonskom podrijetlu
that call on you to belong,
koje vas pozivaju na pripadanje,
and fixed identities,
o podrijetlu i utvrđenim identitetima,
to think creatively
da kreativno razmišljamo
always takes care of itself.
uvijek pobrine sama o sebi.
ibn Ahmad ibn Rushd,
Muhammad ibn Ahmad ibn Rushd,
in Cordoba in the 12th century,
u Cordobi u 12. stoljeću,
deeply blasphemous, heretical and evil.
bogohulnim, heretičkim i zlim.
were ruthlessly hunted down,
okrutno su proganjani,
of the medieval period.
srednjovjekovne religijske institucije.
the Roman Catholic Church.
rimokatolička crkva.
that something true in religion
da nešto istinito u religiji
finds to be true on earth,
smatra istinitim na zemlji,
i dokazima, a drugi je božanski,
and one that is divine,
are in the realm of reason.
nalaze se u sferi razuma.
should be governed by our reason,
treba upravljati razum,
was upset by his writings,
njegovo pisanje uznemirilo ,
during his lifetime,
tijekom njegova života
a strong statement of secularism
sekularističku izjavu
to be our culture and their culture.
da je naša i njihova kultura.
who happens to be a Muslim,
tko je Musliman
of secularism in Europe.
sekularizma u Europi.
and racial purists of all kinds,
i rasnih purista svake vrste
Chetan Bhatt - Sociologist, human rights activistChetan Bhatt teaches and writes about the numerous dangers human rights face today from resurgent Far Right movements.
Why you should listen
Chetan Bhatt has published widely about the worldwide rise of racist and religious Far Right movements. He is interested in why the authoritarian ideas of these movements appeal to many groups and how understanding the nature of their ideas can help us challenge them effectively. He is currently working on several projects focused on violent Islamist, Hindu Right and white and ethnic supremacist movements, as well and the states and politicians that assist them in South Asia, the Middle East, Europe and the United States.
Bhatt is professor of sociology at the London School of Economics and Political Science in the UK, where he directs LSE Human Rights. Previously, he taught at Goldsmiths, University of London and the Universities of Essex and Southampton.
Chetan Bhatt | Speaker |