Tal Danino: Programming bacteria to detect cancer (and maybe treat it)
Tal Danino: Kita bisa menggunakan bakteri untuk mendeteksi kanker (dan mungkin mengobatinya)
Tal Danino explores the emerging frontier of combining biology and engineering (and art). He is a 2015 TED Fellow. Full bio
Double-click the English transcript below to play the video.
than stars in our entire galaxy.
daripada bintang di seluruh galaksi.
of bacteria inside of us
di dalam tubuh kita
dari kesehatan kita,
begitu pesat
like we program computers.
bakteri ini seperti pada komputer.
some kind of sports play,
permainan olahraga,
the first bacterial program I developed.
bakteri pertama yang saya kembangkan.
we can print and write DNA
kita bisa mencetak dan menulis DNA
and programs inside of bacteria.
dan program di dalam bakteri.
is produces fluorescent proteins
berkomunikasi dan sinkronisasi
to communicate and synchronize,
yang Anda lihat ini
that you see here
is that our genetic program
program genetik kami
to each produce small molecules,
menghasilkan molekul kecil,
the thousands of individual bacteria
di antara ribuan bakteri
quite well at this scale,
baik pada tahap ini,
them together can only travel so fast,
yang menyinkronkan mereka terbatas,
this results in traveling waves
hal ini menghasilkan gelombang gerak
far away from each other,
jauh satu sama lain,
from right to left across the screen.
bergerak dari kiri ke kanan layar.
kepada sebuah fenomena alam
relies on a natural phenomenon
and sometimes virulent behaviors
terkoordinasi, dan kadang ganas
mencapai titik kritis.
in action in this movie,
melihat penginderaan kuorum,
only begins to glow
mulai bercahaya hanya saat
or critical density.
kepadatan tinggi atau kritis.
rhythmic patterns of fluorescent proteins
protein berpendar ini
we call The Supernova,
sebut Supernova,
bintang yang meledak,
these beautiful patterns,
pola-pola indah ini,
yang bisa dilakukan bakteri ini?
these bacteria to do?
meneliti cara memprogram bakteri
how we can program bacteria
in our bodies like cancer.
penyakit seperti kanker.
tentang bakteri
inside of tumors.
tumbuh alami di dalam tumor.
ditembus oleh sistem kekebalan,
has no access,
tumor-tumor ini
to grow and thrive.
tempat aman untuk berkembang biak.
bakteri probiotik
that have a health benefit,
manfaat kesehatan,
diberikan secara oral ke tikus,
when orally delivered to mice,
grow inside of liver tumors.
tumbuh di dalam tumor hati.
of the probiotics,
keberadaan probiotik ini,
to produce a signal
mengeluarkan sinyal
dalam air seni,
memprogram bakteri probiotik ini
programmed these probiotics
the color of your urine
akan mengubah warna air seni Anda
bahwa teknologi ini
detect liver cancer,
mendeteksi kanker hati dengan baik,
to detect otherwise.
specifically localize to tumors,
diperuntukkan bagi tumor,
bukan hanya untuk mendeteksi kanker
to not only detect cancer
from within the tumor environment
terapeutik dari dalam tumornya
program pengindraan kuorum
using quorum sensing programs
taking a programmed probiotic
menggunakan probiotik terprogram
memprogram bakteri
dalam penelitian kanker,
saya bekerja sama dengan seniman
I worked with artist Vik Muniz
simbol alam semesta,
or cancer cells.
atau sel kanker.
and purpose of this microscopic universe
dan tujuan dari semesta mikroskopis ini
for the future of cancer research.
kreatif bagi masa depan penelitian kanker.
Tal Danino - Synthetic biologistTal Danino explores the emerging frontier of combining biology and engineering (and art). He is a 2015 TED Fellow.
Why you should listen
Tal Danino's research explores the emerging frontier of combining biology, engineering and medicine. His work as a synthetic biologist focuses on reprogramming bacteria to detect and treat diseases in our bodies such as cancer.
Originally from Los Angeles, Danino received B.S. degrees from UCLA in Physics, Chemistry and Math, and received his Ph.D. in Bioengineering from UCSD. He did a postdoctoral fellowship at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and is currently an assistant professor at Columbia University in New York.
Danino's work has been published in scientific journals and highlighted in several popular press venues. He actively develops "Bio-Art" projects that share perspectives and stories about science with recent projects featured in the New York Times, WIRED, and the Wall Street Journal.
Tal Danino | Speaker | TED.com