Neha Narula: The future of money
Neha Narula: Masa Depan Uang
Neha Narula is helping redefine the future of money by researching cryptocurrencies and providing clarity on how digital currencies will transform our world. Full bio
Double-click the English transcript below to play the video.
about the future of money.
masa depan uang.
about this culture
di awal 1900-an,
in the early 1900s, called the Yap.
kebudayaan Yap
is really interesting.
yang disebut batu Rai.
called Rai stones.
move these Rai stones around
kita menggunakan koin,
we do with our coins,
to be pretty massive.
sangat besar.
and 12 feet across.
dengan diameter 3,66 meter.
of who owns part of what stone.
pemilik dan nilai dari sebuah batu Rai.
across the ocean
melintasi samudra
and the stone actually fell in.
sehingga batu itu tenggelam.
para pelaut itu benar memiliki batu Rai,
and -- why not? -- it still counted.
at the bottom of the ocean,
dari perekonomian Yap.
was just a small culture
seratus tahun yang lalu.
di dunia Barat,
in the Western world as well,
uang batu Rai itu.
a form of these stones.
asked the United States
meminta Amerika Serikat
from dollars into gold.
dari dolar ke emas.
to think about actually shipping
benar-benar mengirimkan
that gold was being stored
dimana emas itu disimpan
as belonging to France now.
that France owned the gold.
Prancis memiliki emas tersebut.
with these two examples
menggunakan kedua contoh ini
inherently valuable
secara intrinsik berharga
have any value
benda-benda ini memiliki nilai
bahwa uang memiliki nilai.
and the transactions
pertukaran dan transaksi
that we tell each other about value.
yang kita sampaikan satu sama lain.
melalui transfer bank,
is deducted from my paycheck
in my retirement account.
reksadana pensiun saya.
1's and 0's on computers.
angka 1 dan 0 di komputer.
like a stone or a coin.
seperti batu atau koin.
so that I can pay someone around the world
membayar siapa saja di seluruh dunia
ada institusi-institusi besar
underwriting every 1 or 0
yang berubah di komputer.
of those large institutions.
institusi-institusi itu.
to fix the problem.
mau mengatasinya atau tidak.
the US credit card companies
kartu kredit Amerika
still don't work in Europe.
masih belum berfungsi di Eropa.
and across currencies
dan mata uang lain butuh biaya tinggi.
can set up an online business in minutes,
bisnis online dalam hitungan menit,
mendapat pinjaman dan bayaran.
to get loans and to get paid:
and our ability to freely transact
kebebasan kita bertransaksi
by these gatekeepers.
institusi-institusi besar ini.
in the system slowing things down.
yang memperlambat transaksi.
isn't really mine,
sebenarnya bukan milik kita.
that belong to my bank,
basis data yang dimiliki bank,
or my investment firm.
atau perusahaan investasi.
berhak berkata tidak.
have the right to say "no."
menggunakan PayPal
sebagai penipu,
and I can't get paid.
dan saya tidak dapat bayaran.
in the way of innovation.
menghalangi inovasi.
Facebook photos, Google Photos,
Foto Facebook, Foto Google, Instagram?
they're on my laptop,
ponsel lama, dan Dropbox saya.
they're in Dropbox.
websites and services.
dan layanan berbeda.
don't work together.
tidak bekerjasama.
the money supply.
don't inter-operate,
tidak beroperasi bersama,
yang kita lakukan.
what we can do with payment.
two phases of money.
dua fase uang.
to deal with these physical objects,
kita berurusan dengan uang fisik,
the speed of humans.
-- kecepatan manusia.
much farther and is much faster,
lebih jauh dan lebih cepat,
of these gatekeeper institutions.
institusi-institusi pengatur itu.
perangkat lunak dan mata uang,
than just a static unit of value,
satuan yang bernilai statis,
institusi fisik untuk keamanan.
on institutions for security.
dari alur transaksi.
and institutions from the loop.
we're transacting anymore.
kita sudah melakukan transaksi.
of this evolution.
tahap pertama dari evolusi ini.
pemerintah ataupun bank.
berfungsi tanpa perantara.
in a world without intermediaries.
yang paling umum,
Stellar, Dogecoin,
uang digital yang populer.
of the more popular ones.
menerima Bitcoin.
that I can use to buy sashimi.
saya gunakan untuk membeli sashimi.
untuk transaksi kecil.
that moved around 100,000 bitcoins.
senilai 100.000 Bitcoin.
of 40 million US dollars.
a special field of mathematics
satu bidang khusus matematika
of how to secure communication,
cara mengamankan komunikasi,
really important things:
be hidden in plain sight,
disembunyikan di tempat terbuka,
of information's source.
so many of the systems around us.
di sekitar kita.
pemerintah AS kadang
classified it as a weapon.
breaking cryptosystems like Enigma
memecahkan sistem kripto seperti Enigma
enemy transmissions
mengurai transmisi musuh
web browser is running
browser modern
our interactions on the Internet.
melindungi interaksi kita di Internet.
ketika mengetik kata sandi (password)
to type our passwords in
information to websites.
di situs web.
application of cryptography.
aplikasi kriptografi canggih.
have to rely on the banks anymore
bergantung pada bank
idea that the Yap used,
seperti yang digunakan orang Yap,
knowledge of transfers.
tentang transfer.
by transferring Bitcoin,
dengan mentransfer Bitcoin,
transfers Bitcoin to me.
is I can give you a sheet of it
saya memberi Anda selembar
on my piece as well.
the transfers that they're doing
yang mereka lakukan
around to everyone else's pieces of paper.
pada kertas semua orang.
of the transfers that are happening
with the Bitcoin blockchain,
pada rangkaian Bitcoin,
of the transactions in Bitcoin.
dalam Bitcoin.
dengan kode komputer,
of networked computers
are collectively confirming
is core to how Bitcoin works.
inti dari cara kerja Bitcoin.
to create new Bitcoin
Bitcoin baru sesuai jadwal.
is that to get those Bitcoin,
a random cryptographic puzzle.
teka-teki kriptografi acak.
over and over again.
pada setiap dadu,
are all actually doing.
yang dilakukan komputer.
to land on the right number.
mendapatkan angka yang benar.
memecahkan teka-teki.
to the rest of the network
helping to secure the Bitcoin blockchain
mengamankan Rangkaian Bitcoin
all over the world running this software,
menjalankan aplikasi ini,
and try to collect some bitcoins.
dan berusaha mendapatkan Bitcoin.
and the network is so powerful,
sulit dan jaringannya sangat kuat,
Bitcoin menggunakan laptop saya,
Bitcoin on my laptop,
for about two million years.
agar berhasil.
use this special hardware
menggunakan perangkat keras khusus
the puzzle really fast.
teka-teki itu dengan sangat cepat.
and all of this special hardware,
perangkat keras khusus itu
yang setara dengan konsumsi energi
that the amount of energy it uses
and a little bit cumbersome.
to be so much better and so much faster.
jauh lebih baik dan lebih cepat.
programmable money.
mata uang global terprogram.
or ask permission,
about my money getting stuck.
khawatir uang kita tidak bisa diakses.
inovasi yang bebas izin.
an explosion of innovation,
an open architecture.
arsitektur terbuka.
changed the way we communicate,
cara kita berkomunikasi,
to change the way we pay,
cara kita membayar,
diciptakan uang terprogram?
does programmable money create?
rent out my healthcare data
menyewakan data kesehatan saya
analisa data skala besar
in a way that we agreed.
menggunakan data saya sebatas persetujuan.
for what they find out.
atas temuan mereka.
for streaming services
my watching habits
kebiasaan menonton saya
yang bisa saya nikmati
that fit within my budget
with our attention when we view content,
iklan ketika membuka konten,
the way security works in our world,
to allocate value,
lebih bijak menyalurkan nilai,
and their energies
uang dan energi kita
to send an email,
biaya sepersekian sen,
that is seeing the first automobile.
kita ada di era mobil pertama ditemukan.
like the first car,
seperti halnya mobil pertama,
and hard to use.
dan sulit digunakan.
like the horse and carriage,
is built on it.
dibangun di atasnya.
di RT Anda
combustion engine,
sistem pembakaran internal,
think you were crazy:
this large, clunky machine
that lights on fire,
of programmable money.
era baru dari uang terprogram.
but it's also a little bit scary.
for illegal transactions,
untuk transaksi ilegal,
in the world today.
digunakan untuk kejahatan.
secara online,
who can see what we do?
siapa yang dapat mengawasi kegiatan kita?
in this new world and who isn't?
di dunia baru ini?
hal-hal yang sebelumnnya gratis?
that I didn't have to pay for before?
to algorithms and utility functions?
dan fungsi utilitas?
dengan kemunculan teknologi baru.
a lot of ways to waste time.
untuk membuang-buang waktu.
increased productivity.
like I have to stay connected to work
harus terhubung dengan pekerjaan
to friends and family.
dengan teman dan keluarga.
is going to eliminate some jobs.
menghilangkan beberapa lapangan kerja.
new, flexible forms of employment.
lapangan kerja baru yang fleksibel.
for large, trusted institutions
institusi besar terpercaya
out to the edges, where it belongs.
pada puncaknya, sebagaimana seharusnya.
things are going to change and unfold
dan terungkap
Neha Narula - Currency futuristNeha Narula is helping redefine the future of money by researching cryptocurrencies and providing clarity on how digital currencies will transform our world.
Why you should listen
Neha Narula is director of research at the Digital Currency Initiative, a part of the MIT Media Lab where she teaches courses and leads cryptocurrency and blockchain research. While completing her PhD in computer science at MIT, she built fast, scalable databases and secure software systems, and she spoke about these topics at dozens of industry and research conferences.
In a previous life, Narula helped relaunch the news aggregator Digg and was a senior software engineer at Google. There, she designed Blobstore, a system for storing and serving petabytes of immutable data, and worked on Native Client, a system for running native code securely through a browser.
Neha Narula | Speaker |