J. Marshall Shepherd: 3 kinds of bias that shape your worldview
J. Marshall Shepherd: 3 jenis bias yang membentuk pandangan Anda
Dr. J. Marshall Shepherd is a leading international expert in weather and climate and is the Georgia Athletic Association Distinguished Professor of Geography and Atmospheric Sciences at the University of Georgia. Full bio
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master's and PhD in physical meteorology,
di bidang meteorologi fisika,
four questions, always.
I will always get right.
yang mana?"
going to be tomorrow?"
next September, it's an outdoor wedding.
acaranya di luar ruangan.
and I don't know the answer to that,
dan tidak tahu jawabannya,
saya dapati akhir ini
in climate change?"
pada perubahan iklim?"
pemanasan global?"
every time I get that question.
diri tiap kali ditanyai hal itu.
he believes in the tooth fairy.
dia percaya adanya peri gigi.
because I'm losing dollars, fast.
saya akan cepat kehabisan uang.
there, in Atlanta.
seseorang berkata,
to the top of that building
jika kau naik ke atap gedung itu
because gravity is a thing.
karena gaya gravitasi itu nyata.
mendengar pertanyaan,
for the Advancement of Science, AAAS,
organizations in science,
ilmu pengetahuan,
on different science topics.
dalam berbagai bidang sains.
animal research, human evolution.
penelitian hewan, evolusi manusia.
say about those,
tentang hal itu,
study those topics, in red,
topik itu, dalam merah,
apa yang dipikirkan oleh publik.
are so far apart on these science issues.
dalam isu-isu sains seperti ini.
closer to home for me,
yang lebih dekat dengan saya,
to climate change.
terhadap perubahan iklim.
terhadap sains?
thinking about quite a bit.
memikirkan hal ini.
perceptions in the public, about science,
persepsi publik, tentang sains,
soal tiga elemen darinya:
about three elements of that:
academic terms, and they are.
yang besar, bergaya, dan memang iya.
you're going to be like, "Oh!
Anda akan bilang, "Oh!
somebody that does that."
seseorang melakukannya."
what we already believe.
apa yang sudah kita percayai.
a little bit guilty of that at times.
sedikit bersalah dalam hal itu.
of global warming in my yard,
pemanasan global di halaman saya,
talking about, climate change?"
it makes me chuckle as well.
membuat saya berdecak juga.
scientifically flawed.
fundamental sains.
doesn't understand
between weather and climate.
suasana hati Anda
climate is your personality.
iklim adalah kepribadian.
tell me anything about your personality,
sepenuhnya menunjukkan kepribadian Anda,
menunjukkan perubahan iklim,
about climate change,
came up with the Dunning-Kruger effect.
efek Dunning-Kruger.
diulas tentang hal ini,
the peer-reviewed paper for this,
of fancy terminology:
istilah yang mewah:
thinking we know things.
berpikir kita tahu banyak hal.
they know more than they do.
dari yang sebenarnya.
what they don't know.
apa yang mereka tidak ketahui.
Hari Groundhog, betul?
of cognitive dissonance
dari disonansi kognitif
if a rodent's forecast is accurate.
jika ramalan cuacanya tikus itu akurat.
sepanjang waktu.
about the Farmer's Almanac.
Almanak Petani.
people are familiar with it.
orang-orang familiar dengannya.
about 37 percent accurate,
yang akurat,
at Penn State University.
di Penn State University.
memprediksi cuaca.
can forecast the weather.
di antara Anda ada yang, "Yah, benar,"
some of you are like, "Yeah, right,"
dalam memprediksi cuaca.
with weather forecast.
the occasional miss, you do.
luput yang sesekali terjadi.
Dunning-Kruger and cognitive dissonance.
dan disonansi kognitif.
that people have about science.
persepsi yang orang miliki tentang sains.
and misinformation
assign reporters
menugaskan wartawan
about the weather forecast.
tentang prediksi cuaca.
di media sosial.
in social media.
sebuah prediksi
but here's the problem:
tapi inilah masalahnya:
dari Pusat Bencana,
and sharing this; it went viral.
menyebarluaskannya; menjadi viral.
the National Hurricane Center at all.
Pusat Badai Nasional.
karir saya di NASA
to the University of Georgia,
Advisory Committee,
yang sangat menarik.
and science data from satellite
dan data sains dari satelit
dari Afrika.
and in western Canada.
Amerika Serikat dan Kanada bagian barat.
that we have the technology
bahwa kita memiliki teknologi
and climate system,
dan sistem iklim,
of those perceptions and biases
dan bias semacam itu
after Hurricane Harvey.
setelah Badai Harvey.
for "Forbes" magazine periodically,
untuk majalah "Forbes" secara berkala,
Hurricane Harvey made landfall, saying,
Badai Harvey menerjang, saya tulis,
40 to 50 inches of rainfall."
40 hingga 50 inci."
sebelum itu terjadi.
orang di Houston,
to people in Houston,
it was going to be this bad."
akan seburuk ini."
outside of our experience level.
tingkat pengalaman kita.
get rain all of the time,
setiap waktu,
mengalami hal itu.
for the entire year.
sepanjang tahun.
that's outside of the normal.
di luar hal-hal normal.
literacy and misinformation.
literasi dan misinformasi.
that are cornering our perceptions?
tempurung persepsi kita?
we can come very close to home.
kita bisa cari yang dekat dari rumah.
shut the city of Atlanta down.
we were in a winter storm watch,
badai musim dingin,
cuaca musim dingin,
as being a downgrade,
itu adalah kemunduran,
was that it was not going to be as bad,
tidak akan separah itu,
saat modelnya datang.
as the models were coming in.
boxed in by our perceptions.
dikotakkan oleh persepsi kita.
we increase the area.
kita naikkan areanya.
of understanding about science?
dalam memahami sains?
dari bias diri Anda sendiri.
perspective, your faith --
politik Anda, kepercayaan Anda --
your information on science?
informasi ilmu pengetahuan?
and evaluated your sources.
bias dan sumber Anda.
little 40-second clip
cuplikan 40-detik
TV meteorologists in the US, Greg Fishel,
di US, Greg Fishel,
about speaking out.
soal berbicara.
The mistake I was making
Kesalahan yang saya buat
for information
saya pikirkan,
in listening to anything contrary.
hal yang berlawanan.
in confirmation bias?
bias konfirmasi?
to support what you already think?"
mendukung apa yang telah kamu pikirkan?"
dan saya berusaha,
and I tried to be,
dengan ilmuwan
I'd been taught to conduct myself
sebagaimana saya telah diajari
to make the argument
having some effect.
memiliki dampak.
as to how much,
a responsible thing for me to do
hal yang pantas untuk saya lakukan
about expanding his radius
soal memperluas radius
yang lebih baik,
life as we know it.
seperti yang kita tahu.
our own radius in understanding science,
radius pemahaman kita mengenai sains,
for Atlanta, Georgia,
untuk Atlanta, Georgia,
and for the world.
dan untuk dunia.
J. Marshall Shepherd - MeteorologistDr. J. Marshall Shepherd is a leading international expert in weather and climate and is the Georgia Athletic Association Distinguished Professor of Geography and Atmospheric Sciences at the University of Georgia.
Why you should listen
Dr. J. Marshall Shepherd was the 2013 President of American Meteorological Society (AMS), the nation's largest and oldest professional/science society in the atmospheric and related sciences. He serves as Director of the University of Georgia's (UGA) Atmospheric Sciences Program and Full Professor in the Department of Geography where he is Associate Department Head.
Shepherd is also the host of The Weather Channel’s Weather Geeks, a pioneering Sunday talk show dedicated to science, and he is a contributor to Forbes Magazine. Dr. Shepherd routinely appears on national media outlets like CNN, The Weather Channel, CBS's Face The Nation and more. He also provides expertise to NASA, NOAA, The White House, Congress and other stakeholders.
J. Marshall Shepherd | Speaker | TED.com