Martin Ford: How we'll earn money in a future without jobs
مارتین فۆرد: چۆن لە داهاتوێکی پڕ بێکاری پارە پەیدا بکەین
Martin Ford imagines what the accelerating progress in robotics and artificial intelligence may mean for the economy, job market and society of the future. Full bio
Double-click the English transcript below to play the video.
a future without jobs?
دهڕۆین کاری تیا نەبێت؟
ئۆتۆمبێلی بێشوفێر
of interest in this question,
that's been asked
لهراستیا بیپرسین ئەوەیە
ببێته هۆی وهلانانی كرێكار
might displace workers
to lots of unemployment
to the Luddite revolts in England.
.شۆڕشی كرێكارانی ئینگلیز دژی پیشهسازی.
has come up again and again.
بهدووبارهیی سەریهەڵداوەتەوە.
heard of the Triple Revolution report,
راپۆرتی شۆڕشی سیانی،
by a brilliant group of people --
خهڵاتی نۆبڵ ههیه--
two Nobel laureates --
سهرۆكی ئهمریكا،
to the President of the United States,
تێكچوونی ئابوری و كۆمهڵایهتیدایه
of economic and social upheaval
خهریكه ملیۆنان خهڵك
was going to put millions of people
سهرۆك لیندۆن جۆنسن
to President Lyndon Johnson
هەر ڕووینەداوە.
hasn't really happened.
چیرۆکەکە بووە.
دووباره بۆتەوە.
of thinking about this.
رۆتینی بۆ بیركردنهوه لێیی.
entire industries.
كارگهكان وێران بكات.
and types of work.
ههموو پیشه و كارهكان.
to entirely new things.
that will arise in the future,
will have to hire people.
خهڵك بخهنه سهر ئیش.
that will appear,
we can't really even imagine.
ههر بهخهیاڵیشماندا نایهت.
كه پهیدادهبن
that have been created
a lot better than the old ones.
been more engaging.
more comfortable work environments,
لهژینگهی ئاسودهتر دهبن،
have played out so far.
class of worker
has been quite different.
decimated their work,
ئیشهكانیان دهكوژێت، و
any new opportunities at all.
هاندهرانه بكهم:
point in the future,
workforce is going to be made redundant
بێسوود بكهوێ
تێدا درووست ببێ بۆ ئهمه.
reflexive reaction to that.
human beings to horses?"
تراكتۆر دێنهپێشهوه،
and tractors came along,
are intelligent;
always find something new to do,
شتێكی تازه بدۆزینهوه،
relevant to the future economy.
ئابوری داهاتوو بمێنینهوه.
گرنگن تێیان بگهین.
critical thing to understand.
دهخهنه مهترسیهوه لهداهاتو
workers in the future
and trucks and tractors
بارههڵگر و تراكتۆر
بیركهرهوه، فێربوو، بهرگهگر.
of thinking, learning, adapting machines.
دهستدهكات بهتێپهڕاندنی
beginning to encroach
so different from horses,
of the march of progress
پێشكهوتندا بمێنینهوه،
to the economy.
ئهو پرۆسه بهردهوامه دهبینین
this ongoing process
broad-based than that;
for example, to software,
بۆنمونه سۆفتوێر
تۆڕی پهیوهندی و بهرهوزیاتریش.
bandwidth and so forth.
شت بۆ تێگهیشتن
been going on for a really long time.
ماوهیهكی زۆرە بهردهوامه.
circuits were fabricated,
.تهواوكار دانرا
of 30 doublings in computational power
هێزی ژمارهیی بوو.
of times to double any quantity,
ههر ژمارهیهك،
where we're going to see
of absolute progress,
بهرهوپێشچوون دهبینین،
to continue to also accelerate
له ههڵكشان
to the coming years and decades,
دهیهی داهاتووه،
that we're going to see things
زۆر شت دەبینین
that astonish us.
کە سهرساممان دهكهن
in a limited sense, beginning to think.
.دیاریكراودا دهستدهكهن بهبیركردنهوه
artificial intelligence;
are making decisions.
.توانای ئهنجامدهرهێنان پهیدادهكهن
and most importantly, they're learning.
لهههمووی گرنگتر دهسدهكهن به فێربوون.
that is truly central to this
ههبێت كه چهقی بابهتهكهبێت
the driving force behind this,
پشتی شتهكهیه،
this incredibly powerful,
زۆر بەهێز،
بێوێنە، و پێوانەکراو.
I've seen of that recently
(دیپ مایند)ی گووگڵ توانی بیكات.
division was able to do
to beat the best player in the world
به باشترین یاریزانی جیهان بهێنێت
stand out about the game of Go.
دهربارهی یاری (گۆوو).
تۆ یاری دهكهیت،
that the board can be in
بۆردەکە تێیدا بێت
than there are atoms in the universe.
ئهو ئهتۆمانهی لهگهردووندا ههیه.
a computer to win at the game of Go
درووستبكهی كه یاری(گۆو) بباتهوه
brute-force computational power at it.
بێژیری دههاویته ناوی.
thinking-like approach is needed.
شێوهبیركردنهوهی ئاڵۆزی پێویسته.
that really stands out is that,
of the championship Go players,
یاری(گۆو) بكهی،
even really articulate what exactly it is
بهوردی پێتبڵێ كه چییه
as they play the game.
بیری لێ دهكهنهوه
that's very intuitive,
about which move they should make.
چ جوڵهیهك بكهیت.
at a world champion level
له پاڵهوانێتییهكان
that's safe from automation,
،بوون بە ئۆتۆماتیکی دووره
raise a cautionary flag for us.
ئاگاداركردنهوهمان بۆ هەڵکات.
to draw a very distinct line,
،لێدهكات هێڵێكی جیاكهرهوه بكێشین
are all the jobs and tasks
ئیش وئهركهكان ههن
fundamentally routine and repetitive
رۆتینی و دووبارهبوهوهن
might be in different industries,
،لهكارگهی جیاوازبن
and at different skill levels,
لهئاستی پیشهیی جیاوزدابن،
going to be susceptible
بکەونە بهر مهترسی
that's a lot of jobs.
ئەوە ئیشی زۆر ئەگرێتەوە.
on the order of roughly half
that require some capability
پێویستیان به ههندێ توانا ههیه
that we think are safe.
پێمانوایه سهلامهتن.
about the game of Go,
من دهیزانم لهسەر یاری(گۆو)،
to be on the safe side of that line.
سهلامهتهكهی هێڵهكه بێت.
گۆۆگڵ ئهم كێشهیهی چارهكردووه
and that Google solved this problem,
to be very dynamic.
هێڵه زۆر جوڵاوبێت.
that consumes more and more jobs and tasks
ئیش و پیشهی زیاتر و زیاتر لهناو ببات
as being safe from automation.
له بهئهلیكترۆنی بوون.
low-wage jobs or blue-collar jobs,
.كهمهكان و كهم داهاتهكان نین بهتهنیا
low levels of education.
climbing the skills ladder.
بهسهر پهیژهی كارامهیی.
لهسهر كاره پرۆفیشناڵهكانیش--
on professional jobs --
پرۆفیشناڵهوه دهكرێ وهك ژمێریار
بووندان لهداهاتوودا
and tasks and jobs
بۆ درووستبکرێت بەرەوپێش بچن.
by automation in the future
دهخهینه پال یهكتر
challenged going forward.
كه لهداهاتوودا كۆتایی دێت به
very well end up in a future
كهمی مووچه ببینهوه
مووچهشی لێ بكهوێتهوه
or stagnant wages,
رێژهیهكی بهرچاوی نایهكسانی.
سترێس درووست دهكهن
of inequality.
له ئابوریدا سهرههڵدهدهن
a terrific amount of stress
پیشهكان میكانیزمی سهرهتایین
a fundamental economic problem,
are currently the primary mechanism
دەکڕن كه ئێمه درووستی دهكهین.
and therefore purchasing power,
چالاكت ههبێ،
and services we're producing.
lots and lots of consumers
خزمهتگوزارییهكانت بکڕن
the products and services
دهكهویته بهر مهترسی
then you run the risk
داتهپینی ئابوری لێبكهوێتهوه،
customers out there
and services being produced.
دهستگهیشتن بهو ئابورییهی بازاڕ
on access to that market economy
بیركردنهوه له كهسێكی جیاوز.
in terms of one really exceptional person.
بۆ نموونە، ستیڤ جۆبس،
say, Steve Jobs,
on an island all by himself.
بهناویدا بسوڕێتهوه،
to be running around,
وهك ههركهسێكیتر.
جیاواز و تایبهت،
anything special,
is that there is no market
باوهرپێنهكراوهكهی پێبكات.
his incredible talents across.
،گرنگه بۆ ئێمه وهك تاك
is really critical to us as individuals,
بتوانێت بهردهوام بمێنێتهوه.
in terms of it being sustainable.
دهتوانین چی بكهین دهربارهی ئهمه؟
What exactly could we do about this?
لهڕێگای چوارچێوهیهكی نمونهیی.
through a very utopian framework.
ههموومان ئیشی كهمتر بكهین،
where we all have to work less,
لهناو خێزانهكانمان،
genuinely rewarding
كه بهراستی پاداشتیان ههیه
absolutely strive to move toward.
شهڕبكهین بۆ بەرەوپێشچوونی.
we have to be realistic,
دهبێ راستبین بین،
a significant income distribution problem.
ببینهوه له دابهشبوونی داهات.
to be left behind.
to solve that problem,
to have to find a way
كه من دهیزانم بۆ كردنی ئهمه
way I know to do that
یاخود داهاتی بنچینهیی گشتییه.
or universal basic income.
بیرۆكهیهكی گرنگ.
a very important idea.
of traction and attention,
خۆیدا راكێشاوه،
pilot projects
throughout the world.
ههن لهتێكڕای جیهان.
دهرمانی ههموو كێشهكان نییه؛
is not a panacea;
a plug-and-play solution,
build on and refine.
لهسهربنێین و پوختەی بکەین.
written quite a lot about
explicit incentives into a basic income.
پاداشتهكان و داهاتی بنچینهییه.
كۆششكهری ئامادهییت
high school student.
of dropping out of school.
له قوتابخانه دهربكرێییت.
لهخاڵێكدا لهداهاتوو
that at some point in the future,
basic income as everyone else.
ئەوانی تر دەبێت.
a very perverse incentive
لادهر دروست دهكات
and drop out of school.
.له قوتابخانه و بێییته دهرهوه
structure things that way.
شێوهیه دانهڕێژین.
from high school somewhat more
كهسانهی ئامادهیی تهواو دهكهن
بخهینه ناو داهاتی بنچینهییهوه، و
incentives into a basic income,
an incentive to work in the community
بۆ كاركردن لهناو كۆمهڵگادا
things for the environment,
بۆ ژینگه و دهوروبهر، و
into a basic income,
a couple of steps
دوو ههنگاوی بنێیین
going to face in the future,
رووبهروومان ببێتهوه،
meaning and fulfillment,
مانا و چێژ بدۆزینهوه،
ئیشه باوهكان كهمتره؟
there's less demand for traditional work?
داهاتی بنچینهیی،
a basic income,
بێت لهرووی سیاسی وكۆمهڵایهتیهوه
more politically and socially acceptable
that it will actually come to be.
کە بگەین بەوەی دەمانەوێت
to the idea of a basic income,
داهاتی بنچینهییمان ههیه،
expansion of the safety net,
تۆڕی سهلامهتی،
with too many people
خهڵكێكی زۆر دروستببێت
نهبێت بۆ ڕاکێشانی.
I'm making here, of course,
to be capable of pulling that cart for us.
دهكهن كه رهورهوهكهمان بۆ رابكێشن.
our society and our economy,
،كۆمهڵگا و ئابورییهكهمان
beyond simply being an option,
تێدهپهڕێ كه تهنیا بژاردهیهك بێت،
is that all of this is going to put
ئەمە هەمووی فشارێکی زۆر
بهڕێوه ببهن.
begins to erode in the future,
به داخوران له داهاتوودا،
it with something else
به میكانیزمێكی تر
may not be sustainable.
جێگیری لهدهستبدات.
is that I really think
to build a future economy
بونیاتنانی ئابوری داهاتوو
challenges that we all face
رووبهڕووی ههموان دهبێتهوه
Martin Ford - FuturistMartin Ford imagines what the accelerating progress in robotics and artificial intelligence may mean for the economy, job market and society of the future.
Why you should listen
Martin Ford was one of the first analysts to write compellingly about the future of work and economies in the face of the growing automation of everything. He sketches a future that's radically reshaped not just by robots but by the loss of the income-distributing power of human jobs. How will our economic systems need to adapt?
He's the author of two books: Rise of the Robots: Technology and the Threat of a Jobless Future (winner of the 2015 Financial Times/McKinsey Business Book of the Year Award ) and The Lights in the Tunnel: Automation, Accelerating Technology and the Economy of the Future, and he's the founder of a Silicon Valley-based software development firm. He has written about future technology and its implications for the New York Times, Fortune, Forbes, The Atlantic, The Washington Post, Harvard Business Review and The Financial Times.
Martin Ford | Speaker |