Jocelyne Bloch: The brain may be able to repair itself -- with help
Jocelyne Bloch: Creierul s-ar putea repara singur - cu ajutor
Jocelyne Bloch is helping to unlock potential self-healing capacities of the human brain. Full bio
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with human tragedies.
cu tragedii umane.
from one second to the other
ți se poate schimba într-o clipă
or after a car accident.
sau un accident de mașină.
for us neurosurgeons
other organs of the body,
de alte părți ale corpului,
ability for self-repair.
de a se repara.
of your central nervous system,
la nivelul sistemului nervos central,
with a severe handicap.
cu un handicap sever.
the reason why I've chosen
a neurological function
să îmbunătățească o funcție neurologică
one of the famous ones
in the depths of the brain
este implantat în creier
o funcție neurologică.
the destiny of patients
destinul pacienților
does not mean neuro-repair.
nu înseamnă neuro-reparare,
in the emergency room.
în sala de urgențe.
of patients with head trauma.
pacienți cu traumatisme craniene.
comes in with a severe head trauma,
cu un traumatism cranian sever,
his intracranial pressure.
this intracranial pressure.
presiunea intracraniană.
a piece of swollen brain.
o parte din creierul inflamat.
these pieces of swollen brain,
aceste părți inflamate din creier,
from these pieces of tissue.
din aceste țesuturi.
very small children
to make them thrive.
to do with these cells.
cu acele celule.
under his microscope.
as a stem cell culture,
ca o cultură de celule stem,
surrounding small, immature cells.
înconjurate de celule mari verzi.
of cell of the body.
în orice tip de celulă din corp.
but they're very rare
dar ele sunt foarte rare
in deep and small niches
this kind of stem cell culture
acest tip de cultură de celule stem
of swollen brain we had
pe care îl aveam
intriguing observation:
are very active cells --
sunt celule foarte active --
divide very quickly.
they're immortal cells.
new cell population
ciudate de celule
but behaved differently.
dar care se comportau diferit.
to understand where they came from.
să înțelegem de unde proveneau.
doublecortin-positive cells.
se cheamă celule dublucortin-pozitive.
of your cortical brain cells.
corticale ale creierului.
during the development stage.
în stadiul de dezvoltare.
participate in brain repair
la repararea creierului
in higher concentration
în concentrații mai mari
of a potential new source of cells
noi surse de celule
an experimental paradigm.
un prototip experimental.
unei părți din creier
did it in his lab.
în laboratorul său,
să punem culoare în ele
to track them in the brain.
these cells in a normal brain,
aceste celule într-un creier normal
if we re-implant the same cells
dacă reimplantăm aceleași celule
of professor Eric Rouiller,
in the normal brain
în creierul normal
disappeared after a few weeks,
după câteva săptămâni,
so they disappear.
așa că dispar.
we could observe under the microscope.
ceea ce am putut vedea la microscop.
that were re-implanted.
are the cells that we've labeled
acelea sunt celulele etichetate
to recover after a lesion?
să se recupereze după o leziune?
to perform a manual dexterity task.
un exercițiu de dexteritate manuală.
food pellets from a tray.
de mâncare de pe o tavă.
a plateau of performance,
corresponding to the hand motion.
corespunzător mișcării mâinii.
to a certain extent,
într-o anumită măsură,
due to a brain plasticity mechanism,
unui mecanism de plasticitate a creierului
had reached his plateau
a atins această limită
that has spontaneously recovered.
care și-a revenit spontan.
of his previous performance
40-50% din performanța
the same individual.
aceeași maimuță.
for us, I tell you.
much more about these cells.
mai mult despre aceste celule.
in other neuropathological models,
în alte modele neuropatologice,
to implant them in humans.
să le implantăm în oameni.
to show you soon
the tools to repair itself.
uneltele pentru a se repara.
several dozen people in the audience,
sunt zeci de oameni în public,
somebody who can use this."
„Știu pe cineva care are nevoie de asta.”
into human clinical trials?
experimentele umane?
obstacles are regulations. (Laughs)
sunt reglementările. (Râde)
you need to fill out
uimitoare, trebuie completate
kind of trials.
prin astfel de experimente.
the brain is delicate, etc.
creierul e delicat, etc.
a professional team to do it, you know?
profesională pentru treaba asta.
permission to start the trials,
pentru demararea experimentelor,
somebody gets into a hospital
să poată beneficia
on the approval of the trial.
de aprobarea perioadei de probă.
to do it soon?
s-o demarăm curând?
this kind of study
to select the patients,
to do this kind of treatment.
this to a multicentric trial.
într-un experiment multicentric.
first that it's useful
up for everybody.
JB: Bineînțeles.
to TED and sharing this.
că ai împărtășit asta la TED.
Jocelyne Bloch - Functional neurosurgeonJocelyne Bloch is helping to unlock potential self-healing capacities of the human brain.
Why you should listen
Swiss neurosurgeon Jocelyne Bloch is an expert in deep brain stimulation and neuromodulation for movement disorders. Her recent work focuses on cortical cells, called doublecortin, related to neurogenesis and brain repair. In collaboration with Jean François Brunet and others, she is pioneering the development of adult brain cell transplantation for patients with stroke, using their own stem cells. She aims at gathering all these novel therapeutic strategies under a common umbrella that will optimize treatment options for patients suffering from neurological impairments. She is in charge of the functional neurosurgery unit at the Lausanne University Hospital (CHUV).
Jocelyne Bloch | Speaker |