Roselinde Torres: What it takes to be a great leader
Roselinde Torres: Kaj naredi voditelja izjemnega
BCG's Roselinde Torres studies what makes great leaders tick -- and figures out how to teach others the same skills. Full bio
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če lahko vidimo učinkovitost
corporate training programs,
izobraževalnim programom,
treniranju, vsem tem stvarem,
dovolj izjemnih voditeljev.
generalnim direktorjem
skrb vzbujajoč trend
z visokimi potenciali
in mu je spodletelo
generalni direktorici,
voditeljev pripravljen
s temi vprašanji
o učinkovitih in neučinkovitih
in ekonomskega konteksta.
veliko neprofitnih voditeljev,
finančnim sredstvom
dozdevnih nasprotnikov.
v predsedniških knjižnicah
in delala polni čas
s čudovitimi sodelavci,
za ta vprašanja.
flow and innovation,
in inovacij,
vodstvene prakse
outdated performance criteria
zastareli kriteriji zmogljivosti,
da ste pripravljeni
je na vašem koledarju.
to course-correct a strategy
da popravijo smer strategije
ampak jo tudi oblikujejo.
stakeholder network?
mreže kontaktov.
good ol' boy networks
o mrežah dobrih starih prijateljev
well in many institutions.
zdrave v mnogih ustanovah.
cultural, socioeconomic.
kulturne, družbenoekonomske
made you successful in the past?
v preteklosti uspeli?
in dobro se boš razumel.
what's familiar and comfortable.
kar vam je znano in prijetno.
je z mano delil dejstvo,
čustveno vzdržljivost,
ki ti pravijo, da je tvoja nova ideja
ali preprosto nespametna.
ki se vam bodo pridružili,
osumljenci v mreži.
ki razmišljajo drugače
v 21. stoletju izjemnega?
Roselinde Torres - Leadership expertBCG's Roselinde Torres studies what makes great leaders tick -- and figures out how to teach others the same skills.
Why you should listen
Roselinde Torres is a senior partner and managing director at the consulting firm, BCG. A senior leader in the firm’s "people and organization" practice area, she is also the company's resident expert on leadership, a topic she has studied her entire career.
Questions she likes to ask include, "what innovative methods can help prepare the next generation of leaders?" and "how do we enable leaders to unlearn past modes and habits of success?"
Prior to joining BCG in 2006, Roselinde was a senior partner at Mercer Delta Consulting, while she has also led internal consulting teams at Johnson & Johnson and Connecticut Mutual Life. She speaks frequently about organizational transformation and leadership; her work and thinking have been featured in publications such as BusinessWeek and The Economist.
Roselinde Torres | Speaker |