Renzo Piano: The genius behind some of the world's most famous buildings
Ренцо Пијано (Renzo Piano): Геније који стоји иза неких од најпознатијих грађевина на свету
Renzo Piano is a builder of shelters for human beings. And communities. Full bio
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сасвим сигурно, задивљујућа.
funny kind of art.
веома је чудна врста уметности.
between art and science.
између уметности и науке.
is also amazing.
at 10 o’clock in the morning,
у десет сати ујутру,
кренути странпутицом.
need to be a builder.
морате бити градитељ.
да направите грађевину,
is the art of making buildings.
уметност прављења грађевина.
shelter for human beings.
склоништа за људска бића.
we completed a few years ago.
пре неколико година.
the top piece of the tower.
the force of gravity,
we got more than 1,400 people,
имамо више од 1 400 људи,
It's a miracle.
places, is a miracle.
различитих места је чудо.
у стварном животу,
у великим дубинама.
East Berlin to West Berlin,
Источни Берлин са Западним Берлином
almost 5,000 people.
на том пројекту.
Japanese ones.
јапански пењачи.
a sense of cooperation.
да се створи осећај сарадње.
грађевинарство је, наравно,
why architecture is amazing.
зашто је архитектура задивљујућа.
that is maybe even more amazing.
који је, можда, још више задивљујућ.
to swallow by people.
of those changes.
of those changes.
and architecture is adventure.
а архитектура је авантура.
Georges Pompidou in Paris,
landing in the middle of Paris.
који се спуштао усред Париза.
in adventure, Richard Rogers,
у овој авантури, Ричардом Роџерсом,
a few years after May '68.
након маја 1968. године.
не треба да буду застрашујуће.
should not be intimidating.
a cultural place.
of a cultural attitude.
you can see that piazza.
of urban life.
so many other places for people.
толико пуно других места за људе.
designed by the sound, you can see.
дизајнира звук, што можете видети.
you need to make an island,
понекад морате направити острво,
landing on the ground.
која слеће на земљу.
Academy of Sciences.
академија наука.
that use the humidity of the air,
које користе влагу из ваздуха
from the water table.
за зграду са сертификатом Platinum LEED.
to measure, of course,
the Niarchos Foundation.
a Platinum LEED building.
зграда са сертификатом Platinum LEED.
the sun's energy with that roof.
сунчеву енергију помоћу тог крова.
a place for people is good.
место за људе је добро.
правити концертне сале,
making museums is good,
и правити музеје је добро,
that's open, accessible.
који је јаван, приступачан.
for a better world, for sure.
зграду за бољи свет.
amazing, even more.
to need and necessity,
одговор на потребу и нужност,
dreams, aspirations.
of the people living in that hut.
који живе у тој колиби.
of telling stories.
building in Western Europe.
у западној Европи.
in the air, to breathe fresh air.
како би се удисао свеж ваздух.
that is never the same.
које никада није исто.
that is difficult to explain.
you have the Menil Collection,
видите Колекцију Менил
уметнички музеј.
essential materials in architecture.
од најосновнијих материјала у архитектури.
that goes up to there.
the sense of transparency.
осећај провидности.
the Magic Lantern in Japan,
Магични фењер у Јапану,
is a monastery in the forest.
with the silence and the forest.
са тишином и шумом.
have something in common:
for desire, for dreams.
to show you this picture.
да се прикаже ова фотографија.
I love sailing, for sure.
волим једрење, сасвим сигурно.
designing sailing boats.
is associated with slowness.
јер се оно поистовећује са спорошћу.
that this picture says.
I can do about that.
урадити по том питању.
I want to take you sailing here,
на једрење овде, на ово место
actually flirt with the wind,
they have a voice, those buildings.
because it's about beauty.
to catch it, it flies away.
да је ухватите, она одлети.
that means "beautiful and good."
то значи „лепо и добро“.
"beautiful" just means "beautiful."
„лепо“ не значи само „лепо“.
only to art or nature.
на уметност и природу.
human curiosity, solidarity --
људску радозналост, солидарност.
that can change people
која може променити људе
in their eyes.
посебно светло у њихове очи.
требало би да кажем,
that can change the world.
које могу да промене свет.
will save the world.
Renzo Piano - ArchitectRenzo Piano is a builder of shelters for human beings. And communities.
Why you should listen
Renzo Piano is an architect and legend. Playing with transparency, light and curves while creating buildings with utility and permanence, he's the mind behind the Shard in London, the new Whitney Museum at Gansevoort in New York and the Kansai International Airport Terminal in Osaka, Japan, and he co-created the Centre Pompidou in Paris.
As he writes: "Since I was a child looking at the shiploads suspended over the harbor of my hometown, Genoa, I dreamt about fighting against gravity. And this is what I tried to accomplish in all these years of work: making buildings (one of the heaviest things you can make) that float above grounds. I also like to create buildings that could be shelter for human beings: good places for people to meet and share experiences. This is also the way cities become more beautiful cities, and this is why it is so important to me. In my job you need to be different things at a time: a builder in the morning, a poet at lunchtime and a humanist in the afternoon. It is one of the oldest and most adventurous things you can do. I can't think of a better way to spend my time every day."
Renzo Piano | Speaker |