Garry Kasparov: Don't fear intelligent machines. Work with them
Гари Каспаров (Garry Kasparov): Не плашите се интелигентних машина. Сарађујте са њима
Garry Kasparov is esteemed by many as the greatest chess player of all time. Now he’s engaged in a game with far higher stakes: the preservation of democracy. Full bio
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simultaneous exhibition
best chess-playing machines
на свету које играју шах
much of a surprise
великим изненађењем
at the same time.
32 компјутера у исто време.
against just one computer
против само једног компјутера
as a matter of life and death.
као питање живота и смрти.
African American folk legend,
из деветнаестог века,
is a part of a long historical narrative
је део дугог историјског наратива
is standard now.
as if they had vanished from the Earth.
као да су нестали са лица земље.
попут „Терминатора“ или „Матрикса“
like "The Terminator" or "The Matrix"
can compete on equal terms
могу такмичити под истим условима
постао човек из пословице
competition since John Henry,
између човека и машине од Џона Хенрија,
суперкоmпјутера, Дип Блуа.
да сам победио у првој партији.
that I won the first match --
the following year in New York.
реванш наредне године у Њујорку.
special calendar entry
специјални дан у календару
who failed to climb Mt. Everest
да се попну на Монт Еверест
and Tenzing Norgay
и Тензинг Норгеј
the world champion
и даље сам био светски првак
коначно усавршили.
not that Deep Blue did it,
не да је Дип Блу то урадио,
was a human triumph,
био је људски успех,
are surpassed by our own creations.
када људе престигну сопствене творевине.
and other founders of computer science
и други оснивачи рачунарства.
could be crunched by brute force,
да се прорачуна сировом снагом,
into the mysteries of human intelligence.
у мистерију људске интелигенције.
with these machines.
са овим машинама.
in 1996 in February,
са Дип Блуом фебруара 1996. године,
for more than 10 years,
world championship games
за светско првенство
other top players in other competitions.
против других врхунских играча
од својих противника
and looking into their eyes.
the chessboard from Deep Blue.
шаховске табле, насупрот Дип Блуу.
in a driverless car
у аутомобилу без возача
manager issues an order at work.
изда наређење на послу.
да одиграм ту прву партију,
and IBM had invested heavily.
а Ај-Би-Ем је много уложио.
шах, стигла до краја?
had no such worries at all.
уопште нема таквих брига.
with his hammer in his hand.
али умро са чекићем у руци.
a human chess champion.
који је човек.
on the latest mobile phone
на најновијем мобилном телефону
предвидели су да нико неће играти игру
that nobody would touch the game
доказано је да су погрешили,
a popular pastime
је увек била популарна разбибрига
out of our technology,
што је више могуће од наше технологије,
out of our humanity.
што је више могуће из своје човечности.
if you can't beat them, join them.
придружи им се.“
играти са компјутером?“,
combining our strengths,
уз удружене снаге,
plus machine's calculation,
савршена игра свих времена?
competition against another elite player.
против другог елитног играча.
human and machine skills effectively.
способности људи и машина.
its home on the internet,
себи место на интернету,
freestyle chess tournament
шаховски турнир слободног стила
and top machines participated,
и суперкомпјутера,
of amateur American chess players
at the same time.
the superior chess knowledge
напредном шаховском знању
computational power of others.
is superior to a strong human player
супериорнији је од доброг људског играча
to help us coach our machines
да научимо машине
from a foreign newspaper,
о чланку из страних новина,
learns from our corrections.
in medical diagnosis, security analysis.
безбедносне анализе.
with 90 percent accuracy,
уз прецизност од 90 посто,
кључних децимала.
my match with Deep Blue,
након партије са Дип Блуом,
"The Brain's Last Stand" headline
„Последње упориште мозга“
after people with college degrees
по факултетски образоване људе
who fought machines and lost,
против машина и изгубио,
this is excellent, excellent news.
да су ово сјајне новости.
has ceased to make progress.
да је човечанство престало да напредује.
technological progress stops.
from our lives,
about what our machines can do today.
шта наше машине могу да ураде данас.
about what they still cannot do today,
шта не могу да ураде данас,
of the new, intelligent machines
нових, интелигентних машина
претворимо у стварност.
are too intelligent,
што су машине сувише интелигентне
we grew complacent
што смо постали немарни
or even playing chess.
или чак и играње шаха.
коју само људи могу да раде.
Garry Kasparov - Grandmaster, analystGarry Kasparov is esteemed by many as the greatest chess player of all time. Now he’s engaged in a game with far higher stakes: the preservation of democracy.
Why you should listen
Garry Kasparov became the youngest world champion ever at 22 in 1985 and spent twenty years as the world's top-rated player. His legendary matches against the IBM supercomputer Deep Blue in 1996 and 1997 made him a central figure in artificial intelligence and the evolution of the human-machine relationship. He retired from chess in 2005 to become a leader of the Russian pro-democracy movement against the rising dictatorship of Vladimir Putin. He is the chairman of the New York-based Human Rights Foundation and has become a powerful voice for individual freedom worldwide. As a Senior Visiting Fellow at the Oxford Martin School, Kasparov specializes in interdisciplinary collaboration and, as he puts it, "how our technology can make us more human." He is a member of the executive board of the Foundation for Responsible Robotics.
Kasparov's latest book is Deep Thinking: Where Machine Intelligence Ends and Human Creativity Begins, which details his legendary matches against Deep Blue and shares his optimistic insights into our human plus machine future. His 2015 book Winter Is Coming detailed the rise of Putin's Russia as well as Kasparov's persecution and self-exile, and it serves chilling warnings of reactionary forces gathering in the West.
Garry Kasparov | Speaker |