César Hidalgo: A bold idea to replace politicians
Cezar Idalgo (César Hidalgo): Odvažna ideja da se zamene političari
Double-click the English transcript below to play the video.
disappointed with democracy?
in presidential elections
na predsedničkim izborima
in EU parliamentary elections,
na parlamentarnim izborima EU,
in the last election for mayor.
na poslednjim izborima za gradonačelnika.
24 percent of people showed up to vote.
ljudi pojavilo na glasanju.
if "Friends" was still running,
prikazivali „Prijatelji”,
would have shown up to vote.
bi se pojavili na glasanju.
because people are tired of politicians.
jer je ljudima dosta političara.
using the data that they have generated
koji koriste podatke koje su oni stvorili
their friends and family,
sa prijateljima i porodicom,
političku propagandu na njih.
is that this is not new.
da ovo nije novina.
to target propaganda at you
radi ciljane propagande ka vama,
or your gender or your age,
vaš pol ili vaš uzrast,
with propaganda for political purposes
u svrhe političke propagande
has a basic vulnerability.
ima osnovnu ranjivost.
of people to exert power.
da ljudi vrše vlast.
that power to a representative
da delegiramo tu moć zastupniku
if you want to attack democracy
ako želite da napadnete demokratiju,
by either capturing that representative
bilo kontrolisanjem tog zastupnika
that people choose it.
na koji ga ljudi biraju.
about alternatives,
is the idea of direct democracy.
je zamisao o direktnoj demokratiji.
politicians completely
političara u potpunosti,
that we would need to choose.
koje bismo morali da biramo.
the House of Representatives
more than 3,000 bills
preko 3 000 predloga zakona,
nedeljno da donese,
bandwidth problem
sa kognitivnim opsegom
direct democracy as a viable alternative.
demokratiji kao mogućoj alternativi.
of liquid democracy, or fluid democracy,
tečne demokratije ili fluidne demokratije,
your political power to someone,
za vašu političku moć nekome,
a large follower network
veliku mrežu pratilaca
that are making decisions
nekolicina ljudi koja donosi odluke,
and their followers.
i pratilaca tih pratilaca.
the problem of the cognitive bandwidth
problem kognitivnog opsega,
to the idea of having a representative.
ideji da imate zastupnika.
I'm going to be a little bit provocative,
malo provokativan,
to bypass politicians,
da zaobiđemo političare,
to automate the loom.
odlučili da automatizuju razboj.
was Joseph-Marie Jacquard.
je bio Žozef-Mari Žakard.
with the steam engine
he gained control.
on je pridobio kontrolu.
more complex and more sophisticated
koji su složeniji i prefinjeniji
were able to do by hand.
the blueprint of automation.
što će postati obrazac automatizacije.
for the last 300 years
u proteklih 300 godina
to satisfy that need,
da zadovoljimo potrebu,
kako ljudi koriste to oruđe
from the mechanical loom
hiljadu godina.
to automate the car.
da automatizujemo automobil.
from Toshiba shared with me
iz Tošibe podelio sa mnom.
that manufactures solid state drives.
koja proizvodi poluprovodničke diskove.
to leave the factories
data for entire countries
podatke celokupnih država
the foundations that we need
to also manage those machines.
i da upravljamo tim mašinama.
to talk to you about these tools
da vam pričam o tim oruđima
about another idea
o jednoj drugoj ideji
artificial intelligence in democracy.
veštačku inteligenciju u demokratiji.
are designed for executive decisions.
dizajnirana za izvršne odluke.
in some sort of term of objectivity --
u nekom obliku objektivnosti -
that are legislative,
require communication among people
zahtevaju komunikaciju među ljudima
we have thought that, well,
zapravo nam je potrebno više komunikacije.
is actually more communication.
advanced in the context of democracy,
u tom kontekstu demokratije,
ili društvenim mrežama,
or whether it is social media,
with more communication.
više komunikacije.
what's going to solve the problem.
of cognitive bandwidth,
kognitivnog opsega,
what's going to solve it.
is to have other technologies
potrebne nove tehnologije,
some of the communication
dela ove komunikacije
to answer things on your behalf.
some of the communication
dela te komunikacije,
or decisions at a larger scale.
boljih odluka ili odluka većeg obima.
of software agents is also not new.
o softverskim agentima nije nova.
to drive to a certain location,
da vozimo do određene lokacije,
for the next books that we should read.
koju bi trebalo da pročitamo.
in the 21st century
with a loom at the time of Jacquard.
i razboj u Žakardovo vreme.
direct democracy with software agents.
demokratije i softverskih agenata.
a representative that represents you
zastupnika koji zastupa
that represents only you,
koji zastupa samo vas,
političkim stavovima -
of libertarian and liberal
libertarijanca i liberala,
conservative on some issues
malo konzervativca,
and they're full of compromises.
i puni su kompromisa.
that can represent only you,
ko može da predstavlja samo vas,
is a software agent,
as many senators as we have citizens.
onoliko senatora koliko imamo stanovnika.
to read every bill
da čitaju svaki predlog zakona,
to vote on each one of them.
that maybe we want to consider.
koju bismo možda želeli da razmotrimo.
coming from the future
koji dolazi iz budućnosti
version of this idea look like?
u ovoj verziji izgledala?
and you create your avatar,
i napravite svoj avatar,
to start training your avatar.
da obučavate svog avatara.
with your reading habits,
soptvene čitalačke skolonosti,
sa vašim društvenim mrežama,
psychological tests.
is that there's no deception.
je ta što nema obmane.
with your friends and family
sa prijateljima i porodicom,
u političkom sistemu.
that is designed to be used
koji je osmišljen da se koristi
on your behalf.
političke odluke u vaše ime.
a training algorithm,
i odaberete algoritam za obuku,
can submit different algorithms
mogu da prilože različite algoritme
based on the data you have provided.
na osnovu podataka koje ste ponudili.
so nobody controls the algorithms;
dakle, niko ne kontroliše algoritme;
that become more popular
i drugi koji će da budu manje popularni.
kako vaš avatar funkcioniše.
you can leave it on autopilot.
stavite ga na sistem autopilota.
a little more controlling,
kad god treba da donesu neku odluku,
to make a decision,
tako malo koristimo demokratiju
why we use democracy so little
ima veoma loš korisnički pristup.
has a very bad user interface.
interface of democracy,
korisnički pristup demokratije,
that you might have.
distributed and auditable?
raspodeljen i podložan reviziji?
who's 80 years old
you have to beware of pessimists
morate da se pazite pesimista,
a problem for every solution.
problem za svako rešenje.
about the bigger ideas.
da razmišljate o većim idejama.
are little ideas
upravo pokazao su male ideje,
about how this would not work.
zašto ovo ne bi funkcionisalo.
well, who writes the laws?
the avatars that we already have,
avatare koje već imamo,
by the senators or politicians
senatori ili političari
percentage of approval,
is ludicrous and we should not do it,
i da ne bi trebalo to da radimo,
that is only possible
da je ova ideja jedino moguća
and software agents
i softverski agenti
with picket fences or protests
tarabama ili protestima,
to be changed into robots.
da se pretvore u robote.
simple systems like this in grad schools,
proste sisteme poput ovog na fakultetima,
neprofitnim organizacijama.
all of those little questions
sva ta mala pitanja,
to make this idea something viable,
da bi ova ideja postala održiva,
that we can trust.
nešto čemu možemo verovati.
a hundred people, a thousand people,
sa stotinama, hiljadama,
in ways that are not politically binding,
na načine koji nisu politički obavezujući,
as my daughter is right now
today is very crazy,
da danas zvuči sumanuto,
and to her friends.
neće biti sumanuta.
at the beginning of theirs.
César Hidalgo - PhysicistCésar Hidalgo studies how teams, cities and nations learn.
Why you should listen
César A. Hidalgo leads the Collective Learning group at The MIT Media Lab and is an associate professor of media arts and sciences at MIT. Hidalgo's work focuses on understanding how teams, organizations, cities and nations learn. At the Collective Learning group, Hidalgo develops software tools to facilitate learning in organizations. His academic publications have been cited more than 10,000 times, and his online systems, including the Observatory of Economic Complexity and DataUSA, have received more than 100 million views and numerous awards.
Hidalgo's latest book, Why Information Grows (2015), has been translated into 10+ languages. He is also the co-author of The Atlas of Economic Complexity (2014) and a co-founder of Datawheel LLC, a company that has professionalized the creation of large data visualization engines.
César Hidalgo | Speaker | TED.com