Fatima AlZahra'a Alatraktchi: To detect diseases earlier, let's speak bacteria's secret language
Fatima AlZahra'a Alatraktchi: Kutambua magonjwa mapema, tuongee lugha ya siri ya bakteria
Fatima AlZahra'a Alatraktchi invented a method to spy on the social behavior and communication of bacteria. Full bio
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just like humans.
kama tu binadamu.
to bacterial conversations
kusikiliza mazungumzo ya bakteria
information into human language?
kuwa lugha ya binadamu?
bacterial conversations can save lives?
mazungumzo ya bakteria kutaokoa maisha?
to develop a real-time translation tool
chombo cha kutafsiri cha muda halisi
za bakteria
of what bacteria are up to.
bakteria wanafanya.
in this theater are bacterial.
kwenye huu ukumbi ni bakteria.
or produce antibiotics.
au kutengeneza dawa.
the functions bacteria have,
binadamu --
to communicate with each other.
kuwasiliana wenyewe kwa wenyewe.
alone in the desert.
the signaling molecules accumulate,
molekuli za ishara zinajikusanya,
that they're not alone.
hawapo peke yao.
of how many they are
wako wangapi
to initiate a new action.
kuanzisha hatua mpya.
have reached a certain threshold,
kizingiti flani,
that they need to act
kua wanahitaji kutenda
of an initiative and a reaction,
na mwanzo na jibu,
and the response to it.
na majibu yake.
on bacterial communities
kwenye jamii za bakteria
communication molecules present,
zozote za mazungumzo zilizopo,
will give us information
when bacteria communicate?
bakteria wakizungumza?
would have a primitive language,
watakua na lugha ya halisi,
words and sentences yet.
maneno na sentensi.
when they cry, they're sad.
wanapolia, wanahuzuni.
as primitive as I thought they would be.
karibu na halisi kama nilivyodhani.
depending on the context,
kulingana na muktadha,
can mean different things:
vinavyomaanisha vitu tofauti:
the signaling molecules
molekuli za ishara
depending on the context.
kulingana na muktadha.
will adopt this soon.
kuiptisha hii.
that can be a bit tricky to understand
zinazoweza kuwa ngumu kuelewa
that has infected a patient.
ambayo imemshambulia mgonjwa.
they reproduce, and they grow.
wanazaliana, wanakua.
as long as they're working together.
alimradi wanafanya kazi kwa pamoja.
with Juliet from Capulet.
na Juliet wa Capulet.
kuwa hatari kwa wakina Montague
can be dangerous to the Montagues
family in the patient they have infected,
pekee kwenye mgonjwa waliomshambulia,
resistance to antibiotics.
kinga kwa dawa.
to get rid of this other family
kwa ndani kuondoa hii familia nyingine
that will kill the other family.
itakayoua ile familia nyingine.
by calling for a counterattack.
kuita shambulizi la kujibu.
dueling with swordlike organelles,
wakipigana na viumbe kama upanga,
and rupturing each other.
na kupasuana wenyewe.
becomes the dominant bacteria.
anakuwa bakteria mkuu.
bacterial conversations
mazungumzo ya bakteria
tofauti za kwa pamoja
collective behaviors
on bacterial communities
kwenye jamii za bakteria
for one particular infection,
kwa aina moja ya shambulizi,
of the traditional diagnostic test.
vipimo vya kawaida.
and I compared the tool results
kulinganisha majibu ya chombo
and the validation test,
na vipimo vya kuhakikisha,
than I had ever anticipated.
kuliko nilivyowahi kutarajia.
what the tool revealed,
nini chombo kilionyesha,
a specific patient I followed,
mgonjwa mahsusi niliomfuatilia,
susceptible to bacterial infections.
kuathiriwa kirahisi na bakteria.
of the clinical trial.
from her medical record
kutoka kwenye taarifa zake
an infection before.
alienda hospitali
went to the hospital
that she spit in a cup.
ambayo alitemea kwenye kikombe.
for bacterial analysis
uchunguzi wa bakteria
if they discovered an infection.
iwapi wangekuta shambulizi.
on her samples as well.
changu kwa sampuli zake pia.
on her samples, there was nothing.
sampuli zake, hakukua na kitu.
chatter in her sample.
bakteria kwenye sampuli yake.
to damage her lung tissue.
kuharibu tishu ya pafu lake.
showed no bacteria at all.
havikuonyesha bakteria kabisa.
conversations became even more aggressive.
bakteria yamekua makali zaidi.
diagnostics showed nothing.
havikuonyesha chochote.
I followed up on her status
baadae, nikafuatilia hali yake
only I knew about had disappeared
pekee walipotea
with a severe infection
na mashambulio makali
my tool discovered earlier.
chombo changu kiligundua kabla.
antibiotic treatment,
dawa za kutibu,
to eradicate the infection.
kuondoa mashambulizi.
survive her 20s.
kufikia miaka ya 20.
hatua za mwanzo.
if my method worked at all,
kama njia yangu ilifanya kazi kabisa,
with the doctors
na madaktari
their treatment.
ambayo hata hayakuwa yamehakikishwa,
that weren't even validated,
without an actual infection
bila mashambulizi halisi
consequences for the patient.
kwa mgonjwa.
and girls that still can be saved
wengi bado wanaweza kuokolewa
this scenario happens very often.
hii hali inatokea mara nyingi.
on the traditional diagnostic test,
kwenye vipimo vya kawaida,
in the patient with severe symptoms.
ndani ya mgojwa na dalili kali.
of the 62 patients I followed
wagonjwa 62 niliowafuatilia
caught bacterial conversations
mazungumzo ya bakteria
by traditional methods.
kwa njia za upimaji za kawaida.
hawa wagonjwa walirudi nyumbani wakiwaza
of these patients went home thinking
dangerous bacteria.
bakteria hatari.
a synchronized attack.
la kuambatanishwa.
methods cannot diagnose.
za upimjai haziwezi kuona.
that can catch those whispers.
kinachoweza kudaka hao wanong'onezaji.
in which bacteria are still whispering
bakteria bado wananong'onezana
for targeted treatment.
ya malengo.
during this window of opportunity,
kwenye kuu mda wenye nafasi,
to kill the bacteria
made me decide to do everything I can
kumenifanya niamue kufanya ninachoweza
on implementing this tool in clinics
hiki kifaa kwenye kliniki
how doctors should treat patients
madaktari watatibu wagonjwa
keep a closer eye on patients in risk.
kuwa makini na wagonjwa kwenye hatari.
if a treatment had worked or not,
kama tiba imefanya kazi au la,
information to each other.
Fatima AlZahra'a Alatraktchi - Nanophysicist, entrepreneurFatima AlZahra'a Alatraktchi invented a method to spy on the social behavior and communication of bacteria.
Why you should listen
Fatima AlZahra'a Alatraktchi holds a PhD in nanotechnology and molecular biology, is a renowned fiction writer and the founder of PreDiagnose, where she's created next-generation diagnostics for early bacterial detection. She's an expert in developing micro- and nanosensors for the detection of cellular molecules and microorganisms.
As a result of her research and academic track, Alatraktchi has received a number of prestigious awards, including the Lundbeck Foundation Talent Prize for outstanding research talents in medicine and health and the PhD thesis of the year award by the Technical University of Denmark. She founded PreDiagnose to transform her research into concrete benefit for users. Forbes listed her as one of the 30 most influential people under 30 in Europe within science and health in 2019.
Fatima AlZahra'a Alatraktchi | Speaker | TED.com