Nadine Hachach-Haram: How augmented reality could change the future of surgery
Nadine Hachach-Haram: Kako proširena stvarnost može promijeniti budućnost kirurgije
The co-founder of Proximie, Nadine Hachach-Haram is a curious surgeon with a passion for technology and innovation -- and a desire to make a difference in the world. Full bio
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of human social development,
ljudskom društvenom razvoju,
through the fourth great epoch
u četvrtoj velikoj epohi
is a modern miracle.
tehnologije moderno je čudo.
of time and space which separate people,
vremena i prostora koje razdvajaju ljude
can be shared freely.
mogu slobodno dijeliti.
in digital technology
postignuća u digitalnoj tehnologiji
in terms of what can be achieved?
onoga što se može postići?
can take us to even greater heights.
može odvesti u još veće visine.
talking to all of you,
ja držim ovaj govor,
lack access to safe surgical care.
nema pristup sigurnoj kirurškoj skrbi.
of the world's population,
Lancet Commission
u časopisu Lancet,
simple surgical procedures
jednostavnim kirurškim postupcima
that there are only 10 qualified surgeons.
svega deset kvalificiranih kirurga.
for every 600,000 people.
an extra 100,000 surgeons by 2030
trebati dodatnih 100.000 kirurga do 2030.
for routine surgical procedures.
za rutinskim kirurškim zahvatima.
we won't be meeting those numbers.
nećemo uspjeti postići te brojke.
a global issue that bothers me.
problem koji me zabrinjava.
to safe and affordable healthcare
sigurnom i pristupačnom zdravstvu
that needs an operation
kojem je potrebna operacija,
really difficult choices:
stvarno teški izbori:
some of that solution with you today:
rješenja sa sobom danas:
has the power to do so much more
ima moć činiti puno više,
omogućava online kupovinu,
and to stay up to date.
i da ostanemo ukorak s novostima.
some of the key issues that we face,
ključnih problema s kojima smo suočeni,
to vital surgical services.
ključnih kirurških usluga.
to moći učiniti mogućim.
we can make that possible.
is filled with breakthroughs
was able to help the surgeons of the day
mogle pomoći tadašnjim kirurzima
par stotina godina,
of antiseptic techniques,
antiseptičkih tehnika,
to stay alive postsurgery.
živi nakon operacije.
keyhole or arthroscopic surgery,
and precision instruments
i precizne instrumente
kirurgiju manje invazivnom.
will be aware of robotic surgery,
bit će upoznata s robotskom kirurgijom
is much like modern automated machinery,
kirurgiji poput moderne automatizacije;
at the tiniest scales
zahvata u sićušnim dimenzijama,
that even surpasses the human hand.
koji nadilazi ljudsku ruku.
something else to surgery:
također uvela još nešto u kirurgiju:
at the patient's bedside to deliver care,
krevetom da bi mu obavljao zahvat,
through a computer.
in a cost-effective and scalable way,
učinkovit i svjetski primjenjiv način,
where they are in the world,
gdje se nalazili na svijetu,
robot od milijun dolara
a million-dollar robot
was a phone, a tablet, or a computer,
mobitel, tablet ili računalo,
collaboration software.
putem proširene stvarnosti.
suradnju putem proširene stvarnosti,
collaboration software,
can now virtually transport himself
virtualno teleportirati
or tablet or computer,
mobitel, tablet ili računalo
interact in an operation
sudjelovati u operaciji,
through the procedure step by step.
lokaciji korak po korak kroz zahvat.
to Dr. Marc Tompkins,
dr. Marcu Tompkinsu,
at the University of Minnesota.
Sveučilištu u Minnesoti.
an arthroscopic surgery for us,
artroskopsku operaciju za nas,
to having their operation streamed.
za prijenos njegove operacije.
that in the interest of time,
da, s vremenom na umu,
through the first steps,
a few key anatomical landmarks.
ključnih anatomskih oznaka.
Everyone from TED says hello.
Svi iz TED-a kažu bok.
let's get started.
and where we're going to make these,
i gdje ćemo ih napraviti,
your incisions there and there,
svoje rezove ovdje i ovdje,
get us into the knee.
inside the joint now.
and have a quick look at the meniscus.
i bacili pogled na meniskus.
a small tear there on the meniscus,
da postoji manji rascjep na meniskusu,
and head to this direction,
pođete u ovom smjeru,
at the ACL and the PCL.
i stražnji križni ligament.
that looks quite healthy,
taj izgleda zdravo.
that small meniscus tear there,
manji rascjep meniskusa ovdje,
around the joint looks OK as well.
zgloba izgleda O.K. također.
Dr. Tompkins. Thank you for your time.
dr. Tompkins. Hvala na vašem vremenu.
kroz ovu jednostavnu demonstraciju
this simple demonstration
just how powerful this technology can be.
moćna ova tehnologija može biti.
that I wasn't using any special equipment,
koristila nikakvu posebnu opremu,
korištenje digitalne tehnologije
and text and video,
poziva, poruke i videa,
can do something so much deeper.
može učiniti nešto puno značajnije.
da virtualno komuniciraju
how they would collaborate in person.
kako bi one surađivale uživo.
what you want to do,
pokazati što želiš učiniti,
than just telling them.
samo im govoriti.
for such a great learning tool,
kao sjajan alat za učenje,
through direct experience.
a difference around the world?
local district general hospitals
podržavanje okružnih općih bolnica
and trauma treatment.
kože i liječenje trauma.
care at a local level.
njezi na lokalnoj razini.
improves their access,
za prijevoz, poboljšava pristupačnost
u tretiranju rana s medicinskim sestrama
in wound care management with nurses
through a cancer removal of a kidney.
operaciju odstranjivanja raka bubrega.
a very quick video here.
jedan kratak video s vama.
of the gruesome views.
Pokaži mi još jednom.
the most outer part of your tumor.
three centimeters deep,
so you need to get a 3.5 margin.
margina od 3,5 cm.
of this technology at a global scale,
ove tehnologije i na svjetskoj razini.
heartwarming stories I can recall
priča koje se mogu sjetiti
in the north of Lima in Peru,
u sjevernoj Limi u Peruu,
was used to support the provision
koristila kao potpora za pružanje
surgery to children,
didn't have access to health insurance.
nemaju pristup zdravstvenom osiguranju.
a hospital with one surgeon
bolnica s jednom kirurgicom
držati korak s količinom potražnje
under the sheer demand
specifically trained in this procedure.
specijalističku obuku za taj zahvat.
with a cleft surgeon in California,
za rascjep usne iz Kalifornije
to guide her and her colleagues
mogao je voditi nju i njezine kolege
and teaching them.
30 percent more operations
30 % više operacija
can perform these operations
sposobni obavljati ove operacije
and confidently.
from a mother who said,
majke koja je rekla:
gave my daughter her smile."
mojoj kćerki njezin osmijeh".
of this technology.
technological difficulties.
It democratizes access.
Demokatizira pristupačnost.
are growing rapidly,
tehnologija ubrzano rastu,
in boosting surgical provision.
u poboljšavanju pružanja kirurgije.
where there's considerable risk
područjima sukoba, gdje postoji rizik
to certain locations.
specijalista do određenih lokacija.
there are more mobile devices
postoji više mobilnih uređaja
nismo dovoljno uznapredovali
of getting surgery to five billion people,
kirurgije za pet milijardi osoba
don't have access to internet.
pristup internetu.
in the right direction.
kreću u pravom smjeru.
our global footprint,
svoj otisak na svjetskoj razini,
the potential of this technology.
mogućnosti ove tehnologije.
that we take for granted,
uređaje koje uzimamo zdravo za gotovo,
Nadine Hachach-Haram - Surgeon, entrepreneurThe co-founder of Proximie, Nadine Hachach-Haram is a curious surgeon with a passion for technology and innovation -- and a desire to make a difference in the world.
Why you should listen
Dr. Nadine Hachach-Haram is a surgeon, lecturer and clinical entrepreneur. She drew on her passion for innovation, education and global surgery to co-found Proximie, an augmented reality platform that allows doctors to virtually transport themselves into any operating room, anywhere in the world, to visually and practically interact in an operation from start to finish. From marking up a patient to providing real-time virtual presence in assisting and instructing on an operation, Proximie aims to provide safe, accessible and cost-effective surgery to every patient around the world. Dubbed the "future of surgery" by CNN, Proximie has gone from strength to strength and won multiple awards as well as being the main focus of the Foreign Press Association Science Story of the Year. It aims to revolutionize the delivery and education of healthcare by reducing the cost of that delivery while providing improved quality to the end patient, ensuring that every patient gets the best care, the first time, every time.
Nadine Hachach-Haram | Speaker |