Julia Shaw: A memory scientist's advice on reporting harassment and discrimination
Julia Shaw: Saran ilmuwan memori untuk melaporkan pelecehan dan diskrimikasi
Julia Shaw is best known for her work in the areas of memory and criminal psychology. Full bio
Double-click the English transcript below to play the video.
are a shockingly common part
secara mengejutkan adalah bagian umum
extends into the workplace.
hingga ke tempat kerja.
sports or the service industry,
olahraga atau pelayanan,
about an abuse of power
satu lagi kisah penyalahgunaan wewenang
workplace behavior.
tempat kerja yang menjijikkan.
to voice that this must change.
menyuarakan bahwa hal ini harus berubah.
berbuat lebih dari sekadar tagar.
harassment and discrimination
pelecehan dan diskrimimasi
memperbaiki kekacauan ini.
to talk about harassment
berbicara soal pelecehan
based on other characteristics
berdasarkan karakteristik lainnya
kita bisa memperbaiki
konsekuensi dari pelecehan.
and consequences of harassment.
harassment or discrimination.
di tempat kerja.
wanita, orang dengan kulit berwarna
women, people of color
are likely to be targeted,
LGBTQI adalah yang biasa menjadi target,
and persistent part of their reality.
lazim dan menetap di kenyataan mereka.
speak up and tell their employer.
bicara dan memberi tahu pimpinannya.
is a lonely and isolating experience,
itu pengalaman yang mengisolasi dan sepi,
out from under their desks.
menyuarakan pengalaman itu.
agar bersuara.
that everybody asks
yang semua orang tanyakan
is "What do I do now?"
"Apa yang aku lakukan sekarang?"
can be absolutely dizzying.
bisa sangat memusingkan.
or diminishes our experiences?
meremehkan pengalaman kita?
retributive towards us?
that goes on all around us?
yang berlangsung di sekitar kita?
evidence we have of what happened.
yang kita punya atas apa yang terjadi.
important emotional events.
kita mengingat kejadian emosional penting.
on how the memory interview process
proses wawancara memori
quality of reports that we produce.
pembuktian laporan yang kita buat.
to forget details or misremember them
melupakan rinciannya atau salah ingat
change your life for the better.
memperbaiki hidup Anda.
dan bekerja,
and working,
and in research settings,
maupun di lokasi penelitian,
that can go wrong with our memories
bisa membuat memori kita jadi salah
mengancam kasus Anda.
to helping people tackle
untuk membantu orang dalam melakukan
harassment and discrimination.
dan diskriminasi di tempat kerja.
from my research on this
dari penelitian saya
or discriminated against at work.
di tempat kerja.
turn your memory into evidence --
memori menjadi bukti --
a memory skeptic like me
skeptis seperti saya
dengan benar.
used to sit in his car,
duduk di mobilnya,
with the president
rapat dengan presiden
he could remember about what happened.
dia ingat tentang apa yang terjadi.
proved to be quite useful later on.
jadi sangat berguna nantinya.
into your car to do this,
di mobil untuk melakukannya,
after something happens,
setelah terjadi sesuatu,
record what happened.
apa yang terjadi saat itu juga.
to anyone else about it.
dengan orang lain.
or colleagues or therapists,
atau kolega atau terapis,
or change your memory of the event.
mengubah memori kejadian itu.
evidence is worth gold.
nilainya sama dengan emas.
note of what happens,
waktu penulisannya?
your computer or smartphone
atau ponsel pintar Anda
this was recorded at this time.
waktu penulisannya.
time-stamped evidence is better.
adalah yang paling baik.
down is actually relevant.
yang benar-benar relevan.
bring out Facebook messages,
menunjukkan pesan Facebook,
pieces of evidence,
not particularly relevant,
secara khusus tidak relevan,
unstructured account of what happened --
tak terstruktur akan apa yang terjadi --
it's an emotional experience --
pengalaman emosional --
the details that matter later on
rincian yang nanti berguna
and simply fill in the blanks.
dan hanya mengisi bagian yang kosong.
if at all possible.
jika keadaan memungkinkan.
menjadi penting.
setelah kejadian itu?
during and after it happened?
dan setelah kejadian?
such as WhatsApps, photos or emails
foto, atau surel
more credibility to your case.
pada kasus Anda.
easy to record contemporaneously
direkam di saat yang sama
to forget later on.
terlupakan nantinya.
often overestimate their ability
menganggap tinggi kemampuannya
emotional details later on.
yang penting di kemudian hari.
are a good start,
awal yang bagus,
a lot of the other barriers to reporting.
rintangan saat melapor.
and Human Rights Commission,
di tahun 2018,
to overcome some of the other fears
beberapa ketakutan lainnya
these kinds of incidents to your employer.
kejadian seperti ini ke pimpinan Anda.
of the fears associated with reporting.
sehubungan dengan pelaporan.
was happening all around me
kejadian di sekitar saya
the memory science,
ilmu memori,
been doing for many years,
selama bertahun-tahun,
anonymous reporting tool
pelecehan dan diskriminasi tempat kerja.
workplace harassment and discrimination.
kapan dan di mana pun Anda butuh.
whenever and wherever you need.
an evidence-based memory interview.
wawancara memori berdasarkan bukti.
when they're doing their job properly.
saat melaksanakan tugas dengan tepat.
about important emotional events
kejadian emosional penting
wawancara kognitif.
with the cognitive interview.
all the relevant information
semua informasi yang relevan
after you've talked to the bot --
berbicara dengan bot --
that's time-stamped and securely signed
berstempel waktu dan tertanda tangan
in case you want to share it later,
seandainya ingin menunjukkannya nanti,
to your employer right away.
menyerahkannya ke pimpinan Anda.
to your employer anonymously.
ke pimpinan secara anonim.
as the audience that's listening.
seperti audiensi yang mendengarkan.
is truly committed to change,
berkomitmen untuk berubah,
the tool to respond.
alat perespons pada mereka.
dengan kami
untuk melakukan sesuatu
tempat kerja,
and discrimination,
meski Anda memilih untuk tetap anonim.
even if you've chosen to stay anonymous.
together with your employer
bekerja sama dengan pimpinan
when we bring light into this dark issue.
saat kami mengungkapkan isu kelam ini.
or to someone you know,
atau pada orang yang Anda kenal,
how we talk about these issues.
membicarakan isu ini.
your employees access
akses pada pegawai Anda
reporting mechanisms.
yang lebih baik dan efektif.
that are used in most organizations
yang digunakan di banyak organisasi
committed to inclusion and diversity.
berkomitmen pada inklusi dan keragaman.
to celebrate our diversity.
been denied one.
terlalu lama ditiadakan.
those who come forward,
mereka yang maju,
they need to stay anonymous --
untuk tetap anonim --
Julia Shaw - Psychological scientistJulia Shaw is best known for her work in the areas of memory and criminal psychology.
Why you should listen
In 2017 Dr. Julia Shaw cofounded the memory science and artificial intelligence start-up Spot. Spot helps employees report workplace harassment and discrimination and empowers organizations to build a more inclusive and respectful work environment.
In 2016 Shaw published her bestselling book The Memory Illusion, which has appeared in 18 languages. Her second book, Evil: The Science Behind Humanity's Dark Side, was released in Germany in September 2018 and was a Der Spiegel top-20 best seller. She is also a regular contributor to Scientific American.
Besides her research, Shaw is a regular keynote speaker on the topic of memory hacking and artificial intelligence. She also consults as an expert on legal cases, particularly cases involving historical allegations.
Julia Shaw | Speaker | TED.com