David Titley: How the military fights climate change
Дејвид Титли: Битката на Армијата со климатските промени
Scientist and retired Navy officer Dr. David Titley asks a big question: Could the US military play a role in combating climate change? Full bio
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about climate and change,
и климатските промени,
and not polar bears.
не за поларните мечки.
that we lived in in the mid-2000s.
во средината на 2000-те години.
for the Navy's weather and ocean service.
во Поморската метеоролошка служба.
called Stennis Space Center
called Waveland, Mississippi,
it's up against a storm surge.
за заштита од морски бури.
storm surge does
9-метарска бура
што следува понатаму.
this is, like, right after Katrina --
ова е веднаш по Катрина-
up there in the railway tracks,
in the Gulf of Mexico,
we really, we lost our house.
the luckiest people on the Gulf Coast.
повеќе среќа од другите во Заливот.
is probably pretty important there.
you know, what happened here?
покажува што се случи?
because as you've heard,
to do something like this.
да предизвикаат вакво нешто.
and kind of look at this.
и да погледнеме нешто.
climate's really complicated,
комплицирана тема,
да се земат во предвид,
it's all about the water.
е поврзано со водата.
there down on the lower part?
во долниот дел?
that's all the water in the world.
е целата вода на Земјата.
those are the fresh water.
ја претставуваат питката вода.
that as the climate changes,
како што се менува климата
is changing very fundamentally.
и распределбата на водата.
wrong place, wrong time.
место и во погрешно време.
it's liquid where it should be frozen;
течна каде треба да е смрзната.
of the ocean itself is changing.
from a security or a military part
и воен аспект?
environment that we're working in,
средина во која дејствуваме,
which sounds kind of fancy
кои се изненадувачки
by that in a second.
a couple examples here.
ни е познато на сите,
and humanitarian catastrophe
was one of the causes
е една од причините
на 20. век.
in things like wheat and barley.
на производство на пченица и јачмен.
in Assad's office that said,
му дошепнал на Асад:
we're in the eastern Mediterranean,
maybe not the best idea."
знаете - ова не е добра идеја.“
and handsome man. We'll get right on it."
човек. Веднаш да почнеме.“
self-sufficient in food,
во снабдувањето со храна
of their surface water.
неклиматски фактори
many nonclimate issues
за состојбата во Сирија.
by that lower blue line there,
come into the cities.
пребегнаа во градовите.
heat wave and drought --
to the changing climate --
на климатските промени-
of a million farmers
They had nothing.
прашина и нечистотија.
he's taking care of his people,
се грижи за овие луѓе,
we have just this huge issue here
a risk to instability.
промени се причина за нестабилност.
it makes bad places worse.
места ги прават уште полоши.
or about 1,200 miles, north of Oslo,
you've never heard of.
за кој не сте чуле досега.
to get out and go into warmer waters.
за излез и влез во потопли води.
на неговите географски одлики,
every single polar orbiting satellite
сателит кој минува над половите,
на вселената.
the sea ice around here,
го имаат намалено тука мразот
човечките активности.
Parliamentary Assembly
on Svalbard next month.
very unhappy about that.
a flashpoint in the Arctic,
на судири на Арктикот,
if not centuries,
a typhoon or strategic changes,
за стратешки промени-
he understands that as well,
is that climate is a risk.
responses to Congress,
со такви ризици.“
that understands this.
која го разбира ова.
in other navies and other militaries
и сојузници од други воено-морски сили
about the climate risk.
за климатската опасност.
to speak for a half-a-day seminar
за овој проблем на еден полудневен семинар
is alleged to have said,
but he's alleged to have said
но така се тврди,
be counted upon to do the right thing
смета дека ќе направат вистински избор
we're still in the process
your recycling out on Wednesday,
сметот на селектирање секоја среда,
with every business leader,
every government leader,
секој владин лидер,
to stabilize the climate?"
ја стабилизирате климата?“
кои доволно се грижат,
won't lead on this issue --
занимаваат со овој проблем-
the ice doesn't care.
who's in the White House.
кој седи во Белата куќа.
controls your congress.
го води вашиот Конгрес.
controls your parliament.
го води вашиот Парламент.
David Titley - MeteorologistScientist and retired Navy officer Dr. David Titley asks a big question: Could the US military play a role in combating climate change?
Why you should listen
David Titley is a Professor of Practice in Meteorology and a Professor of International Affairs at the Pennsylvania State University. He is the founding director of Penn State’s Center for Solutions to Weather and Climate Risk. He served as a naval officer for 32 years and rose to the rank of Rear Admiral. Titley’s career included duties as commander of the Naval Meteorology and Oceanography Command; oceanographer and navigator of the Navy; and deputy assistant chief of naval operations for information dominance. He also served as senior military assistant for the director, Office of Net Assessment in the Office of the Secretary of Defense.
While serving in the Pentagon, Titley initiated and led the U.S. Navy’s Task Force on Climate Change. After retiring from the Navy, Titley served as the Deputy Undersecretary of Commerce for Operations, the chief operating officer position at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Titley serves on numerous advisory boards and National Academies of Science committees, including the CNA Military Advisory Board, the Center for Climate and Security and the Science and Security Board of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists. Titley is a fellow of the American Meteorological Society. He was awarded an honorary doctorate from the University of Alaska, Fairbanks.
David Titley | Speaker | TED.com