Prosanta Chakrabarty: Clues to prehistoric times, found in blind cavefish
Prosanta Chakrabarty: Indicii ale timpurilor preistorice, descoperite la peştele orb de peşteră
Prosanta Chakrabarty studies fish to help explain the evolution of human beings and our planet. Full bio
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"you only live once,"
„You Only Live Once”
what I always dreamt of doing:
ce am visat mereu să fac:
and discovering new species.
şi să descopăr specii noi.
on caves for finding new species.
pe peşteri pentru a descoperi noi specii.
cavefish species out there.
de peşti de peşteră acolo.
a lot about biology and geology.
despre biologie şi geologie.
around them have changed and moved
terestră s-au schimbat şi deplasat,
the evolution of sight, by being blind.
prin faptul că sunt orbi.
that are essentially the same as ours.
sunt la fel ca ai noştri.
a fish species starts to adapt
când o specie de peşti începe adaptarea
rece, de peşteră,
they lose their eyes and their eyesight
ei îşi pierd ochii şi văzul
cavefish like this one here.
fără ochi, ca acesta de aici.
has evolved in a slightly different way,
a evoluat într-un mod puţin diferit,
and biological story to tell us,
şi biologică unică de spus,
when we find a new species.
când descoperim specii noi.
we described, from southern Indiana.
pe care am descris-o, din sudul Indianei.
the Hoosier cavefish.
peştele de peşteră Hoosier.
are cavefishes in Kentucky,
sunt peştii de peşteră din Kentucky,
when the Ohio River split them
când râul Ohio i-a separat
these subtle differences
aceste diferenţe subtile
behind their blindness.
care stă la baza orbirii lor.
that's super-critical for sight.
care este foarte importantă pentru văz.
all function in that gene,
toate funcţiile genei respective,
natural experiment
acest frumos experiment natural
behind our vision,
de la baza capacităţii de a vedea,
prin care putem vedea.
about deep geological time,
despre timpul geologic preistoric,
than in this species here.
ca această specie de aici.
we described from Madagascar
din Madagascar pe care am descris-o
Typhleotris mararybe.
de la cât de tare ne-am îmbolnăvit
to collect this species.
aceste specimene.
full of dead things
pline de chestii moarte
cu excremente de liliac
be doing with your life,
pe care-l poţi face în viaţă,
that it tried to kill us,
că a încercat să ne ucidă
this species in Madagascar,
pentru această specie din Madagascar,
are 6,000 kilometers away,
sunt la o distanţă de 6000 de km,
freshwater cavefish
ca un peşte de apă dulce, de 7 cm
the DNA of these species
comparând ADN-ul acestor specii,
for more than 100 million years,
mai mult de 100 de milioane de ani,
continents were last together.
sudice au fost pentru ultima oară lipite.
didn't move at all.
nu s-au deplasat deloc.
şi metoda de măsurare
these ancient geological events.
acestor evenimente geologice antice.
to tell you its name yet,
să vă spun cum se numeşte,
it's a new species from Mexico,
că e o nouă specie din Mexic
the only known cave system it's from
sistem de peşteri unde a existat
un baraj în apropiere.
de apă potabilă.
this species' closest relative, yet.
cele mai apropiate ale acestei specii.
anything else in Mexico,
something new about the geology
spune ceva nou despre geologia
of how to better diagnose
unei mai bune diagnosticări
before it goes extinct too.
această specie înainte să dispară şi ea.
trying to discover and save
să descopere şi să salveze
about the geology of the planet
despre geologia planetei
Prosanta Chakrabarty - IchthyologistProsanta Chakrabarty studies fish to help explain the evolution of human beings and our planet.
Why you should listen
Dr. Prosanta Chakrabarty is an Associate Professor and Curator of Fishes at the Museum of Natural Science and Department of Biological Science at Louisiana State University.
Chakrabarty is a systematist and an ichthyologist studying the evolution and biogeography of both freshwater and marine fishes. His work includes studies of Neotropical (Central and South America, Caribbean) and Indo-West Pacific (Indian and Western Pacific Ocean) fishes. His natural history collecting efforts include trips to Japan, Australia, Taiwan, Madagascar, Panama, Kuwait and many other countries. He has discovered over a dozen new species including new anglerfishes and cavefishes.
The LSU Museum of Natural Science fish collection that Chakrabarty oversees includes nearly half a million fish specimens and nearly 10,000 DNA samples covering most major groups of fishes. He earned his PhD at the University of Michigan and his undergraduate degree is from McGill University in Montreal. He has written two books including A Guide to Academia: Getting into and Surviving Grad School, Postdocs and a Research Job. He is also a former Program Director at the National Science Foundation. He was named a TED Fellow in 2016 and a TED Senior Fellow in 2018.
Prosanta Chakrabarty | Speaker |