Sebastián Bortnik: The conversation we're not having about digital child abuse
Sebastián Bortnik: Conversaţia despre abuzul digital infantil pe care nu o purtăm
Sebastián Bortnik's work is focused on preventing cyber attacks. Full bio
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cu puternic impact emoţional.
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al Ninei Rodríguez.
among her friends list.
890 de minori cu vârste între 8 şi 13 ani.
with one of those kids.
cu unul dintre aceşti minori.
să îi trimită fotografii intime
what was going on.
au condus la identificarea domiciliului.
investigation lead them to a house.
un adult de 24 de ani
a 24-year-old man
astfel cu mulţi alţi minori.
her new Facebook friend,
cu prietena de pe Facebook,
„Rochi de River”.
cu Jonathan Luna, 26 de ani
who was 26 years old.
a mărturisit că a ucis-o
because she refused to have sex with him.
relaţii sexuale cu el.
were under 13 years old.
aveau mai puţin de 13 ani.
cases of "grooming":
diferite de grooming:
through the internet,
şi puţină manipulare
leads that kid into sexual territory --
până la schimbul de fotografii intime,
copiii sunt singuri.
about what I've just said:
la ce tocmai am spus:
and we go online,
din cel puţin două motive,
why we're not taking care of this,
that happens online is "virtual."
pe internet este virtual.
that seems to exist
un fenomen real.
cu referire la internet:
to talk about the internet:
folosesc internetul
use the internet to abuse boys and girls
să creadă că ce se petrece acolo e real.
think that what happens online
ONG-ul "Argentina Cibersegura",
some colleagues and I founded an NGO
about online safety.
la navigaţia sigură pe internet.
at the House of Legislature
la reuniuni din cadrul
with a kid to have sex with them.
pentru a întreţine relaţii sexuale.
experienţa minorilor
to the kids who were exposed
la conversaţii sexuale cu un adult,
with an adult without knowing it,
fotografii intime unui alt copil
only another kid would see them,
using their web cam.
care sunt surprinşi să afle
one person can abuse another
de alta fără să o atingă fizic.
în securitate informatică
provincie din Buenos Aires,
who had been a victim of grooming.
a căror fiică de 11 ani
into masturbating in front of her web cam,
pe mai multe site-uri web.
cu lacrimi amare
acele videoclipuri de pe internet.
from the internet.
telling them it was too late:
le spunea că era prea târziu:
ajunge pe internet,
having breakfast with her family,
care văzuse videoclipul,
people that had seen her naked,
care o văzuseră dezbrăcată,
care văzuseră la rândul lor videoclipul.
her friends, who had also seen her.
to measure physical and digital things.
pentru a separa fizicul de digital.
să ne asumăm noi înşine vina.
is more painful and more true.
to the second reason why
în mod adecvat de acest subiect.
attention to this issue.
don't need our help,
de ajutorul nostru,
about technology.
letting me walk to school alone.
părinţii mă aduseseră de mână,
and walking me to school,
don't give them to anyone,
să nu le dai nimănui,
be at home at the time we said,
pe drumul obişnuit,
and look both ways before you cross,
înainte să treci strada,
don't talk to strangers."
cu necunoscuţii.”
era acolo şi avea grijă de mine.
there taking care of me.
of yourself is another.
I wake up in the morning,
mă trezesc de dimineaţă,
at the time we said."
la ora la care ţi-am zis".
they say, "You know what?
and look both ways before crossing."
in relation to technology.
şi cu tehnologia.
of yourself is another.
when we talk to parents,
about technology and social networks.
că pe ei nu îi interesează tehnologia,
if they care about their kids.
îi interesează proprii copii.
sau nu cu tehnologia
or not in technology
or not in our kids.
the relationship between adults and kids.
on two main concepts:
pe două elemente cheie:
în mod sigur pe internet
when we don't have either?
have to guide our children
să îi familiarizăm pe copii
nu le cunoaştem,
unfamiliar territory --
things that make us uncomfortable,
care ne incomodează,
cred că pentru mine e uşor
of my age on my shoulders
când am simţit o prăpastie
între părinţi şi copii.
between kids and adults.
pentru a face ceea ce era necesar:
to do the right thing,
folosesc niciodată Snapchat.
to show me how to use it.
mi-a povestit lucruri
she told me things,
is that I know it and I understand it.
să scap de impactul iniţial
to create new conversations.
pe care ai descărcat-o?
to contact your friends?
approached by strangers?
between kids and adults?
între copii şi adulţi?
to do it. All of us.
mai mulţi tineri care ne ascultă.
discursuri la şcoli,
to schools to give our talks,
părinţilor sau profesorilor,
their parents or their teachers.
as with almost everything else,
mature deşi sunt copii.
a conversation topic
ar trebui să devină subiect de conversaţie
classroom in the country.
that 15 percent of schools said
existenţa unor cazuri de grooming
in their school.
toate aspectele vieţii noastre
every aspect of our life,
in the most painful way:
în cel mai usturător mod:
to avoid this?
aşa de simplu:
with something as easy as:
Sebastián Bortnik - Information security specialistSebastián Bortnik's work is focused on preventing cyber attacks.
Why you should listen
Sebastián Bortnik is an information security specialist with more than ten years of work experience in the field. He has been working on research and education on cyber attacks since the beginning of his career. He's currently head of research for Onapsis, a company dedicated to protecting ERP and business-critical applications in big companies. Previously, he led a research and technology team for an antivirus company in Latin America focused on malware analysis and cyber attacks research.
Bortnik is one of the founding members of a non-profit organization in Argentina, Argentina Cibersegura, which is focused on raising awareness within the community on how to prevent cyber attacks. As its leader, he has helped create a network with more than 200 volunteers around the country that teach how to use technologies in a safer way to thousands of kids every year.
Bortnik has written several articles and delivered many talks at different conferences around the world. He is passionate about education and believes that everybody needs to understand the impact technology has on our lives and safety.
(Photo: Monstruo Estudio)
Sebastián Bortnik | Speaker |