Muhammed Idris: What refugees need to start new lives
Muhammed Idris: De ce au nevoie refugiații pentru a începe o nouă viață
Muhammed Idris wants to improve social services delivery through collective and artificial intelligence. Full bio
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care mi-a schimbat viața.
30 first cousins,
was actually my mom's cousin
vărul mamei mele
in Montreal as a refugee.
în Montreal ca refugiat.
coming to Canada to apply for asylum
pentru a solicita azil
the clothes on their back.
since that phone call,
of technologists, researchers and refugees
de tehnicieni, cercetători și refugiați
self-help resources for newcomers.
adaptabile pentru nou-veniți.
language, cultural and other barriers
lingvistice, culturale și alte obstacole
control over their own lives.
controlul asupra propriilor vieți.
the rights and the dignity
drepturilor și a demnității
is not unique.
din familia mea nu e singulară.
are newly displaced
crizelor economice
at a local YMCA shelter
la un adăpost local YMCA
and other relatives were sent to
și alte rude au fost trimise,
resettlement requires.
solicită relocarea.
you need to find a lawyer
trebuie să găsești un avocat
within two weeks.
în două săptămâni.
with a pre-authorized physician,
pentru control la un medic preautorizat,
for a work permit.
un permis de muncă.
for a place to live
un loc în care să stai
any sort of social assistance.
orice fel de asistență socială.
din Statele Unite
over the past few years,
de-a lungul ultimilor ani,
than there are resources to help them.
să depășească resursele disponibile.
with limited resources,
cu resurse limitate,
more time waiting in limbo,
mult timp așteptând,
to support resettlement efforts,
pentru a sprijini eforturile de relocare,
still don't know
de la completarea documentelor,
from filling out paperwork
that this information doesn't exist.
că aceste informații nu există.
bombarded with so much information
bombardați cu atât de multe informații,
to make sense of it all.
să le înțeleagă pe toate.
just tell me what to do,"
spune-mi doar ce să fac”,
over and over again.
it could be to get your bearings
poate fi să te orientezi
într-o altă țară.
when I got to Montreal,
când am ajuns în Montreal,
himself also a refugee, put it:
noastre, el însuși refugiat:
is more important than food,
e mai importantă decât mâncarea
resources and information
și informațiile potrivite
between life and death.
între viață și moarte.
resources and information
și informațiile potrivite
between life and death.
dintre viață și moarte.
through your first week
în prima săptămână
cu ce te poate ajuta.
some basic questions
propriile circumstanțe
for resources.
de a beneficia de acele resurse.
a place to stay tonight?
unde să stai în seara asta?
an all-women's shelter?
a custom, step-by-step to-do list
tot ce trebuie să știi,
that you need to know,
with a real person who does.
care te va ajuta.
and service organizations
serviciile sociale și umanitare
that's necessary to understand
necesare pentru a înțelege
această tehnologie în Canada,
campaigns in Arabic, English,
campanii în limbile arabă, engleză,
problemele refugiaților,
asupra statisticilor oficiale
displaced worldwide.
să emigreze în întreaga lume.
decât atât.
an additional 140 million people
alți 140 de milioane de oameni
due to environmental degradation.
din cauza degradării mediului.
there are nearly one billion people
aproape un miliard de oameni
settlements and slums.
și mahalale.
challenges of our time.
provocări ale prezentului.
every single newcomer an advocate.
un sprijin fiecărui nou-venit.
can amplify existing efforts
poate amplifica eforturile existente
on a social safety net
de pe rețelele de securitate socială
beyond imagination.
greu de imaginat.
the rights and the dignity
la restabilirea drepturilor și demnității
resettlement and integration
relocării și integrării,
they need in order to help themselves.
cu scopul de a se putea ajuta singuri.
Muhammed Idris - Entrepreneur, investorMuhammed Idris wants to improve social services delivery through collective and artificial intelligence.
Why you should listen
Dr. Muhammed Y. Idris, PhD is a Fellow at Capria, a leading global impact investment firm, and the cofounder and lead developer of Edel Technologies, an organization that build AI-powered tools and products for frontline humanitarian organizations and service providers, including the United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR).
Inspired by own personal experiences with refugee resettlement, Idris left academia to build the world's first virtual advocate bot, Atar, that empowers refugees and other newcomers with information about what to do, where to go and what to expect using customized step-by-step guides.
Trained as a computational social scientist, Idris started his career in finance at BlackRock and went on to complete a PhD with a focus on research and development of open-source tools for leveraging socially-generating "big data" and make it easy to digest this complex technical information into actionable insights.
Idris's work has been presented at numerous academic, policy and industry conferences, and he has held teaching and research positions at the University of Washington, The Pennsylvania State University, Concordia University in Montreal as well as Harvard University, where he held a predoctoral fellowship at the Belfer Center for Science and International Affair while completing his dissertation.
As a self-taught programmer, Idris enjoys teaching statistics and programming in his spare time. While his current focus in on helping streamline and scale refugee resettlement, his mission is to help improve social services delivery for all through collective and artificial intelligence as an entrepreneur and investor.
Muhammed Idris | Speaker |