Ramesh Raskar: Imaging at a trillion frames per second
Ramesh Raskar: Snemanje pri bilijonu sličic na sekundo
Photography is about creating images by recording light. At the MIT media lab, professor Ramesh Raskar and his team members have invented a camera that can photograph light itself as it moves at, well, the speed of light. Full bio
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čudenje in radovednost
ki prodira skozi jabolko
milijonkrat hitrejši
gibanja svetlobe.
v notranjost telesa
v počasnem posnetku?
potrebuje za to pot,
z večkratnikom 10 milijard,
vstopi v plastenko
ki pričnejo svojo pot skozi
in posnetek upočasnili
– ali veste,
da bi si ga ogledali?
ki preplavi mizo,
celovito sestavljeno sliko.
ko ga preplavi svetloba,
bilijoninkah sekunde.
ne da bi se jih dotaknili.
izdelali to kamero?
le malo svetlobe,
pri milijardokrat večji hitrosti
jih domiselno uskladimo
lahko postanejo nevidni,
te večkratne odboje.
to smo res naredili.
lahko naredimo en surov posnetek,
skriti predmet?
a v prihodnosti
ki bi se izogibali trkom
bi lahko iskali preživele,
odbito prek odprtih oken,
ki bi lahko
razmišljati o femtofotografiji
pri zdravstvenih posnetkih.
ki je bil tudi znanstvenik,
kot na umetnost
da vsi ti gigabajti podatkov,
ampak lahko izdelamo
in z barvnim označevanjem
Ne pozabite,
videl to sliko.
v navidezno obrnjenem zaporedju,
odprto-kodni dostop
na našem spletnem mestu, in upamo,
ustvarjalci in raziskovalci
k naslednji razsežnosti posnetkov.
Ramesh Raskar - Femto-photographerPhotography is about creating images by recording light. At the MIT media lab, professor Ramesh Raskar and his team members have invented a camera that can photograph light itself as it moves at, well, the speed of light.
Why you should listen
In 1964 MIT professor Harold Edgerton, pioneer of stop-action photography, famously took a photo of a bullet piercing an apple using exposures as short as a few nanoseconds. Inspired by his work, Ramesh Raskar and his team set out to create a camera that could capture not just a bullet (traveling at 850 meters per second) but light itself (nearly 300 million meters per second).
Stop a moment to take that in: photographing light as it moves. For that, they built a camera and software that can visualize pictures as if they are recorded at 1 trillion frames per second. The same photon-imaging technology can also be used to create a camera that can peer "around" corners , by exploiting specific properties of the photons when they bounce off surfaces and objects.
Among the other projects that Raskar is leading, with the MIT Media Lab's Camera Culture research group, are low-cost eye care devices, a next generation CAT-Scan machine and human-computer interaction systems.
Andreas Velten, Thomas Willwacher, Otkrist Gupta, Ashok Veeraraghavan, Moungi G. Bawendi and Ramesh Raskar, “Recovering ThreeDimensional Shape around a Corner using Ultra-Fast Time-of-Flight Imaging.” Nature Communications, March 2012
Andreas Velten, Adrian Jarabo, Belen Masia, Di Wu, Christopher Barsi, Everett Lawson, Chinmaya Joshi, Diego Gutierrez, Moungi G. Bawendi and Ramesh Raskar, "Ultra-fast Imaging for Light in Motion" (in progress). http://femtocamera.info
Ramesh Raskar | Speaker | TED.com