Suzanne Simard: How trees talk to each other
Suzanne Simard: Kako se drevesa pogovarjajo
Suzanne Simard studies the complex, symbiotic networks in our forests. Full bio
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of a collection of trees,
and their beautiful crowns.
in njihovimi lepimi košnjami.
than what you see,
the way you think about forests.
na katerega vidite gozd.
there is this other world,
and allow them to communicate
in jim omogočajo komunikacijo
as though it's a single organism.
kot en sam organizem.
of a sort of intelligence.
na neke vrste inteligenco.
of British Columbia.
Britanske Kolumbije.
and stare up at the tree crowns.
in strmela v drevesne krošnje.
cedar poles from the inland rainforest.
iz notranjega deževnega gozda.
and cohesive ways of the woods,
in trdni naravi gozda,
had slipped and fallen into the pit.
je zdrsnil in padel v jarek.
to rescue the poor dog.
da bi rešil ubožčka.
through that forest floor,
was the white mycelium
je bil beli micelij
and yellow mineral horizons.
in rumeni mineralni horizont.
rescued the poor dog,
alongside the powerful people
poleg pomembnih ljudi,
conflicted by my part in it.
s samo sabo zaradi moje vloge v tem.
and hacking of the aspens and birches
in sekanje trepetlik in brez,
valuable planted pines and firs
bolj vredne bore in jelke,
this relentless industrial machine.
tega neumornega industrijskega stroja.
in the laboratory in vitro
ugotovili, v laboratoriju in vitro,
to another pine seedling root.
could this happen in real forests?
to zgodilo v pravem gozdu?
share information below ground.
prav tako delijo informacije pod zemljo.
getting research funding.
financiranje svojih raziskav.
some experiments deep in the forest,
globoko v gozdu,
and western red cedar.
would be connected in a belowground web,
povezani v podzemni mreži,
so I had to do it on the cheap.
zato je morala biti poceni.
and duct tape and shade cloth,
lepilni trak in odejo,
high-tech stuff from my university:
visoko tehnoloških stvari z univerze:
a mass spectrometer, microscopes.
masni spektrometer, mikroskope.
really dangerous stuff:
nekaj res nevarnih stvari:
carbon-14 carbon dioxide gas
ogljikovega dioksida z ogljikom-14
carbon-13 carbon dioxide gas.
z ogljikom-13.
the filters for my respirator.
filtre za moj respirator.
we got out to our plot
smo prišli na naše mesto
chased us off.
z mladički nas je pregnala.
forest research in Canada goes.
raziskovanje gozda v Kanadi.
obleko iz belega papirja,
carbon dioxide gases,
za sledenje,
radioaktivni plin,
carbon-13 carbon dioxide gas.
going on between these species.
dogaja dvosmerna komunikacija.
mama grizzly showed up again.
prikazala mama grizli.
and I jumped into the truck,
in skočila na tovornjak
the CO2 through photosynthesis,
send it down into their roots,
ga poslala dol do korenin,
to their neighbors.
eating her huckleberries.
and I got to work.
iz tovornjaka in šla na delo.
I pulled the bag off.
Vrečo sem potegnila dol.
the radioactive gas.
"Hey, can I help you?"
"Hej, ti lahko pomagam?"
can you send me some of your carbon?
pošlješ nekaj tvojega ogljika?
threw a shade cloth over me."
the Geiger counter over its leaves,
z Geigerjevim števcem prek listov,
interlinking birch and fir.
ki je povezovala brezo in jelko.
and I checked all 80 replicates.
in preverila vseh 80 ponovitev.
were in a lively two-way conversation.
dvosmerno komunikacijo.
da v tistem letnem času, poletju,
than fir was sending back to birch,
kot jelka brezi,
we found the opposite,
se je izkazalo za ravno obratno,
than birch was sending to fir,
več ogljika brezi kot breza jelki,
growing while the birch was leafless.
brezi pa so listi odpadli.
were interdependent,
ti dve vrsti soodvisni,
everything came into focus for me.
we look at how trees interact in forests,
na medsebojno interakcijo dreves v gozdu,
communications network,
how we practice forestry,
način gozdarstva,
and more practical.
in complex systems like forests?
v kompleksnih sistemih kot je gozd?
we have to do our research in the forests,
svoje raziskave izvajati v gozdu
as I've shown you.
pri bežanju pred medvedi.
at running from bears.
stacked against us.
and our experiences
in izkušnjam
and then go verify.
in jih preveriti.
hundreds of experiments in the forest.
eksperimentov in jih tudi objavila.
are now over 30 years old.
nasadov so stari več kot 30 let.
and Douglas fir communicating?
not only in the language of carbon
ne samo v jeziku ogljika,
and allele chemicals and hormones --
in alelnih kemikalij in hormonov -
before me, scientists had thought
prej so znanstveniki menili,
mutualistic symbiosis called a mycorrhiza
when you walk through the forest.
ko se sprehajate skozi gozd.
are just the tip of the iceberg,
are fungal threads that form a mycelium,
ki tvorijo micelij
infects and colonizes the roots
interact with the root cells,
celic gob s celicami korenin,
by growing through the soil
s tem, ko raste skozi zemljo
hundreds of kilometers of mycelium
da je pod enim korakom
different individuals in the forest,
povezuje različne posameznike v gozdu,
but between species, like birch and fir,
vrste med sabo, kot sta breza in jelka,
the short sequences of DNA
s pregledom kratkih sekvenc DNK
in a patch of Douglas fir forest.
v zaplati gozda z jelkami.
the Douglas fir, or the nodes,
oziroma vozle,
fungal highways, or the links.
povezane gobje poti oziroma člene.
are the busiest nodes.
so najbolj aktivni.
that those hub trees nurture their young,
skrbijo za svoj podmladek,
that have established within the network
v mreži starejših matičnih dreves.
connected to hundreds of other trees.
povezano s stotinami drugih dreves.
smo ugotovili, da matična drevesa
through the mycorrhizal network
skozi mikorizno mrežo
with increased seedling survival
štirikrat večjim preživetjem teh sadik.
favor our own children,
recognize its own kin,
bi lahko jelka prepoznala svoje,
with kin and stranger's seedlings.
z njihovimi in tujimi sadikami.
they do recognize their kin.
with bigger mycorrhizal networks.
svoje z večjo mikorizno mrežo.
their own root competition
on to the next generation of seedlings.
naslednji generaciji sadik.
from an injured mother tree
od ranjenega drevesa
into the mycorrhizal network
tudi obrambni signali.
of those seedlings to future stresses.
na prihodnji stres.
of the whole community.
of our own social communities,
collections of trees,
with hubs and networks
and allow them to communicate,
in jim omogočajo komunikacijo
for feedbacks and adaptation,
za odzive in prilagajanje
and many overlapping networks.
in veliko prepletajočih se mrež.
to natural disturbances
attack big old trees
ki napadajo velika stara drevesa,
and clear-cut logging.
one or two hub trees,
ali dve bazni drevesi,
unlike rivets in an airplane.
kot zakovice pri letalu.
and the plane still flies,
ali dve in letalo še leti,
about forests? Differently?
o gozdovih? Drugače?
that I hoped that my research,
da upam, da bo moje raziskovanje,
the way we practice forestry.
način gozdarstva.
30 years later here in western Canada.
30 let kasneje v zahodni Kanadi.
to the west of us,
zahodno od nas,
reported that Canada in the past decade
poročal, da je Kanada v zadnjem desetletju
rate of any country worldwide,
poseganja v gozdove na svetu.
four times the rate that is sustainable.
kot je obnovljivo.
is known to affect hydrological cycles,
da vplivajo na hidrološke cikle,
back into the atmosphere,
and more tree diebacks.
in še več dreves umre.
to plant one or two species
sadimo eno ali dve vrsti
manjka kompleksnosti
to infections and bugs.
mountain pine beetle outbreak
izbruh gorskega hrošča,
v severni Ameriki,
couple months in Alberta.
v zadnjih mesecih v Alberti.
to my final question:
and help them deal with climate change?
pri soočanju s podnebnimi spremembami?
about forests as complex systems
da je gozd zapleten sistem,
capacity to self-heal.
sposobnost samozdravljenja.
and retention of hub trees
in ohranitvijo baznih dreves
of species and genes and genotypes
in genov in genotipov,
they recover really rapidly.
opomorejo zelo hitro.
with four simple solutions.
s štirimi preprostimi rešitvami.
that these are too complicated to act on.
da so prezapletene, da bi jih izvajali.
to get out in the forest.
local involvement in our own forests.
lokalno vpletenost v naših gozdovih.
a one-size-fits-all approach,
requires knowledge of local conditions.
moramo poznati lokalno okolje.
our old-growth forests.
and mother trees and mycorrhizal networks.
dreves in mikoriznih mrež.
onto the next generation of trees
naslednji generaciji dreves,
the future stresses coming down the road.
with a diversity of species
z raznolikostjo vrst
natural regeneration.
in omogočimo naravno regeneracijo.
the tools she needs
ki jih potrebuje,
in se pozdravi sama.
that forests aren't just a bunch of trees
niso samo kup dreves,
showed me this other world,
mi je pokazal ta drugi svet
how you think about forests.
način, na katerega vidite gozd.
Suzanne Simard - Forest ecologistSuzanne Simard studies the complex, symbiotic networks in our forests.
Why you should listen
A professor of forest ecology at the University of British Columbia's Department of Forest and Conservation Sciences in Vancouver, Suzanne Simard studies the surprising and delicate complexity in nature. Her main focus is on the below-ground fungal networks that connect trees and facilitate underground inter-tree communication and interaction. Her team's analysis revealed that the fungi networks move water, carbon and nutrients such as nitrogen between and among trees as well as across species. The research has demonstrated that these complex, symbiotic networks in our forests -- at the hub of which stand what she calls the "mother trees" -- mimic our own neural and social networks. This groundbreaking work on symbiotic plant communication has far-reaching implications in both the forestry and agricultural industries, in particular concerning sustainable stewardship of forests and the plant’s resistance to pathogens. She works primarily in forests, but also grasslands, wetlands, tundra and alpine ecosystems.
Suzanne Simard | Speaker |