Mennat El Ghalid: How fungi recognize (and infect) plants
Mennat El Ghalid: Hur svampar känner igen (och infekterar) växter
Mennat El Ghalid research aims to understand the molecular mechanisms underlying fungal biology and pathogenicity. Full bio
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göra slut på kastanjen?
bestående av nästan 4 miljarder träd
counting nearly four billion trees,
by a fungal infection.
pathogens of plants,
destruktiva växtsjukdomen.
economic importance.
with fungal infection
per year, worldwide?
till miljarder dollar per år.
för att föda en halv miljard människor.
to feed half a billion people.
in developing countries,
for farmers and distributors,
och distributörer,
poison produced by fungi.
gifter som produceras av svampar.
för att förebygga och behandla
used to prevent and treat
exploiting natural sources of resistance,
naturliga bekämpningsmetoder,
treatment, among others,
av utsäde, med flera,
eller kortlivade.
to develop more efficient strategies
att utveckla effektivare strategier
to identify biological mechanisms
för att identifiera biologiska mekanismer
by novel antifungal treatments.
för nya behandlingar mot svamp.
is that they cannot move
är att de inte kan röra sig
to form a sophisticated network,
och skapa ett sofistikerat nätverk,
the father of plant pathology,
inom läran om växtsjukdomar,
that fungi are guided by signals
att svampar guidas av signaler
it can lodge and subsist,
kan invadera och livnära sig på.
kan lokalisera, växa mot, nå
och kolonisera en växt.
of such signals
identifiera sådana signaler
that then serves to elaborate strategy
att utveckla strategier
between the fungus and the plant.
mellan svampen och växten.
method at that moment
av lämpliga metoder
this mechanism at the molecular level.
denna mekanism på en molekylär nivå.
genomic approaches,
för rening och genmutation
of directed hyphal growth,
och tillväxt för hyfer
that after 130 years,
could finally identify such plant signals
kunna identifiera sådana växtsignaler
between a pathogenic fungus
mellan en sjukdomsalstrande svamp
the tomato plant.
receiving those signals
occurring within the fungus
som sker inne i svampen.
toward the plant.
of such molecular processes
molekylära processer
novel antifungal treatments.
att skapa nya medel mot svampsjukdomar.
the fungus and the plant
which receives those signals.
som tar emot dessa signaler.
agriculture crops.
har ödelagt jordbruksgrödor.
is increasing significantly.
economic development,
ekonomisk utveckling,
och efterfrågan på biobränslen.
of the molecular mechanism
a fungus and its host plant,
och dess värdväxt,
towards developing more efficient strategy
att utveckla en effektivare strategi
that affect people's lives,
som påverkar människors liv,
Mennat El Ghalid - MycologistMennat El Ghalid research aims to understand the molecular mechanisms underlying fungal biology and pathogenicity.
Why you should listen
Mycologist Mennat El Ghalid received an Initial Training Networks - Marie Skłodowska-Curie fellowship to pursue her PhD project in the Molecular Genetics of Fungal Pathogenicity Unit and the International Campus of Excellence in Agrifood CeiA3 at the Universidad de Cordoba (Spain). During her PhD, her former team and herself identified the compounds secreted from the plant roots attracting Fusarium oxysporum, a soilborne plant pathogenic fungus and characterized the underlying mechanisms of attraction. Such compounds were tracked since the 19th century. The discovery was published in the Nature Journal.
El Ghalid became a TED Fellow in 2017 and have been selected as one of the 100 women honorees for OkayAfrica's 2018 #OKAY100Women list for her dedicated work and for being a promising talent within the field of STEM. She is currently working at Institut Pasteur (France) in the Biology and Pathogenicity Unit to study Candida albicans, an opportunistic pathogenic fungus and the main cause of fungal infections in immunocompromised humans.
Mennat El Ghalid | Speaker |