Kenneth Shinozuka: My simple invention, designed to keep my grandfather safe
Kenneth Shinozuka: Penemuan sederhana saya, diciptakan untuk menjaga kakek
Kenneth Shinozuka designs smart products ... He's been doing so since he was in kindergarten. Full bio
Double-click the English transcript below to play the video.
to Americans' health?
peningkatannya paling pesat di Amerika?
is diagnosed with Alzheimer's.
didiagnosa mengidap Alzheimer.
triples by the year 2050,
meningkat tiga kali lipat tahun 2050,
the rest of the aging population,
societal challenge.
yang berat bagi masyarakat.
for an Alzheimer's patient.
with three generations,
to my grandfather.
were walking in a park in Japan
di sebuah taman di Jepang
I've ever experienced in my life,
menakutkan yang pernah saya alami,
instance that informed us
pertama kalinya kami menyadari
had Alzheimer's disease.
his condition got worse and worse,
kondisi kakek semakin memburuk,
caused my family a lot of stress.
yang membuat keluarga saya tertekan.
to keep an eye on him,
to catch him leaving the bed.
melihatnya turun dari kasur.
about my aunt's well-being
kesehatan tante saya
that could help my family's problems,
keluar untuk permasalahan keluarga saya,
sekitar dua tahun lalu,
and I saw him stepping out of the bed.
ketika melihatnya turun dari kasur.
a pressure sensor on the heel of his foot?
sensor tekanan di tumit kakinya?
and out of the bed,
kasur dan menginjak lantai,
increase in pressure caused by body weight
peningkatan tekanan karena berat badan
to the caregiver's smartphone.
ke ponsel cerdas sang perawat.
tidur nyenyak di malam hari
much better at night
about my grandfather's wandering.
a demonstration of this sock.
mendemonstrasikan kaus kaki ini.
my sock model on the stage?
saya hadir di panggung?
steps onto the floor --
to the caregiver's smartphone.
ponsel cerdas sang perawat.
of my preliminary design.
a sensor-based technology
teknologi berlandaskan sensor
for sensors and technology.
kepada sensor dan teknologi sejak lama.
terjatuh di kamar mandi
fell down in the bathroom
akan nenek kakek saya
about my own grandparents
sistem kamar mandi cerdas.
a smart bathroom system.
inside the tiles of bathroom floors
bawah ubin lantai kamar mandi
whenever they fell down in the bathroom.
lanjut usia terjatuh di kamar mandi.
from kindergarten yet,
tools to translate my idea into reality,
yang dibutuhkan untuk mewujudkan ide saya,
to use sensors to help the elderly people.
kualitas hidup lansia menggunakan sensor.
the quality of life of the elderly.
meningkatkan kualitas hidup para lansia.
that I faced three main challenges:
saya sadari saat menguraikan rencana:
aplikasi ponsel cerdas.
was actually much harder to realize
proyek ini lebih sulit diwujudkan
that was thin and flexible enough
sensor yang cukup tipis dan fleksibel
on the bottom of the patient's foot.
nyaman di bawah kaki pasien.
beberapa materi berbeda seperti karet,
of different materials like rubber,
untuk dipakai di bawah kaki,
snugly on the bottom of the foot,
listrik yang peka terhadap tekanan.
pressure-sensitive ink particles.
between the particles increases.
antar partikel meningkat.
yang akan mengukur tekanan
that would measure pressure
sirkuit nirkabel yang bisa dipakai,
a wearable wireless circuit,
consumes lots of power
nirkabel memakai banyak tenaga
about the Bluetooth low energy technology,
teknologi Bluetooth yang berenergi rendah,
dijalankan oleh baterai seukuran koin.
and can be driven by a coin-sized battery.
from dying in the middle of the night.
mati di tengah malam.
that would essentially transform
ponsel cerdas yang akan mengubah
into a remote monitor.
menjadi monitor jarak jauh.
my knowledge of coding with Java and XCode
Java dan XCode saya untuk hal ini
for Bluetooth low energy devices
perangkat Bluetooth berenergi rendah
and reading various textbooks.
dan beragam buku pelajaran.
to successfully create two prototypes,
ini, saya bisa menciptakan dua prototipe,
is embedded inside a sock,
tertanam di dalam kaus kaki,
rangkaian sensor pasang ulang
a re-attachable sensor assembly
semua yang bersentuhan
that makes contact
for about a year now,
pada kakek saya selama setahun,
known cases of his wandering.
dari 900 kasus keluyuran kakek.
to beta test my device
perangkatnya saya uji coba
care facilities in California,
panti jompo di California,
the feedback
menggunakan umpan baliknya
into a marketable product.
perangkatnya agar bisa dipasarkan.
to invent solutions
saya perlu menciptakan sesuatu
menggunakan kaus kaki saat tidur malam.
to wear socks to sleep at night.
on a vast number of patients,
diambil dari banyak pasien,
meningkatkan kualitas rawat pasien
for the disease, possibly.
menyembuhkan penyakitnya.
of a patient's nightly wandering
pasien keluyuran di malam hari
pola makannya sehari-hari.
is when my device first caught
kali perangkat saya mendeteksi
out of bed at night.
by the power of technology
dengan kemampuan teknologi
dengan bahagia dan sehat --
Kenneth Shinozuka - Smart product inventorKenneth Shinozuka designs smart products ... He's been doing so since he was in kindergarten.
Why you should listen
When he was six years old, a family friend of Kenneth Shinozuka fell down in the bathroom. The friend was ok -- but the incident inspired him to design a motion detection system that could be embedded in bathroom tiles. He never actually made one in real life (remember, he was only six) ... but he was hooked on both the promise of invention and the potential of technology.
Since then, Shinozuka has designed smart devices for his grandfather, who has Alzheimer's disease. One invention that caught the eye of both the media and awards programs such as the Google Science Fair: a pair of smart socks, designed to send an alert to a caregiver if a patient gets out of bed. In 2014, he won the $50,000 Scientific American Science in Action Award, while he was also a 2014 Davidson Fellow.
Kenneth Shinozuka | Speaker |