Alec Soth and Stacey Baker: This is what enduring love looks like
أليك سوث وستايسي باكير: هذا هو ما يبدو عليه الحب الدائم
Stacey Baker assigns photography for the wide-ranging vision of the weekly New York Times Magazine. Full bioAlec Soth - Photographer
Alec Soth makes large-scale projects that are as much about dreams and heartache as they are about charting the landscape of Middle America. Full bio
Double-click the English transcript below to play the video.
I got a call from a woman in Texas,
من سيدة تقطن ولاية تكساس،
in an art exhibition
في معرض فني
me to take a portrait of her parents.
صورة لوالديها.
and I thought this was some sort of
واعتقدت أنهم
ستنزل عليّ
to make this happen.
قرض من أجل تحقيق ذلك.
about photographing Stacey.
صورة لستايسي.
one of my best-known portraits.
Stacey was working as an attorney
تعمل كمدعي عام
to study photography in Maine,
التصوير في ولاية ماين،
she ended up meeting
بها الأمر بمقابلة
at the New York Times Magazine
Alec and I have done
to Alec about a fascination of mine.
أليس حول شغف يتملكني.
with how couples meet.
and his wife Rachel met,
of a high school football game
وهو في الخامسة عشرة،
in doing a photography project
مشروع تصوير
but I was actually much more interested
Stacey to have a boyfriend.
I thought it'd be interesting
سيكون مثيراً للإهتمام
go speed dating
نظام التعارف السريع
as the world's largest speed dating event.
أنه أكبر اجتماع للمواعدة السريعة.
breaker questions to get the ball rolling,
الحاجز وتسهيل المحادثة.
of animal, what would you be?"
فماذا تريد أن تكون؟"
after placing an ad for a Capricorn.
التقى بها بعد وضعه إعلاناً عن برج الجدي.
at the end of the evening,
at one of the concession stands.
منصة الامتياز.
to the date-a-thon together.
you notice about a woman?"
تلاحظه على المرأة؟"
with muscular calves.
triathlons, I run half-marathons.
في سباق ثلاثي وأنا أجري نصف ماراثون.
if I was attracted to him, but I wasn't,
ولكني لم أكن كذلك،
attracted to me either.
running late for a meeting.
موعد الاجتماع.
about a woman is her teeth,
هو الأسنان.
to help prevent gum disease,
منع أمراض اللثة
مرتين في اليوم،
that was flossing more
أنه يستعمل الخيط أكثر من ذلك
about auditing. (Laughter)
about a woman is her complexion.
wear too much makeup,
من مساحيق التجميل،
to accentuate the features that they have.
لإبراز جمالها.
that that was a good thing.
هذا أمر جيد.
I was willing to be vulnerable.
على استعداد لأكون عرضة للخطر.
remember my most embarrassing moment.
تذكر أكثر اللحظات الحرجة التي مررت بها.
but at the end of the night,
ولكن في نهاية السهرة،
a box of chocolates.
علبة من الشوكولاتة.
was the MC of the event.
هو من يدير هذا الحدث.
"The Young and the Restless."
"الشباب والاضطراب".
give their phone numbers to him.
يعطينه أرقام هواتفهن.
any of the men that I went on dates with,
واحد من الذين خرجت معهم،
a particular connection with me either.
is the quality of vulnerability.
التعرض للخطر.
in which you can get a glimpse
يمكنك من خلاله الحصول على لمحة
I saw so many examples of that,
من هذه الأمثلة،
and talked to her about them,
ستايسي والتحدث معها عنهم،
photographic love is from real love.
عن الحب الحقيقي.
and to figure out how someone goes
ومعرفة كيف ينتقل الفرد من
to having a life together,
إلى العيش معاً،
retirement community in Las Vegas.
المتقاعدين في لاس فيغاس.
who runs the community's photography club.
كان يدير نادي التصوير الفوتفرافي للمجتمع.
in their makeshift photo studio.
في الأستديو المؤقت خاصتهم.
Anastasia's husband died two years ago,
زواج دام 45 سنة.
an old wedding picture.
لحفل زفافها.
when she was a 15-year-old waitress
الخامسة عشر من عمرها وتعمل كنادلة
the year in Las Vegas two years in a row,
لاس فيجاس لمرتين متتاليتين،
that he met his wife, Judy,
أنه التقى زوجته جودي،
أليك بزوجته راشيل.
to look at beautiful women,
النساء الجميلات.
his decision to marry Judy.
بالزواج من جودي.
at a parish dance.
they weren't especially philosophical
لم يكونوا يعتمدون على فلسفة خاصة
that really stuck with me.
you just go with it."
فقط استسلم له."
when she was still in high school.
حينما كانت لا تزال في الثانوية.
attracted to each other
ببعضهم البعض
married soon after.
ذهني أكثر
president, and his wife, Mary.
التصوير مع زوجته ماري.
second marriage.
جورج وماري.
in Louisville, Kentucky called the Sahara.
في لويزفيل بولاية كنتاكي.
and she was with friends.
he owed the IRS 9,000 dollars in taxes,
مديناَ لمصلحة الضرائب بمبلغ 9000 دولار
get out of debt,
التخلص من ديونه،
his paychecks over to Mary,
when they married, and Mary knew it.
كحول عندما تزّوجا،
he says he consumed
قال بأنه تناول
he threatened to kill Mary
هدد بقتل ماري،
was called to the house.
استدعاء فرقة التدخل للمنزل.
قبلت ماري بعودته مرة أخرى
in Alcoholics Anonymous
الذي يعتمد على السرية.
after we left Sun City,
بعد مغادرتنا المدينة،
لا أعتقد أن
were all that interesting.
كانت مشوقة.
quality of endurance,
الرائعة على التحمل،
and the singles were out there
يوجد الكثير من العزاب في الخارج
were holding onto each other
were of Joe and Roseanne.
من هذه الرحلة،
if they had an old wedding photograph.
لديهم صورة قديمة لزفافهم.
pulled out of their wallets
محفظتيهما في نفس الوقت
I thought to myself,
إن كان الشيء الجميل هو
who has just fallen in love
في الحب فقط
holding onto this image for decades?
بهذه الصورة لعقود؟
Stacey Baker - Photo editorStacey Baker assigns photography for the wide-ranging vision of the weekly New York Times Magazine.
Why you should listen
Stacey Baker | Speaker |
Alec Soth - Photographer
Alec Soth makes large-scale projects that are as much about dreams and heartache as they are about charting the landscape of Middle America.
Why you should listen
Alec Soth is a photographer born and based in Minnesota. He has published several books, including Sleeping by the Mississippi, Niagara and Broken Manual. The New York Times once wrote that Soth has made a "photographic career out of finding chemistry with strangers." His editorial work routinely appears in The New York Times Magazine, he is a member of the Magnum photo agency, and his work was featured in the Whitney Biennial in 2004.
In 2008, Soth started his own experimental publishing company, Little Brown Mushroom, that explores the possibilities of combining images and text. After publishing seven issues of his own newspaper, Soth compiled this work into his latest monograph, Songbook.
Alec Soth | Speaker |