Alec Soth and Stacey Baker: This is what enduring love looks like
Alec Soth + Stacey Baker: Așa arată iubirea care dăinuie
Stacey Baker assigns photography for the wide-ranging vision of the weekly New York Times Magazine. Full bioAlec Soth - Photographer
Alec Soth makes large-scale projects that are as much about dreams and heartache as they are about charting the landscape of Middle America. Full bio
Double-click the English transcript below to play the video.
de la o femeie din Texas,
I got a call from a woman in Texas,
la o expoziţie de artă
in an art exhibition
să-mi comande un portret cu părinţii ei.
me to take a portrait of her parents.
and I thought this was some sort of
și credeam
și că am dat lovitura,
ca să facă asta.
to make this happen.
about photographing Stacey.
să o fotografiez pe Stacey.
portrete ale mele.
one of my best-known portraits.
Stacey lucra ca avocat
Stacey was working as an attorney
to study photography in Maine,
pentru a studia fotografie în Maine,
she ended up meeting
l-a întâlnit
at the New York Times Magazine
al revistei New York Times
Alec and I have done
eu și Alec am făcut
to Alec about a fascination of mine.
cu Alec despre ceva ce mă fascina:
with how couples meet.
modul în care se întâlnesc cuplurile.
and his wife Rachel met,
cum a întâlnit-o pe soţia sa, Rachel,
of a high school football game
despre un joc de fotbal la liceu,
in doing a photography project
interesat să facă un proiect fotografic
dar eram mult mai interesat
but I was actually much more interested
Stacey to have a boyfriend.
să aibă vreun prieten.
I thought it'd be interesting
m-am gândit că ar fi interesant
go speed dating
pe Stacey la speed dating
cel mai mare eveniment de speed dating.
as the world's largest speed dating event.
întrebări pentru a sparge gheața,
breaker questions to get the ball rolling,
of animal, what would you be?"
orice fel de animal, ce ai fi?”
după ce a dat anunț pentru un Capricorn.
after placing an ad for a Capricorn.
la sfârșitul serii
at the end of the evening,
la coadă la unul din standuri.
at one of the concession stands.
to the date-a-thon together.
la date-a-thon.
you notice about a woman?"
lucru pe care îl observi la o femeie?”
cu gambe musculoase.
with muscular calves.
El face triathlon, eu alerg semimaraton.
triathlons, I run half-marathons.
dacă eram atrasă de el, dar nu eram
if I was attracted to him, but I wasn't,
nu se simțea atras de mine.
attracted to me either.
și întârzii la o întâlnire.
running late for a meeting.
about a woman is her teeth,
observă la o femeie sunt dinții ei,
to help prevent gum disease,
mai mult pentru a evita infecţia gingivală
ața dentară de 2 ori pe zi,
să o folosești mai des,
that was flossing more
about auditing. (Laughter)
numai despre revizie contabilă. (Râsete)
about a woman is her complexion.
la o femeie este tenul ei.
wear too much makeup,
folosesc prea mult machiaj
to accentuate the features that they have.
doar pentru a-şi accentua trăsăturile.
that that was a good thing.
I was willing to be vulnerable.
că eram dispusă să fiu vulnerabilă.
remember my most embarrassing moment.
cel mai jenant moment al meu.
but at the end of the night,
dar la sfârşitul serii,
o cutie cu ciocolată.
a box of chocolates.
să vorbesc cu William.
was the MC of the event.
era MC-ul evenimentului.
"The Young and the Restless."
give their phone numbers to him.
câteva femei dându-i numărul lor.
cu bărbaţii cu care m-am întâlnit
any of the men that I went on dates with,
vreo conexiune specială cu mine.
a particular connection with me either.
is the quality of vulnerability.
este calitatea vulnerabilităţii.
in which you can get a glimpse
în care poţi arunca o privire
am văzut multe exemple de acest tip,
I saw so many examples of that,
and talked to her about them,
Stacey şi vorbindu-i despre ei,
photographic love is from real love.
iubirea fotografică de cea reală.
Cum funcţionează?
and to figure out how someone goes
și pentru a înţelege
to having a life together,
la a avea o viață împreună,
la Sun City Summerlin,
retirement community in Las Vegas.
de pensionari din Las Vegas.
who runs the community's photography club.
care conduce clubul de fotografie acolo.
in their makeshift photo studio.
în studioul lor improvizat de fotografie.
Anastasia's husband died two years ago,
soţul Anastasiei a murit acum doi ani,
an old wedding picture.
o poză veche de la nuntă.
şi era chelneriţă
when she was a 15-year-old waitress
din Michigan.
the year in Las Vegas two years in a row,
în Las Vegas doi ani consecutivi
that he met his wife, Judy,
la care Alec a întâlnit-o pe Rachel.
to look at beautiful women,
să se uite la femei frumoase,
his decision to marry Judy.
decizia lui de a se căsători cu Judy.
pe Josephine la un dans local.
at a parish dance.
they weren't especially philosophical
nu erau deosebit de filozofici
that really stuck with me.
you just go with it."
te lași în seama lui.”
pe nevăzute, când încă erau la liceu.
when she was still in high school.
attracted to each other
unul de altul
după puţin timp.
married soon after.
president, and his wife, Mary.
clubului de fotografie, şi a soţiei, Mary.
second marriage.
a lui George şi Mary.
in Louisville, Kentucky called the Sahara.
în Louisville, Kentucky, numit Sahara.
iar ea era cu niște prieteni.
and she was with friends.
9.000 de dolari datorie la IRS
he owed the IRS 9,000 dollars in taxes,
get out of debt,
să scape de datorie.
his paychecks over to Mary,
salariile lui Mary,
când s-au căsătorit şi Mary ştia.
when they married, and Mary knew it.
he says he consumed
în căsnicia lor, el a spus
a ameninţat că o ucide pe Mary
he threatened to kill Mary
was called to the house.
a fost chemată la casa lor.
lucrurile s-au îmbunătăţit.
in Alcoholics Anonymous
after we left Sun City,
după ce am plecat din Sun City,
were all that interesting.
aceste cupluri erau atât de interesante.
quality of endurance,
calitate de a rezista,
şi pentru cei singuri.
and the singles were out there
iar cei care erau singuri
cu alte persoane,
were holding onto each other
este cu Joe şi Roseanne.
were of Joe and Roseanne.
pe Joe şi Roseanne,
dacă aveau o poză veche de la nuntă.
if they had an old wedding photograph.
simultan din portofel
pulled out of their wallets
m-am gândit,
I thought to myself,
care tocmai s-au îndrăgostit
who has just fallen in love
care păstrează poza asta de decenii?
holding onto this image for decades?
Stacey Baker - Photo editorStacey Baker assigns photography for the wide-ranging vision of the weekly New York Times Magazine.
Why you should listen
Stacey Baker | Speaker |
Alec Soth - Photographer
Alec Soth makes large-scale projects that are as much about dreams and heartache as they are about charting the landscape of Middle America.
Why you should listen
Alec Soth is a photographer born and based in Minnesota. He has published several books, including Sleeping by the Mississippi, Niagara and Broken Manual. The New York Times once wrote that Soth has made a "photographic career out of finding chemistry with strangers." His editorial work routinely appears in The New York Times Magazine, he is a member of the Magnum photo agency, and his work was featured in the Whitney Biennial in 2004.
In 2008, Soth started his own experimental publishing company, Little Brown Mushroom, that explores the possibilities of combining images and text. After publishing seven issues of his own newspaper, Soth compiled this work into his latest monograph, Songbook.
Alec Soth | Speaker |