Alec Soth and Stacey Baker: This is what enduring love looks like
Alec Soth + Stacey Baker: Štai kaip atrodo tvirta meilė
Stacey Baker assigns photography for the wide-ranging vision of the weekly New York Times Magazine. Full bioAlec Soth - Photographer
Alec Soth makes large-scale projects that are as much about dreams and heartache as they are about charting the landscape of Middle America. Full bio
Double-click the English transcript below to play the video.
I got a call from a woman in Texas,
man paskambino moteris iš Teksaso,
in an art exhibition
meno parodoje
me to take a portrait of her parents.
kad nufotografuočiau jos tėvus.
and I thought this was some sort of
ir pagalvojau, kad tai tam tikra
ir, spėju, turtinga,
to make this happen.
kad tai įvyktų.
about photographing Stacey.
fotografuoti Stacey.
one of my best-known portraits.
žinomų portretų.
Stacey was working as an attorney
Stacey dirbo teisininke
to study photography in Maine,
kad studijuotų fotografiją Meine,
she ended up meeting
ji susitiko su
at the New York Times Magazine
fotografijos direktoriumi
Alec and I have done
kartu su Alec įvykdėme
to Alec about a fascination of mine.
apie vieną savo susižavėjimą.
with how couples meet.
kaip susitinka poros.
and his wife Rachel met,
su savo žmona Rachel,
of a high school football game
apie futbolą vidurinėje mokykloje,
in doing a photography project
įdomu dalyvauti fotografijos projekte
but I was actually much more interested
bet, išties, mane labiau domino
Stacey to have a boyfriend.
ar Stacey turi vaikiną.
I thought it'd be interesting
maniau, būtų įdomu,
go speed dating
dalyvautų greitajame pasimatyme
as the world's largest speed dating event.
kaip pasaulyje didžiausias greitųjų
Turėjau 19 pasimatymų,
breaker questions to get the ball rolling,
klausimai, kad viskas vyktų sklandžiau,
of animal, what would you be?"
gyvūnas, kuo pasirinktum būti?“
after placing an ad for a Capricorn.
kurią sutiko paskelbęs ieškąs ožiaragio.
at the end of the evening,
vakaro pabaigoje,
at one of the concession stands.
viename nuolaidų stende.
to the date-a-thon together.
į pasimatymų maratoną.
you notice about a woman?"
pastebi moteryje?“
with muscular calves.
su raumeningomis blauzdomis.
triathlons, I run half-marathons.
triatlonuose, bėga pusę maratono.
if I was attracted to him, but I wasn't,
ar aš juo susižavėjau, bet aš nebuvau,
attracted to me either.
running late for a meeting.
vėluoji į susitikimą.
about a woman is her teeth,
pastebi jos dantis,
to help prevent gum disease,
dantų siūlu, kad išvengtų dantenų ligų,
tai daro,
du kartus per dieną,
that was flossing more
tai dažnesnis valymasis,
about auditing. (Laughter)
apie auditą. (Juokas.)
about a woman is her complexion.
jos veido spalvą.
wear too much makeup,
naudoja per daug makiažo,
to accentuate the features that they have.
kad paryškintų turimus bruožus.
that that was a good thing.
esą tai gerai.
I was willing to be vulnerable.
kad aš noriu būti silpna.
remember my most embarrassing moment.
prisiminti nesmagiausios akimirkos.
bet aš nemelavau.
but at the end of the night,
bet vakarui baigiantis
a box of chocolates.
saldainių dėžutę.
was the MC of the event.
buvo renginio vedėjas.
"The Young and the Restless."
„The Young and the Restless“.
give their phone numbers to him.
jam davė savo telefono numerius.
any of the men that I went on dates with,
vyru, su kuriuo susitikau,
a particular connection with me either.
būtų pajutę ypatingą ryšį su manim.
is the quality of vulnerability.
yra pažeidžiamumo kokybė.
in which you can get a glimpse
pro kurį gauni tik žvilgtelėti
I saw so many examples of that,
mačiau to daug pavyzdžių,
and talked to her about them,
ir kalbėdamas su ja apie juos,
photographic love is from real love.
nuo tikros meilės.
and to figure out how someone goes
ir išsiaiškintume, kaip kas nors
to having a life together,
pereina prie gyvenimo kartu,
Sansičio „Summerlin“,
retirement community in Las Vegas.
bendruomenė Las Vegase.
who runs the community's photography club.
jantis bendruomenės fotografijos klubui.
in their makeshift photo studio.
poromis jų laikinoje fotostudijoje.
Anastasia's husband died two years ago,
Anastasia vyras mirė prieš 2 metus,
an old wedding picture.
seną vestuvių nuotrauką.
when she was a 15-year-old waitress
15-metė padavėja
the year in Las Vegas two years in a row,
Las Vegase du metus iš eilės,
that he met his wife, Judy,
savo žmoną Judy
kaip Alec sutiko Rachel.
to look at beautiful women,
žiūrėti į gražias moteris,
his decision to marry Judy.
savo sprendimo vesti Judy.
at a parish dance.
parapijos šokiuose.
they weren't especially philosophical
jie nebuvo ypatingai filosofiški
that really stuck with me.
kas man įstrigo.
you just go with it."
tu tiesiog gyveni su tuo“.
when she was still in high school.
kai ji dar mokėsi vidurinėje.
attracted to each other
susižavėję vienas kitu,
married soon after.
president, and his wife, Mary.
ir jo žmonos Mary.
second marriage.
in Louisville, Kentucky called the Sahara.
„Sahara“ Liusvilyje, Kentukyje.
and she was with friends.
su draugėmis.
he owed the IRS 9,000 dollars in taxes,
9 000 dol. skolą Vidaus pajamų tarnybai,
get out of debt,
atsikratyti skolos,
his paychecks over to Mary,
savo algų čekius Mary,
when they married, and Mary knew it.
kai jie susituokė, ir Mary tai žinojo.
he says he consumed
jis sakė suvartodavęs
he threatened to kill Mary
jis grąsino nužudyti Mary
was called to the house.
būrys atvyko į namus.
in Alcoholics Anonymous
Anoniminių alkoholikų
after we left Sun City,
palikome Sansitį,
were all that interesting.
bus įdomios.
quality of endurance,
patvarumo savybę,
and the singles were out there
ir vienišiai išėjo
were holding onto each other
were of Joe and Roseanne.
nuotrauka yra Joe ir Roseanne.
if they had an old wedding photograph.
ar jie turėjo seną vedybų nuotrauką.
pulled out of their wallets
iš savo piniginių ištraukė
I thought to myself,
pagalvojau sau,
who has just fallen in love
kuri tik ką įsimylėjo, nuotrauka,
holding onto this image for decades?
saugo tą pačią nuotrauką dešimtmečius?
Stacey Baker - Photo editorStacey Baker assigns photography for the wide-ranging vision of the weekly New York Times Magazine.
Why you should listen
Stacey Baker | Speaker |
Alec Soth - Photographer
Alec Soth makes large-scale projects that are as much about dreams and heartache as they are about charting the landscape of Middle America.
Why you should listen
Alec Soth is a photographer born and based in Minnesota. He has published several books, including Sleeping by the Mississippi, Niagara and Broken Manual. The New York Times once wrote that Soth has made a "photographic career out of finding chemistry with strangers." His editorial work routinely appears in The New York Times Magazine, he is a member of the Magnum photo agency, and his work was featured in the Whitney Biennial in 2004.
In 2008, Soth started his own experimental publishing company, Little Brown Mushroom, that explores the possibilities of combining images and text. After publishing seven issues of his own newspaper, Soth compiled this work into his latest monograph, Songbook.
Alec Soth | Speaker |