Joshua Prager: Wisdom from great writers on every year of life
Джошуа Прагер: Мудрыя словы выдатных пісьменнікаў пра кожны год жыцця
Joshua Prager’s journalism unravels historical secrets -- and his own. Full bio
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is going to be a very good year,
што гэта будзе добры год,
і самарэалізацыі.
particular in store for me,
якую напісаў Норман Мейлер.
трывалым увасабленнем
and sentiment to be a man,
розуму, каб быць чалавекам,
wasn't writing about me.
the subject of his book,
along the same great sequence:
ў адзінай вялікай паслядоўнасці:
and confinements of childhood;
and frustrations of adolescence;
падлеткавага ўзросту;
and millstones of adulthood;
дарослага свету;
and resignations of old age.
«Гэта здарыцца са мной, як з імі».
"It will happen to me as to them."
where they become narratives
дзе яны становяцца гісторыямі,
кім мы будзем.
if it passes into anything."
дык толькі на старонкі кніг».
a thought leapt to mind:
ў мяне з'явілася думка:
there were, somewhere,
то дзе-небудзь
assemble them into a narrative.
суцэльная гісторыя.
той вялікай паслядоўнасці,
самыя шчаслівыя з нас.
wrote William Trevor.
як пісаў Уільям Трэвар.
аб часе і ўзросце.
and later an injury to me
якую атрымаў я,
could not be assumed.
нельга прымаць за дадзенасць.
only postponed the inevitable,
what circumstance did not.
што не здолелі абставіны.
year by vulnerable year
what was fleeting,
a glimpse into the future,
I was quickly obsessed,
хутка апанаваў мяне:
for ages and ages.
through our first hundred years.
of sudden revelations,"
час раптоўных адкрыццяў»,
час няўлоўных абясцэньванняў».
што гэтыя знаходкі — адносныя.
that such insights were relative.
and so age more slowly.
і старымся не так хутка.
the phrase "the yellow leaf"
«жоўты ліст»,
used it to describe himself at 36.
апісваў такім чынам сябе ў 36 гадоў.
can swing wildly and unpredictably
што жыццё можа непрадказальна змяніцца
the same age differently.
ў адным узросце.
as the reflection in the mirror,
and less sure of who one is;"
« ... усё менш ясна, хто ты»;
of preparation into active life;"
да актыўнага жыцця»;
the doors to rooms
дзверы ў пакоі,
visualizations you see here,
што вы тут пабачылі,
and an apotheosis," wrote Nabokov --
па словах Набокава,
і колерам,
what we've experienced.
што мы перажылі.
the list with my grandfather,
свайму дзядулю,
і ён быў блізкі да смерці.
пісаў Раберта Баланьё,
з Прустам:
we are sure we will not die,
што ніколі не памрэм.
named Edwin Shneidman was right
Эдвінам Шнейдманам:
што абавязкова памрэм.
Joshua Prager - JournalistJoshua Prager’s journalism unravels historical secrets -- and his own.
Why you should listen
Joshua Prager writes for publications including Vanity Fair, The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal, where he was a senior writer for eight years. George Will has described his work as "exemplary journalistic sleuthing."
His new book, 100 Years, is a list of literary quotations on every age from birth to one hundred. Designed by Milton Glaser, the legendary graphic designer who created the I ♥ NY logo, the book moves year by year through the words of our most beloved authors, revealing the great sequence of life.
His first book, The Echoing Green, was a Washington Post Best Book of the Year. The New York Times Book Review called it “a revelation and a page turner, a group character study unequaled in baseball writing since Roger Kahn’s Boys of Summer some three decades ago.”
His second book, Half-Life, describes his recovery from a bus crash that broke his neck. Dr. Jerome Groopman, staff writer at the New Yorker magazine, called it “an extraordinary memoir, told with nuance and brimming with wisdom.
Joshua was a Nieman fellow at Harvard in 2011 and a Fulbright Distinguished Chair at Hebrew University in 2012. He was born in Eagle Butte, South Dakota, grew up in New Jersey, and lives in New York. He is writing a book about Roe v. Wade.
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