Dave Troy: Social maps that reveal a city's intersections — and separations
Els mapes socials revelen les interseccions d’una ciutat, i les separacions
The co-host of TEDxMidAtlantic, Dave Troy is a serial entrepreneur and a data-viz fan. Full bio
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and streets and buildings,
carrers y edificis
that led to their creation,
que portà la seva creació,
the bold vision of an urban designer,
en l’audaç visió d’un dissenyador urbà,
to think about mapping cities
de pensar en crear
a new kind of map.
un nou tipus de mapa.
between people in my hometown
entre les persones del meu poble,
each dot represents a person,
que cada punt representa a una persona,
between those people,
entre eixes persones
within the network.
dins de xarxa.
down on the far right where the geeks are,
baix a la dreta, on estan els geeks
on the far right. (Laughter)
baix a la dreta. (Rialles)
African-American and Latino folks
els afroamericans i llatinoamericans
different things than the geeks are,
diferents de les que estan els geeks.
we call Smalltimore,
els que l’habitem
we're living in a very small town.
en un poble molt menut.
over and over again,
a la mateixa gent
we're not really exploring
en veritat no explorem
en coses com la música hip-hop
in things like hip-hop music
in the DC/Maryland/Virginia area
designation proper.
la del propi Baltimore.
the two communities together,
connecta a les dues comunitats,
the Baltimore Ravens football team,
als Baltimore Ravens,
is a Baltimore company,
és una empresa de Baltimore.
acts as the only bridge
actua com l’únic pont
different happening in San Francisco.
diferent passa a San Francisco.
the media, politics and news lobe
de comunicació, política i noticies
in Baltimore and other cities,
a Baltimore i altres ciutats
very predominant group
molt predominant
taking over the top half of the network,
ocupen més de la meitat de la xarxa
that's so distinct and clear
molt distint i clar
as Twitter employees,
com als treballadors de Twitter,
the gamers and the geeks,
dels gamers i dels geeks
of the hip-hop spectrum.
de l’espectre del hip-hop.
heard about in San Francisco
sentim sobre San Francisco
concerned about gentrification
està preocupada per la gentrificació
that are bringing new wealth
que porten una nova riquesa
that documented here.
estan documentades aquí.
with the geek community that well,
la comunitat geek,
i la comunitat de música.
a few weeks ago,
fa unes setmanes
on the ground in San Francisco,
a San Francisco
actually try to understand that
ho podeu entendre
gathering data about Rio,
recollint dades sobre Rio
that stood out to me about this city
en aquesta ciutat
really kind of mixed up.
d’alguna manera.
that Baltimore or San Francisco is not.
no com Baltimore o San Francisco.
interessada en
politics, columnists.
polítics, columnistes.
right next to bloggers and writers.
al costat dels bloggers i els escriptors.
tremendous diversity of people
gran diversitat de gent
in different kinds of music.
en diferents tipus de musica.
are represented here.
els fans de Justin Bieber.
and stand-up comedy,
i la comèdia,
around drugs and jokes.
sencera de drogues i bromes.
is also represented here.
també esta representat aquí.
and the arts and music,
i de les arts i la música
in a very different way,
de forma diferent
with our understanding of Rio
al que entenem de Rio
musically diverse city.
i amb música diversa.
that we have about cities now,
el que tenim sobre les ciutats
that we've ever had before.
conjunt de dades que hagem tingut.
that we can try to understand
intentar entendre que
and we could choose not to do it,
i que podem triar no fer
is aiming a space telescope at a city
és apuntar un telescopi a una ciutat
a giant high school cafeteria,
la cafeteria gegant d’un institut
themselves in a seating chart.
una forma ordenada de seure.
the seating chart a little bit.
de sacsejar-la un poc.
poor proxy for diversity.
un pobre substitut de la diversitat.
from all different types of races
de races representades
our development of diversity.
al desenvolupament de la diversitat.
more intractable problems,
als nostres problemes més intractables
about diversity in a new way.
sobre la diversitat de forma diferent.
la forma de les nostres ciutats
our cities in a new way,
we have that capability,
aquesta capacitat
responsibility to do so.
de fer-ho.
of streets and buildings,
de carrers i edificis
is the sum of the relationships
que és la suma de les relacions
document those relationships in a real way
documentar les relacions
that we'd like to have.
que ens agradaria tenir.
Dave Troy - TechnologistThe co-host of TEDxMidAtlantic, Dave Troy is a serial entrepreneur and a data-viz fan.
Why you should listen
Dave Troy is a serial entrepreneur and community activist in Baltimore, Maryland. He is CEO and product architect at 410 Labs, maker of the popular e-mail management tool Mailstrom.co. He has been acknowledged by the founding team at Twitter as the first developer to utilize the Twitter API, with his project “Twittervision,” which was featured in the 2008 MoMA exhibition “Design and the Elastic Mind.” His crowdsourced project Peoplemaps.org uses social network data to map cities. He is also organizer of TEDxMidAtlantic and is passionate about data, cities, and entrepreneurship.
Read his post, "The Math Behind Peoplemaps."
Dave Troy | Speaker | TED.com