Caleb Harper: This computer will grow your food in the future
Caleb Harper: Denne computer vil i fremtiden dyrke din mad
Caleb Harper leads a group of engineers, architects, urban planners, economists and plant scientists in the exploration and development of high performance urban agricultural systems. Full bio
Double-click the English transcript below to play the video.
it's too little food,
er der for lidt mad,
gensplejset mad verdenen.
creating bad oceans, toxic oceans,
ødelægger havet,
of this discussion
klima i denne diskussion
to something that we understand?
til noget vi kan forstå?
være en fødevarekrise?
in the last week, I'm sure.
et æble i ugens løb.
from when it was picked?
gået fra det blev plukket?
in a grocery store in the United States.
i et supermarked i USA.
to be much different in Europe
meget anderledes i Europa
into these environments
gå ind i disse miljøer,
of the apple with is also toxic to humans.
også er giftig for mennesker.
of that apple --
by the time we get it.
- er væk på det tidspunkt vi får æblet.
- computere,
when I was young.
da jeg var lille.
and I could express myself.
og kunne ytre mig.
to question: What if?
Hvad nu, hvis?
the least productive in red.
mindst produktive er røde.
now become Mexican farmers.
er nu mexicanske landmænd.
to grow better food,
for at dyrke bedre fødevarer
its own productive climate?
deres eget produktive klima?
about quality of life and nutrition?
livskvalitet og ernæring?
was, we need more food
vi har brug for mere mad
trains and automobiles.
seven billion people
7 mia. mennesker
in the production of food.
i produktionen af fødevarer.
no water, no land and no future."]
intet vand, intet land og ingen fremtid."
that I went to Minamisanriku,
da jeg var i Minamisanriku,
of their own food.
70% af deres fødevarer.
is involved in farming.
er involveret i landbrug.
from two percent of any population?
af en hvilken som helst befolkning?
population is under 18.
er under 18 år.
farmer is miserable.
to have basic access to utilities,
adgang til basale redskaber,
and the previous 10 before that.
og gjorde det sidste årti.
og alle er på vej væk.
that inspires the youth?
som kan inspirere de unge?
and Home Depot
intimate relationships
the language of plants.
that nobody wants.
værksted, som ingen vil have.
inside of the media lab,
på IT-universitetet MIT,
not for anything about biology
forbinder med biologi,
about 300 people once a month --
personer én gang om måneden.
technology in there.
teknologi derinde.
ripped the roots off of anything.
rev rødderne af noget.
processing expert,
bring the plants out
you don't throw it away;
smider du ikke væk.
anything until I've eaten it first,
inden jeg selv har smagt det,
of a lettuce within .1.
med 1 decimals præcision.
no, you can't eat it today."
så du kan ikke spise den i dag."
because the plant had been stressed
fordi planten var blevet stresset
in the plant to protect itself:
for at beskytte sig selv:
taste sweet to me.
smagte sødt.
into plant physiology.
grebet af plantebiologi.
needed to be able to try this.
skulle have samme mulighed.
that could be shipped anywhere.
man kunne sende afsted.
of the media lab is my lab,
er mit væksthus,
of sensing per plant.
the strawberries from Mexico,"
jordbær fra Italien"
from the climate
vil have et jordbær
that you like.
a recipe -- you're coding
så har vi en opskrift.
the nutrition of that plant,
plantens næringsindhold,
the color, the texture.
farve, overflade.
Vil du ikke tale?"
fortune-telling eyes
utrolige øjne der kan spå
late 60s and 70s.
see that plant dying
en plante er ved at dø:
a calcium deficiency
are not being passed down.
bliver ikke videregivet.
disse målinger over tid.
to individual plants.
for hver type plante
in my lab that day, by IP address.
laboratorium med deres IP-adresse.
and you get a plant profile.
og du får plantens profil
is downloadable progress on that plant,
som du kan downloade.
the nutrition that I need?
den næring jeg ønsker?
the taste that I desire?
den smag jeg vil have?
on the plant Facebook, right?
første bruger på Plante-Facebook
friends with other plants
venner med andre planter,
I don't know, they might friend us back,
venner med os. Måske vil de være venner
in hospitals of all things,
for hospitaler,
a controlled environment.
man skaber et kontrolleret miljø.
with all kinds of things.
med alle mulige ting.
by NASA for Mir Space Station
af NASA til rumstationen MIR,
they send into space.
der sendes ud i rummet.
exactly what it wants:
præcis hvad den vil have:
you get this amazing expression.
får du denne fantastiske udstråling.
and seed for an adverse world
frø til en ugunstig verden
in commercial production for 150 years.
dyrket kommercielt i 150 år.
rare and ancient seed banks?
med gamle og sjældne frøsorter?
and things that you've never eaten.
og ting du aldrig har spist.
that's eaten that kind of tomato.
som har spist denne tomatsort.
and we don't know how to cook,
og da vi ikke kan lave mad,
which is not that great.
som ikke var ret interessant.
we've grown all kinds of things.
vi har dyrket alle mulige ting.
it was too expensive.
og alt for dyrt.
around the world
in their back pocket isn't easy,
til rådighed er ikke let,
one of my student's --
mine studerendes projekt:
undergraduate, Camille.
how to make it work better,
lave udstyret billigere, bedre,
people can make it.
seventh through eleventh grade.
fra 7. klasse til gymnasieklasser.
try to teach a kid something.
så forsøg at lære en skoleelev noget.
said, "What's humidity?"
"Hva' er luftfugtighed?"
in air, you're an idiot."
"Der er ingen vand i luften, dit fjols!"
and eventually drip.
kondens, og vanddråber.
for this that's much like a game.
som mindede meget om et spil.
the physical, the sensors.
Det fysiske og sensorerne.
been created by other kids
lavet af andre børn
they plant a seedling.
de planter et frø.
need CO2 anyway? Isn't CO2 bad?
overhovedet have CO2?
og planten klarer sig fint.
that they developed
om den nye plante de har lavet
and what did it do --
of processing.
små udviklingskerner.
as we call them,
som vi kalder dem,
ever thought he could be a farmer --
overvejede, at han kunne blive landmand.
your first food computer.
Prøv at bygge din madcomputer derhjemme.
I'm just telling you.
but it's all there.
that this is easily accessible.
at det er let tilgængeligt.
computer scientist,
economist, urban planners.
what they're good at.
gør de hvad de er bedst til.
that I'm just starting.
som vi lige har taget i brug.
kind of like this.
and this DARPA Grand Challenge winner
DARPA Grand Challenge vinder
we're getting ahead of Ebola.
at vi kan bekæmpe Ebola.
the protein that's Ebola resistant.
som er resistent overfor Ebola.
"Vi har det fint" tilstand,
"Her er min sorte boks"
property that's totally valuable.
ejendomsret, som er meget værdifuld."
we're just at the beginning,
vi er kun ved begyndelsen.
environmentally friendly food.
what's in the Chicken McNugget,
hvad deres kyllingenuggets indeholder,
food item of all time --
their marketing plan on that --
på information.
to put little climate recipes,
men vi vil tilføje små klimaopskrifter
connected by strings?
to share information.
om at dele information.
over what's wrong with this.
at bekæmpe hvad der er galt med dette.
the next one billion farmers
den næste milliard landmænd
Caleb Harper - Principal Investigator and Director of the Open Agriculture InitiativeCaleb Harper leads a group of engineers, architects, urban planners, economists and plant scientists in the exploration and development of high performance urban agricultural systems.
Why you should listen
What do we know about the food we eat? What if there was climate democracy? These and other questions inform the work of Caleb Harper and his colleagues as they explore the future of food systems. He is the principal investigator and director of the Open Agriculture Initiative (OpenAG) at the MIT Media Lab. Under his guidance, a diverse group of engineers, architects, urbanists, economists and plant scientists (what he calls an “anti-disciplinary group”) is developing an open-source agricultural hardware, software and data common aiming to create a more agile, transparent and collaborative food system.
Caleb Harper | Speaker |