Mark Pollock and Simone George: A love letter to realism in a time of grief
Mark Pollock, Simone George: Ein Liebesbrief an den Realismus zu einer Zeit der Trauer
Mark Pollock was the first blind person to race to the South Pole. Now he's exploring the intersection where humans and technology collide on a new expedition to cure paralysis in our lifetime. Full bioSimone George - Human rights lawyer, activist
Driven by a belief in fairness, Simone George is a human rights lawyer and activist. Full bio
Double-click the English transcript below to play the video.
when he was just blind.
Als ich Mark traf, war er nur blind.
and equality in university,
und Gleichberechtigung an der Uni.
like my nomad grandmother.
wie meine nomadische Großmutter.
working in Madrid,
Arbeitsaufenthalts in Madrid,
till morning in salsa clubs.
die Nächte durch.
to teach him to dance.
ihm Tanzen beizubringen.
long nights talking,
nächtelange Unterhaltungen.
and eventually falling for each other.
und verliebten uns schließlich.
was rebuilding his identity,
war dabei, sich wiederzufinden,
was this incredible spirit
where he ran six marathons in seven days.
sechs Marathons in sieben Tagen zu laufen,
and from Everest Base Camp.
und vom Basislager des Mount Everest aus.
to this high-octane life,
hyper-dynamischen Leben führte,
can bear with almost any How."
erträgt fast jedes Wie."
in a really beautiful book
in einem wundervollen Buch,
Psychologe erlebt das Konzentrationslager"
by Viktor Frankl,
dem Neurologen und Psychiater,
in a Nazi concentration camp.
Nazi-Konzentrationslager überlebte.
to explain to us
von Nietzsche aus,
our circumstances,
nicht ändern können,
uns selbst zu ändern.
I did rebuild my identity,
Ich habe wieder zu mir gefunden.
was about competing again,
and risking failure
und Niederlagen riskierte,
of losing my sight.
Expeditionsrennen teil,
most challenging place on earth.
und anspruchsvollsten Ort der Welt.
set foot in Antarctica, 100 years before.
vor 100 Jahren in die Antarktis kamen.
of blindness behind me
der Blindheit hinter mir.
sense of contentment.
Gefühl von Zufriedenheit.
I would need that in reserve,
sollte ich das als Reserve brauchen.
onto the concrete below.
im dritten Stock auf Beton.
to go to the bathroom.
um ins Bad zu gehen.
I used to run my hand along the wall
strich ich zur Orientierung
where the closed window should have been.
hätte sein sollen.
thought I was dead.
dachten ich sei tot.
the doctors thought I was going to die,
dachten die Ärzte, ich würde sterben.
what was happening to me,
vollgepumpt mit Morphin
of being blind and paralyzed,
und querschnittsgelähmt zu sein,
to make sense of what was going on.
was vor sich ging.
und schrieb einen Blog,
wie ich reagieren sollte.
or Something Else?"
Realist oder etwas anderes?"
of Admiral Stockdale,
von Admiral Stockdale,
for over seven years.
inhaftiert und gefoltert.
but he survived.
aber er überlebte.
were the optimists.
waren die Optimisten.
and Christmas would go,
they became disappointed, demoralized
waren sie enttäuscht und mutlos.
facts of his circumstances
seiner Situation an,
that he would prevail in the end.
an seinen Sieg bewahrte.
his thinking as a realist
sein Denken als Realist
zu übertragen.
of heart infections and kidney infections
nach meinem Sturz,
Herz- und Niereninfektionen litt
edge of survival,
the fundamental question:
uns die grundlegende Frage stellen:
zwischen Akzeptanz und Hoffnung?
between acceptance and hope?
to explore with you now.
nun mit Ihnen nachgehen.
I caught the first flight to England
flog ich sofort nach England.
intensive care ward,
erleuchtete Intensivstation,
just under a sheet,
that were monitoring if he would live.
an denen sein Leben hing.
to have saved just for me.
die er für mich aufgespart hatte.
but I couldn't move him,
aber ich konnte ihn nicht bewegen.
the way you kiss a newborn baby,
had been laid out for us --
schilderte man uns das ganz Ausmaß:
a possible torn aorta
ein möglicher Aorta-Riss,
no movement or feeling below his waist --
eine Lähmung von der Hüfte abwärts.
as far away from this as possible."
wie irgend möglich."
is wrong with you?"
stimmt mit dir nicht?"
"Are you breaking up with me?"
"Machst du Schluss mit mir?"
for the blindness, but not this."
in Kauf genommen, aber nicht das hier."
"We don't even know what this is,
noch gar nicht, was das hier ist,
is what I can't handle right now
mit einer Trennung klarkomme,
is in intensive care."
der auf der Intensivstation liegt."
and suggested we make a deal.
und schlug einen Deal vor.
as long as you need me,
wie du mich brauchst,
then we talk about our relationship."
dann reden wir über unsere Beziehung."
to renew in six months.
eines Vertrags nach sechs Monaten.
even to pack a bag, I slept by his bed,
selbst um eine Tasche zu packen.
machte ich sein Essen.
or both of us together, every day.
abwechselnd oder zusammen.
with the doctors,
Entscheidungen mit den Ärzten.
over rapids that was sweeping Mark along.
Stromschnellen, der Mark mit sich zog.
Mark's surgeon told us
erzählte uns Marks Chirurg,
he doesn't get back in the first 12 weeks,
in den ersten 12 Wochen zurückkehren,
I began to research why,
begann ich zu recherchieren,
die spinaler Schock heißt,
there's no cure, there's no hope.
keine Heilung, keine Hoffnung gibt.
to a magical other world.
magischem Portal in diese andere Welt.
and science journal articles directly.
Fachzeitschriften direkt zuzusenden.
Christopher Reeve had achieved,
Christopher Reeve erreicht hatte,
vom Hals abwärts gelähmt war
the neck down and ventilated.
12-Wochen-Fluch gebrochen.
years after his accident.
etwas Empfindung und Motorik zurück.
of empty wheelchairs.
he worked with fueled us with hope.
mit denen er zusammenarbeitete,
of what it means to be human.
was es bedeutet, Mensch zu sein.
standing, running form,
stehenden, laufenden Form
meiner selbst verwandelt.
of feeling and movement.
und Unbeweglichkeit.
with the body's internal systems,
die inneren Funktionssysteme,
uns am Leben zu halten.
spasms, shortened life spans are common.
Spastiken, ein kürzeres Leben sind üblich.
even the most determined
selbst die Entschlossensten
around the world who are paralyzed.
with the expert view
mit der Expertenmeinung konfrontiert,
to be psychologically damaging.
psychologisch schädlich sein kann.
was canceling hope
formale medizinische System,
allein zugunsten von Akzeptanz.
to everything that we believed in.
war gegen alles, woran wir glaubten.
für Querschnittslähmung zu finden,
to find a cure for paralysis,
of the impossible made possible
von unmöglichen Dingen,
Streben möglich wurden.
that took explorers to the South Pole
Forscher zum Nordpol führte.
in the early part of this century.
Abenteurer zum Mars bringen wird.
"Warum sollte dasselbe Streben,
cure paralysis in our lifetime?"
Querschnittslähmung heilen?"
dass es das könnte.
Mark's damaged and dormant spinal cord
und inaktives Rückenmark
laufende Form erinnern.
engineers at Ekso Bionics,
fanden wir Ingenieure,
that would allow Mark to stand and walk
das es Mark ermöglichen würde,
to build in Dublin.
das wir gerade in Dublin bauten.
to personally own an exo,
mit einem eigenen Exoskelett.
have walked over one million steps.
über eine Million Schritte gelaufen.
because actually it wasn't enough,
denn das war nicht genug,
the San Francisco engineers
in San Francisco
Dr. Reggie Edgerton,
an der University of California in LA,
wundervollen Mann, und seinem Team
wissenschaftlichen Durchbruch geführt hat.
in a scientific breakthrough.
of the spinal cord,
des Rückenmarks,
have been able to stand,
in der Lage zu stehen
regain some movement and feeling
und Sensorik zurückzugewinnen
inneren Körperfunktionen,
internal functions
und das Leben lebenswert machen,
and to make that life a pleasure.
Stimulation des Rückenmarks
therapy ever for paralyzed people.
für Querschnittsgelähmte.
the San Francisco engineers
und die Wissenschaftler der UCLA
und wussten von ihren Studien.
knew about each other's work.
Forschungen beschäftigt sind,
groundbreaking scientific research,
sich zusammenzutun.
erste Zusammenarbeit.
elektrischen stimulierten,
of Mark's spinal cord,
in seinem Roboter-Exoskelett,
plugs the mini arc reactor into his chest
in seine Brust einsteckt.
become something else altogether.
und damit zu etwas ganz anderem.
into the lab at UCLA for three months.
zogen für drei Monate ins Labor der UCLA.
Elektroden auf meine Haut,
on my lower back,
to excite my nervous system,
in mein Rückenmark,
während ich in meinem Exo umherlief.
since I was paralyzed,
wieder unter mir spüren.
but with the stimulator turned on,
und in aufrechter Position im Exo
my legs felt substantial.
on the bones of my legs,
auf den Knochen meiner Beine spüren.
because of the stimulation,
konnte ich dank der Stimulation,
my paralyzed legs.
aus eigenem Antrieb bewegen.
the robot intelligently did less.
auf intelligente Weise weniger.
running, training zone
normalen Frequenz im Trainingsbereich
almost entirely disappeared,
die fast ganz verschwunden waren,
throughout the process,
and three whole years
den Simulator aus,
and became paralyzed,
sechs Monaten und drei Jahren,
und querschnittsgelähmt war,
go, go, go, go, go.
fang an, los, los, los, los.
go on, go, go, go, go, go, wow!
weiter, weiter, weiter, toll!
I've been saying to Simone,
habe ich zu Simone gesagt,
vergessen könnten,
have been incredibly exciting.
wirklich aufregend gewesen.
forget about the paralysis just yet.
noch nicht ganz vergessen.
und zurück nach Dublin kamen,
and went back to Dublin,
und immer noch blind,
and I'm still blind
on the paralysis at the moment,
wir uns auf die Lähmung,
does have a cure for blindness,
ein Heilmittel für Blindheit hat,
the blog that I mentioned,
den ich erwähnte,
of how we should respond,
wie wir reagieren sollten,
oder ganz anders.
that the optimists rely on hope alone
ganz auf ihre Hoffnung verlassen
disappointed and demoralized.
und Mutlosigkeit riskieren.
and they keep hope alive, as well.
the tension between acceptance and hope
zwischen Akzeptanz und Hoffen umzugehen,
have been trying to do
in den letzten Jahren versucht.
zu akzeptieren --
for what we've lost.
was wir verloren haben.
users, can and do live fulfilling lives,
und andere Rollstuhlfahrer,
und leben können,
and the spasms and the infections
Infektionen und verkürzter Lebenszeit.
querschnittsgelähmt sind.
from the neck down.
on ventilators to breathe,
to adequate, free health care.
Gesundheitsversorgung haben.
for another life.
auf ein anderes Leben.
through collaboration.
Zusammenarbeit ein Heilmittel finden.
to release from university labs
Universitäten dieser Welt entwickeln
to dance, and I did.
beizubringen, und das tat ich.
nach dem Tanzunterricht,
to him at his front door,
großartigen Blindenhund Larry
all the lights off in the apartment
alle Lichter ausmachte,
im Dunkeln zurücklasse.
and tried to hide it, but he knew.
es zu verstecken, aber er wusste Bescheid.
als ich blind wurde.
am Ende wird alles gut."
that grief is a raging river.
dass Trauer ein reißender Fluss ist.
it carries you to the next place.
trägt er einen zum nächsten Punkt.
turn out OK in the end.
deeply satisfying kind of love
zutiefst erfüllende Art der Liebe,
in this act of creation.
diesem Schöpfungsprozess beteiligt waren.
den wir getroffen haben,
from the bench and into people's lives.
und hinein in den Alltag bringen.
ihnen dabei zu helfen.
we and everyone with us
dann werden wir und alle,
sind, sagen können:
Mark Pollock - Explorer, collaboration catalystMark Pollock was the first blind person to race to the South Pole. Now he's exploring the intersection where humans and technology collide on a new expedition to cure paralysis in our lifetime.
Why you should listen
Unbroken by blindness in 1998, Mark Pollock went on to compete in ultra-endurance races across deserts, mountains and the polar ice caps and was the first blind person to race to the South Pole. He also won silver and bronze medals for rowing at the Commonwealth Games and set up a motivational speaking business.
In 2010, Pollock was left paralysed after falling from a third story window. He is now exploring the intersection where humans and technology collide and catalyzing collaborations that have never been done before. Through the Mark Pollock Trust, he's unlocking $1 billion to cure paralysis in our lifetime.
Selected by the World Economic Forum as a Young Global Leader and appointed to the Global Futures Council on Human Enhancement, Pollock is a UBS Global Visionary, is on the Board of the Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation and is a Wings for Life Ambassador. With his fiancée, Simone George, he is the subject of the acclaimed documentary called Unbreakable, and is a TED, Davos, World Economic Forum, InnoTown, F.ounders, EG and Wired speaker. In addition, Pollock is co-Founder of the global running series called Run in the Dark.
Pollock has been awarded honorary doctorates by The Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland and from Queens University Belfast. He holds a diploma in Global Leadership and Public Policy for the 21st Century from Harvard University as well as degrees from Trinity College Dublin and The Smurfit Business School.
Mark Pollock | Speaker |
Simone George - Human rights lawyer, activist
Driven by a belief in fairness, Simone George is a human rights lawyer and activist.
Why you should listen
In her human rights legal practice, Simone George represents women and, through them, their children, who are victims of controlling behavior, abuse or violence. Simone believes that the system isn't broken but built this way -- and that getting to justice requires advocates to be more courageous on behalf of those they represent.
Using a principle-based approach to her work, George co-authored the national study, "The lawlessness of the home," co-created an international summit in 2016 to cultivate the leadership required to the system and contributed to amendments to domestic violence legislation that is now a significant statement of legal, social and political justice in Ireland. George was also active in the campaigns for marriage equality and reproductive rights in Ireland. When the Pope came to Ireland in August 2018, George, together with a flying column of activists, created Stand For Truth, an alternative space to stand in solidarity with those abused by the church.
Building on her legal training that began with law degrees from NUI Galway and a Master's from the College of Europe, Bruges, George went on to create public-private partnerships across Africa for BP Solar. Now, following years in big 5 and boutique law firms in Dublin, she practices as a consultant commercial litigator.
In 2010, George's partner, blind adventure athlete Mark Pollock, broke his back, and together the two learned how paralysis strikes at the very heart of what it means to be human. Her research, which began by Pollock's hospital bed, became the start of their next adventure -- to cure paralysis in our lifetime. She has been a catalyst for ground-breaking collaborations between scientists and robotics engineers working to cure paralysis and is the subject of award-winning feature documentary film, Unbreakable.
In addition, George is a director on the board of the Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation, sits on the Advisory Board of HerStory and holds a diploma in Global Leadership and Public Policy for the 21st Century from Harvard University.
Simone George | Speaker |