John Amory: How a male contraceptive pill could work
John Amory: Como funcionaría unha pílula anticonceptiva masculina
John Amory is leading research into novel options for male contraception, male infertility and hypergonadism. Full bio
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anticonceptiva para homes,
a contraceptive pill for men,
along gender lines.
I have in store for their testicles.
para os seus testículos.
unha pílula masculina?
annually in the United States,
de embarazos anuais nos EE.UU.
unintended pregnancies
of the more than one million abortions
de abortos anuais
has fallen in the last few years
non desexados minguou
ao redor dun 10 %.
are using effective, long-acting,
usan métodos anticonceptivos
becoming a real possibility
estase volvendo realidade
anticonceptivas para homes.
anticonceptivos femininos:
of contraception for women:
shots, sponges, rings, etc.
inxeccións, esponxas, aneis...
as dúas mesmas opcións
for 30 percent of all contraceptive use,
do uso total de anticonceptivos,
relying on vasectomy
confían na vasectomía
relying on condoms for contraception
confían no preservativo
failure rate of over 15 percent?
de erro anual de máis do 15 %?
can't either safely take
ou ben non poden tomar de forma segura
for reasons such as blood clots,
por motivos como coágulos de sangue,
os efectos secundarios.
would be useful, the next question is:
un anticonceptivo masculino,
como poderiamos desenvolvelo.
no xeito en que o esperma
swim towards or bind to the egg.
verdadeiramente complicado
to be really difficult,
in the small volume of the ejaculate
abondo nese pequeno volume de esperma
do tracto reprodutor feminino.
the female reproductive tract.
done on the second approach,
na segunda opción,
a produción de esperma.
sperm production entirely.
that men make a lot of sperm.
producen moito esperma.
espermatozoides por segundo
of sperm production
hormones to suppress sperm production.
para deter a produción de esperma.
when administered together,
administradas á vez,
to the testes to make sperm,
aos testículos para crearen esperma,
three to four months will stop.
don't respond to these hormonal regimens
non responden a estes tratamentos
my colleagues and I
os meus compañeiros e mais eu
to male contraceptive development,
distinta para a pílula masculina,
the administration of hormones.
the function of vitamin A in the testes.
a función da vitamina A nos testículos.
it's been known
dende hai máis de 90 anos
para producir esperma.
na súa dieta
of vitamin A in their diet
se reintroduce de novo.
when the vitamin A is reintroduced.
por unha familia de enzimas.
to something called retinoic acid.
is found only in the testes.
atópase só nos testículos.
that we are attempting to block.
privar aos testículos de ácido retinoico
should deprive the testes of retinoic acid
no resto do corpo.
elsewhere in the body.
en humanos moi axiña.
of such a male contraceptive
deste anticonceptivo masculino
about the effect that it would have
sobre os efectos que tería
his contraceptive status over time.
estado contraceptivo en calquera momento.
home sperm-testing devices
de análise de esperma
un reconto de espermatozoides
and share the result with his partner.
cómodos ao confiar no método.
would feel very comfortable
xunto co contraceptivo masculino,
coupled with a male contraceptive,
na prevención de embarazos non desexados.
in preventing unintended pregnancy.
on male contraception
mellor para as parellas,
a better future for couples,
sexa considerada só "cousa de mulleres",
considered just "a woman's issue,"
deben decidir xuntas.
for couples to decide together.
unha pílula masculina?
rates of unintended pregnancy and abortion
de embarazos non desexados e de abortos,
en igualdade de condicións
John Amory - Male reproductive health expertJohn Amory is leading research into novel options for male contraception, male infertility and hypergonadism.
Why you should listen
John Amory is is currently examining the potential of using inhibitors of testicular retinoic acid biosynthesis as reversible male contraceptives. He has published more than 130 peer-reviewed papers in the field of male reproduction and serves on the Advisory Board of the Male Contraception Initiative. He is currently Professor of Medicine and Section Head of General Internal Medicine at the University of Washington, where he works as an attending physician on the inpatient medicine wards and in the outpatient General Internal Medicine and Men's Health Clinics.
John Amory | Speaker |