Thomas Curran: Our dangerous obsession with perfectionism is getting worse
Thomas Curran: Naša se opasna opsesija perfekcionizmom pogoršava
Thomas Curran studies the personality characteristic of perfectionism, how it develops and its impact on mental health. Full bio
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have you heard that one?
or perhaps with family at Thanksgiving.
od obitelji na Dan zahvalnosti.
at job interviews:
na razgovoru za posao:
that supposedly holds us back,
are quite happy to hold our hands up
od nas sretni što mogu dići ruke
and serious point
for perfection is so pervasive
perfekcionizma toliko prožimajuće,
that concept in its own terms.
promisliti o tom konceptu.
of celebration in perfection?
slavlja u savršenstvu?
as an insignia of worth.
perfekcionizma kao oznaci vrijednosti.
that perfectionists are more successful.
da su perfekcionisti uspješniji.
that they're never quite perfect enough.
nikad nisu dovoljno savršeni.
a host of psychological difficulties,
mnogo psiholoških poteškoća,
anxiety, anorexia, bulimia
anksioznost, anoreksiju, bulimiju,
is that over the last 25 years,
smo zadnjih 25 godina
at an alarming rate.
brz porast perfekcionizma.
among young people than ever before.
bolesti među mladima.
across the last two decades.
zadnja dva desetljeća.
emerge across Canada,
the United Kingdom.
Ujedinjenom Kraljevstvu.
as society is changing.
kako se društvo mijenja.
a changed sense of personal identity
promijenjen osjećaj osobnog identiteta,
in which young people interact
na koji mladi surađuju
about our preeminent, market-based society
našeg tržišno orijentiranog društva
like unrestricted choice
that we feel are contributing
vjerujemo da pridonose
with the attainment of the perfect life
postizanja savršenog života
status and wealth.
statusa i bogatstva.
pokazuju da će mladi
to report being materially rich
je biti materijalno bogatima
and their grandparents.
roditelje te bake i djedove.
than did older generations,
više nego starije generacije
of their income on image goods
svojih prihoda na imidž
their lives and their lifestyles
on the ubiquitous social media platforms
na sveprisutnim društvenim mrežama:
is far more important than the reality.
daleko važniji od stvarnosti.
furnished for young people
velikodušno opskrbili mlade,
a perfectible life
for those who want it badly enough.
onima koji to dovoljno jako žele.
of the American dream.
the self-made person, hard work.
samoostvarena osoba, težak rad.
that we're captains of our own destiny.
upravljamo svojom sudbinom.
our wealth, our status
personal value.
osobnom vrijednošću.
equality of opportunity,
of our own destiny
reality for young people
stvarnost za mlade,
ongoing economic tribunal.
neprekidnom ekonomskom sudu.
for which merit can be quantified
se zasluge mogu prebrojiti
into schools, classes and colleges.
svrstali u škole i fakultete.
is so publicly played out
and performance.
standard i izvedbu.
big city high schools
školama u velikim gradovima
standardiziranih testova
and the end of 12th grade.
4. razreda srednje škole.
a strong need to strive,
jaku potrebu da se trude,
at the center of modern life.
središtu modernog života.
to define themselves
of grades, percentiles and lead tables.
postotaka i ljestvicama vodećih.
on their insecurities.
vreba njihove nesigurnosti.
how they are performing
to other people.
their imperfections.
njihove nesavršenosti.
nepredviđeno nazadovanje
more perfectly next time, or else,
izvedbom idući put, jer ste inače,
is especially pervasive --
nedostatni je naročito prožimajući -
kako da se ponašam?
as that Instagram influencer,
kao taj Instagram influencer,
of perfectionism firsthand.
uživo, iz prve ruke.
in my mind very vividly.
živo ističe u mom umu.
he was exceptionally high-achieving,
ostvarivao visoke rezultate,
grades for his work.
ocjene za svoj rad.
his successes as abject failures,
uspjehe u bijedne neuspjehe,
how he'd let himself and others down.
je iznevjerio sebe i druge.
prilično jednostavno:
than other people
his unrelenting work ethic,
njegova stroga radna etika,
what he saw as his inner weakness
on vidio kao svoju unutarnju slabost
to the harmfulness of perfectionism
o štetnosti perfekcionizma
perfecting things or perfecting tasks.
stvari ili usavršavanje zadataka.
is about perfecting the self.
je usavršavanje sebe.
perfecting an imperfect self.
nesavršenog sebe.
like a mountain of achievement
kao o planini postignuća
to imagine ourselves scaling.
zamišljamo da se uspinjemo.
"Once I've reached that summit,
kad stignem do tog vrha,
and I'll be worth something."
manjkav i vrijedit ću nešto."
lowlands of insecurity and shame,
ravnice nesigurnosti i srama,
opet dosegnuti taj vrh.
a perfectionist just cannot step off.
perfekcionist ne može samo odustati.
to a host of psychological problems,
mnogim psihološkim problemima,
a good way to measure it.
dobar način da se to izmjeri.
Paul Hewitt and Gordon Flett,
Paul Hewitt i Gordon Flett,
a self-report measure of perfectionism.
samoprocjene perfekcionizma.
you can measure this,
three core elements of perfectionism.
temeljna elementa perfekcionizma.
usmjeren prema sebi,
prescribed perfectionism,
propisan perfekcionizam,
is excessively demanding:
okruženje pretjerano zahtjevno:
are too demanding of me."
zahtijevaju od mene."
other-oriented perfectionism,
usmjeren prema drugima,
standards on other people:
I expect it to be done perfectly."
očekujem da to bude savršeno."
three elements of perfectionism
tri elementa perfekcionizma
like heightened depression,
element of perfectionism
element perfekcionizma
expects me to be perfect.
da budem savršen.
with serious mental illness.
ozbiljnim mentalnim bolestima.
at the forefront of my mind,
na savršenstvu,
elements of perfectionism were changing.
ti elementi perfekcionizma.
is focused on immediate family relations,
fokusiraju se na obiteljske odnose,
at a broader level.
promotriti širi kontekst.
that had ever been collected
podatke koji su prikupljeni
developed that perfectionism measure,
razvili mjeru perfekcionizma
in college students.
dobivene od studenata.
more than 40,000 young people
and British colleges,
i britanskih fakulteta,
we looked to see if there was a trend.
potražili smo trend.
more than three years
crunch the numbers,
napravimo izračune
uncovered something alarming.
analiza otkrila nešto uznemirujuće.
have increased over time.
povećala s vremenom.
saw the largest increase, and by far.
perfekcionizam najviše povećao.
report clinically relevant levels
klinički relevantne razine
typically see in clinical populations.
za kliničku populaciju.
had doubled to 18 percent.
udvostručila na 18%.
based on the models that we tested
na modelima koje smo testirali
in three young people
jedan od troje mladih
of socially prescribed perfectionism.
društveno propisanog perfekcionizma.
of perfectionism
with serious mental illness,
ozbiljnim mentalnim bolestima,
feel a unrelenting need
osjećaju neprekidnu potrebu
yesterday's expectation of perfection,
očekivanja savršenstva,
to an even higher degree
that the better they do,
of helplessness and, worse, hopelessness.
bespomoćnosti i, još gore, beznađa.
hold on to certain things --
držati do određenih stvari -
conscientious and hardworking.
savjesni i marljivi.
when things don't go well,
kad stvari ne idu dobro,
into greater personal peace and success.
u veći osobni mir i uspjeh.
we can do as caregivers.
i kao roditelji te skrbnici.
in our formative years,
u našim formativnim godinama
when they've tried but failed.
kad ne uspiju u nečemu.
their understandable urge
oduprijeti razumljivom porivu
to helicopter-parent,
da budu previše zaštitnički nastrojeni,
successes and failures as their own.
uspjehe i neuspjehe kao vlastite.
raises important questions
postavlja važna pitanja
on competition, evaluation and testing
natjecanju, procjeni i testiranju
for public figures to say
javne osobe govore
a little bit more resilience
malo više otpornosti,
and unprecedented pressures.
nadolazećim pritiscima.
washing our hands of the core issue
ruke od glavnog problema
in which young people need less perfection
mladi trebaju manje savršenstva
is an enormous challenge,
ogroman je izazov,
neprekidno pod reflektorima
in the 24/7 spotlight
i društvenih mreža,
to other people.
pred drugim ljudima.
from that mountaintop,
nokautirani s tog vrhunca,
but to try scaling that peak again.
nego pokušati se opet uspeti.
up and down the same mountain
uz i niz istu planinu
was a man called Sisyphus,
bio čovjek imenom Sizif,
the same boulder up a hill,
kotrljati istu stijenu uz brdo,
and have to start again.
te kako bi morao početi opet.
or meaningful in their lives
smislenije u njihovim životima
future generations
fundamentally inhuman
escape the trap of perfectionism,
izbjegnu zamku perfekcionizma,
that in a chaotic world,
nas u kaotičnom svijetu
outgrow this self-defeating snare
prerastu samoporažavajuću klopku
that has outgrown that very same delusion.
je preraslo tu istu zabludu.
to enjoy mental, emotional
mentalno, emocionalno
to celebrate the joys
of everyday living and loving.
svakodnevnog života i ljubavi.
Thomas Curran - Social and personality psychologistThomas Curran studies the personality characteristic of perfectionism, how it develops and its impact on mental health.
Why you should listen
Social and personality psychologist Thomas Curran is a member of the Centre for Motivation and Health Behavior Change in Bath, UK; the Motivation, Personality, and Well-being research group in York, UK; and is currently an assistant professor in the Department for Health at the University of Bath. His research rose to prominence following a 2017 publication of the first systems-level cohort study to show that perfectionism is on the rise in American, Canadian and British college students. Since then, he has written and spoken extensively on how we have created societies perfectly calibrated to promote perfectionism, which is contributing to almost epidemic levels of serious mental illness among young people. Curran is the author of over 30 published papers and has received numerous awards for his scholarship and research.
Thomas Curran | Speaker |