Caroline Harper: What if we eliminated one of the world's oldest diseases?
Caroline Harper: Mi lenne, ha megszüntetnénk a világ egyik legrégibb betegségét?
At Sightsavers, an international NGO, Caroline Harper leads efforts to eliminate avoidable blindness around the world and fight for equal rights. Full bio
Double-click the English transcript below to play the video.
just for a moment,
ha egy pillanatra elképzelnék,
instead of outwards,
hanem befelé nőnek,
the front of your eyeballs,
you went blind.
to a person who has trachoma.
velük ez történik.
from Zambia, he has trachoma.
Palemónak trachomája van.
he's going to go blind.
that's passed from person to person
bakteriális fertőzés.
will scar your eyelids
felsérti a szemhéjakat,
and they turn inside out.
the contact with children.
in places like Ethiopia
like this around their necks,
to pluck out their eyelashes.
temporary respite,
more vicious than before.
mint előtte.
people in the world
because of trachoma.
as many as 200 million people
of a wall of a tomb in Northern Sudan.
faláról készült fotót látnak.
in a very remote village,
to take us down into a little tomb.
vezessen le bennünket egy kis sírba.
there are tweezers next to it.
do you think that's trachoma?"
"Istenem, gondolod, hogy ez trachoma?"
to the British Museum,
a British Múzeumba,
this is trachoma.
were painting pictures of trachoma
in that area today.
tombol azon a területen.
we know how to stop it.
hogyan állítható meg.
community have all come together
foglalkozók összegyűltek
nincs ez mindig így
that's not always the case
a nonprofit szervezetek világában.
for Trachoma Control.
a Trachoma Megfékezésére.
a strategy to fight it.
amellyel harcba szállhatunk.
by the World Health Organization.
in somebody's front porch, if need be.
valakinek a verandáján is.
to be transported to the port in-country.
kikötőbe szállításáért is fizet.
of community volunteers
with all that complex logistics.
teljes körű logisztikával segítjük.
has a pole like this.
different colors,
you should give somebody,
in the UK and in the US.
és az USA-ban is volt trachoma.
was a real problem in Georgia
valódi probléma volt Georgiában,
eye hospital, Moorfields,
a Moorfields, a híres szemkórház
how important it is to wash their faces.
az arcmosás fontosságát.
build latrines,
latrinákat építeni a közösségeknek,
their animals from their living quarters
lakásuktól elkülönítve tartsák,
Sightsavers led an incredible program
hihetetlen programot vezetett,
Mapping Project.
Feltérképezési Projektnek hívunk.
to go district by district,
hogy menjenek kerületről kerületre.
of over two and a half million people.
szemhéját vizsgálták meg,
in order to download the data.
az adatok letöltéséhez.
had a problem with trachoma.
van elterjedve a trachoma.
"Well, does this strategy actually work?"
"E stratégia tényleg működik?"
that we've made to date.
amelyet mostanáig elértünk.
they've already eliminated trachoma,
már megszüntették a trachomát,
or are in the process of
vagy éppen benne,
megvan rá a szükséges pénzük,
have the money they need,
to eliminate trachoma.
a betegség megszüntetésére.
they don't have enough funding.
azonban nincs elég pénzük rá.
unless they get more.
hacsak nem kapnak támogatást.
that the progress to date may stall.
hogy az eddigi fejlődés megrekedhet.
to the Audacious ideas guys,
embereivel beszélgetve
over the next four or five years
a következő 4–5 évben,
that we can eliminate trachoma
érhetnénk el két országban,
the highest burden of the disease,
billion dollars' worth of donated drugs.
the impact that we'll have --
mit fogunk elérni.
in Ethiopia and Nigeria.
Etiópiában és Nigériában!
that are still red.
which are in conflict --
ahol harcok folynak.
where it's very difficult to work.
ahol nagyon nehéz dolgozni.
the strategy and the map.
a stratégiánk, a térképünk
with the governments
that our program is coordinated
programunk összehangolásáról
if we could do this?
ha mindezt megtehetnénk?
from the whole world.
I just want to share with you
the founder of Sightsavers,
hogy képesek vagyunk kimondani:
for the whole country,
megszabadultunk a trachomától,
this is a devastating disease
hogy ez pusztító betegség,
of individual people.
találkoztam Tanzániában .
for as long as she could remember.
she'd had the operation.
találkozásunk előtt megoperálták.
transformed her life.
and she was free of pain.
és nincsenek fájdalmai.
not to be moved by her story.
hogy története ne hasson meg.
to go blind in agony anymore.
megvakuljon gyötrő fájdalmak közepette.
intractable problems in this world.
van a világban.
free from the fear of trachoma.
félelem nélkül nőhessenek fel.
Caroline Harper - Advocate for visually impaired peopleAt Sightsavers, an international NGO, Caroline Harper leads efforts to eliminate avoidable blindness around the world and fight for equal rights.
Why you should listen
Dr. Caroline Harper's ultimate goal is to see herself out of a job. She runs Sightsavers, an organization with global offices that strives to eliminate avoidable blindness and ensure that people with disabilities have equal rights. Up to 75 percent of sight loss can be cured or prevented, and her team hopes to achieve their goals so spectacularly that the organization is no longer needed.
Harper worked in the gas industry until 2002, before co-founding a management business that specialized on turnaround sales of energy companies. But during what she describes as a mid-life gap year, she visited a number of developing countries and felt drawn to international development. "My own family has a lot of blindness, so the mission of Sightsavers really resonated for me," she said. "I have now been its CEO for 13 years, and every year something more incredible happens. The best moments are when I visit some of the countries where we work, sit with people in their communities and realize that what we do has a massive impact. I am so lucky."
Harper is a Commander of the Order of the British Empire (CBE) for her work to protect the sight of people in developing countries. Sightsavers works with a range of partners and is supported by organizations such as The Queen Elizabeth Diamond Jubilee Trust and UK aid through the UK government's Department for International Development.
Caroline Harper | Speaker |