Gretchen Carlson, David Brooks: Political common ground in a polarized United States
Gretchen Carlson, David Brooks: Közös politikai alap a polarizálódott Amerikában
Gretchen Carlson is a tireless advocate for workplace equality and women's empowerment. Full bio Vy Higginsen's Gospel Choir - Gospel ensemble
Vy Higginsen's Gospel Choir of Harlem is an influential source of education and self-development for young people. Full bioDavid Brooks - Op-ed columnist
Writer and thinker David Brooks has covered business, crime and politics over a long career in journalism. Full bioChris Anderson - TED Curator
After a long career in journalism and publishing, Chris Anderson became the curator of the TED Conference in 2002 and has developed it as a platform for identifying and disseminating ideas worth spreading. Full bio
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to this next edition of TED Dialogues.
a TED Dialogues újabb rendezvényén.
some bridging here today.
has inspired millions of people
milliókra hat ösztönzőleg
that America is divided,
hogy Amerika megosztott,
to be getting worse.
egyre inkább kiéleződik.
for people on different sides
to each other right now.
is to try to do something about that,
hogy valamit kezdjünk ezzel,
of conversation,
some understanding.
gondolkozzunk, értsük meg egymást.
to help us do that.
hammer and tong against each other.
kábeles hírcsatorna.
a lot of their working life
or right of the center.
vagy attól jobbra töltötték.
in conservative worldviews, if you like.
what is happening right now,
a jelenlegi eseményekről,
új módszereket a hídveréshez
more connected conversations.
célratörőbb beszélgetésekhez?
working at Fox News,
and then "The Real Story,"
majd a The Real Story c. műsorokat.
in filing sexual harassment claims
szexuális zaklatás miatt beperelte
to his departure from Fox News.
left-leaning readers
olvasójának dühét
some of the right-leaning readers
jobboldali olvasóét is,
of some aspects of Trump.
most-read content of the day
cikke közé tartoznak,
and social science
for what's going on.
és a társadalomtudományokat.
to Gretchen and David.
szívélyesen üdvözlöm Gretchent és Davidet.
voted for Donald Trump.
Donald Trumpra.
of reasons, in my mind, why it happened.
Sok oka van, amiért így történt.
of sorts, but it started long ago.
de már régebben kezdődött.
that I would think of --
being done in Washington,
of the population
mert úgy érezték,
never listens to them,
of America, not just the coasts,
nemcsak a part menti országrészek,
was listening to their concerns.
figyel a gondjaikra.
would be the main reason.
on Donald Trump becoming president.
Trump elnökké válására.
I wrote about 30 columns
be the Republican nominee.
nem lesz a republikánusok jelöltje".
and gotten that so wrong,
just out in Trumpworld,
Trump világában töltöm,
zavarral találkoztam.
who was going to a funeral for her mom.
egy anyja temetésére tartó nővel.
lenni, mert nem kell beszélnünk,
being Catholic is we don't have to speak,
vagyunk verbális nép.
because we're not word people."
verbális nép.
are word people,
verbális nép vagyunk,
has not been angled toward you,
nem játszik a kezére,
are out of the labor force
esett ki a munkaerőpiacról,
"I'm not the richest person in the world,
a világ leggazdagabb embere,
and I get some dignity out of that."
és ezért becsülnek."
or whatever, if you're not rich or famous,
ha valaki nem gazdag vagy híres,
sense of feeling betrayed,
elárulva érezzük magunkat.
we almost have one success story,
mindegyikünknek van sikertörténete:
a white-collar job, and you're a success,
kaptunk, sikeresek vagyunk,
voters and still do,
realistic about his failings,
tudatában vannak kudarcuknak,
that he would be the nominee,
hogy jelölt lesz belőle,
he did extremely well
extremely well,
it sounded good.
de jól hangzanak.
to that simplicity again.
That sounds fantastic."
on my show originally,
részt vett a műsoromban,
was even "The Apprentice,"
népszerűvé vált,
one show on TV.
and they'd be like,
the number one show on TV."
the number one show on TV.
this ability in him
to a lot of people on the left
about this for Time Motto,
that lot of people put on blinders,
hogy sokan fölrakták a szemellenzőt,
that policies they believed in
and not being invisible anymore
és már érzékelhető,
or acts as a human.
about the disabled reporter,
a rokkant riporterrel,
in that audiotape with Billy Bush
ama hangfelvételen Billy Bushsal,
about women --
they hadn't seen that or heard that,
sem hallották volna őket,
policies were more important.
lényegesen fontosabb volt.
someone voted for Trump,
mindent, amit mondott vagy hirdetett.
that he's said or stood for.
that would say to me,
before the election.
a száját a választás előtt.
he'd get elected."
there's a trap there,
ez talán csapdahelyzet,
or just be baffled by the support,
csalódást éreznek,
of the unattractive features.
tulajdonságok kapcsán.
him despite those,
being thrown off in some way
a görcsös kormányzásnak,
a baloldalon is, Bernie Sanderstől.
on the left as well -- Bernie Sanders.
that I think we can talk about today,
amelyekről ma beszélhetnénk.
David -- right?
has been in Congress for a long time,
on the left as well,
of Bernie Sanders.
people who like Bernie Sanders,
és a Bernie Sanderst támogatók
but the underpinning was anger.
de az alap a düh volt.
this narrative, then,
az egyedüli magyarázatot halljuk
for Trump's victory and his rise
in a very visceral way.
that it's actually more than that,
that's being worked on here.
frankly, I didn't,
Trump megértette, amit én nem;
a kormány befolyása vagy kicsi.
versus small government debate.
versus George McGovern,
George McGovernnel:
we had been having for a generation.
ilyen vitákat látunk.
government to enhance equality,
bevonásával javítanák az egyenlőséget,
a kormányt a szabadság növelésére.
to enhance freedom.
amit szerintem a két nagy párt nem:
the two major parties did not,
áll szemben egymással.
the tailwinds of globalization
akik a globalizáció hátszelét élvezik,
a nyitott határokat,
erkölcsöket támogatják,
who feel the headwinds of globalization
ellenszelét érzők állnak,
just blasting in their faces,
closed borders, closed social mores,
a kötött társadalmi erkölcsöket kedvelik,
on that fundamental issue,
szemet hunytak sok minden fölött.
to overlook a lot to get there.
Trump's joint session speech.
együttes ülésén tartott beszéde.
groups in the Republican Party.
három csoportra oszlik.
as global policeman.
of a single social conservative issue.
témát sem említett.
on the national debt, Tea Party,
az államadósságot,
a kormány létszámát.
forradalmasított egy nagy amerikai pártot,
revolutionized a major American party
where the debate was headed
on your insights
in very simple terms
xenophobic, anger-sparking person.
dühtől fröcsögőnek minősítették.
that is perhaps an unfair simplification.
igazságtalan leegyszerűsítés.
that's probably true, too.
there's the National Front in France,
a Nemzeti Front Franciaországban,
a Philippine version.
a Fülöp-szigeteki változat.
is a global intellectual movement.
értelmiségi világmozgalom.
in individual conversation and civility
beszélgetésben s udvariasságban rejlik,
in the enlightenment side of the world do.
részén sokan művelnek.
is the "volk" -- in the people,
of the plain people.
bölcsességében rejlik.
is always being threatened by outsiders.
mindig a kívülállók fenyegetik.
for how to get there.
hogy ezt miként érje el.
to bring the people up
hogy felemelje a népet
are Islam, Mexicans, the media,
it's a very coherent worldview.
nagyon is koherens világnézet.
s szerintem lényegében tévedésben van,
and I think he's wrong on the substance,
with a set of ideas
hogy akinek elképzelései vannak,
of the White House
a Fehér Ház fölötti irányítást,
that the core question of our time now is:
but also have a global mindset?
világméretekben gondolkodók?
implacably opposed to each other?
ellentmond egymásnak?
that it's a different category,
and the globalists
as, sort of, not cheering for America,
szurkolnak Amerikáért,
az amerikai értékeket.
in your conversations with people,
mikor valakivel beszélgetve
a gondolkodásmódjukat?
a huge difference between --
people who live on the coasts.
és a part mentén lakók között.
an understanding of Middle America,
úgyhogy értem Amerika középső részét,
an understanding of what happened here,
like nobody's listening to them,
azt érzik, hogy senki sem figyel rájuk,
on California and New York.
és New Yorkkal törődünk.
why Trump was elected.
they were being heard.
hogy meghallgatják őket.
last night are not conservative things.
nem tartozik a konzervatív témák közé.
and given that speech,
volna el azt a beszédet,
stood up to applaud.
tapsolt volna neki állva.
a trillion dollars on infrastructure.
infrastruktúra-beruházásról beszélt.
maternity leave.
szabadságról beszélt.
it's not a conservative viewpoint.
ez nem konzervatív álláspont.
was during the campaign,
think they'll react to that?
belvárosában nőttem föl,
in Lower Manhattan,
the Strand Bookstore
of the coastal elite, my man.
of the speech last night?
to a more moderate position,
álláspont irányába mozdult volna,
was his best speech,
személyisége groteszkségétől.
anything about anything
ezektől az apró hibáktól,
to see him at his best,
contradiction that he's got to confront,
ellentmondást, amivel szembekerül:
is offering security.
biztonságot kínál.
for you, for my people."
a népemnek a világot."
at a lot of his economic policies,
vesszük szemügyre,
private health care accounts,
ami egészségügyi magánszámlákat jelent,
Deregulation: that's risk.
a dereguláció kockázat.
between the security of the mindset
a gondolkodásmódbeli biztonság
which are very risk-oriented.
szakpolitika között.
having spent this year,
in New Mexico --
és Új-Mexikóban töltöttem,
tele van kockázattal.
"No thank you."
"Kösz, de inkább nem."
will fail for that reason.
törvény visszavonása megbukik.
you just made of him,
is coming from the same place.
ugyanonnan származik.
amount of chaos and confusion, but --
és zavarhoz vezet, de...
to a wide range of voices.
hogy sokféle embert hallgatna meg.
he said last night
to her before that speech.
meghallgatta Ivanka véleményét.
last night, as opposed to Twitter Trump.
nem pedig a Twitteres Trump.
to see if anything's changed."
hátha változott valami."
nemében egyedülálló személyiség,
were expecting last night?
and gives a looking political speech,
jópofa politikai beszédet;
"Hűha, ilyet is tud!"
on which direction he goes.
to build bridges here,
that may have contempt for Trump,
semmibe vevő hallgatósággal
no, this is a real thing.
showing respect for him,
hogy tiszteletet mutassak iránta,
of his character
and are going to doom him.
s őt pusztulásra ítélik.
as right of center,
with this visceral reaction against him
érzel vele szemben,
üggyel szemben.
a conversation?
on evidence so far,
to change the system radically.
változtasson a rendszeren.
and how it's left them out.
vált, és ahogy mellőzi őket.
a huge government program last night
óriási kormányprogramot javasolt,
"stimulus," I find it completely ironic.
teljes mértékben ironikusnak tartom.
on something --
hogy Trump republikánus lenne.
he's a Republican.
erről ismerszik meg:
who identifies as conservative:
in the limitations of politics.
that human hearts endure,
"Mindabból, amit az emberi szív kiáll,
can cause and cure."
is the moral nature of the society.
erkölcsi természete számít.
character comes first,
the character threshold
konzervatív vagyok, aki...
of conservative who --
from the heights --
volt latin hip-hop sztár –,
was very future-oriented.
igencsak jövőbe mutató volt.
rise to success,
kormányát akarta megteremteni
poor boys and girls like him
akart a társadalmi mobilitás érdekében.
to create social mobility.
and for Teddy Roosevelt,
was the idea of the future.
and slavery in our past,
rasszizmus s rabszolgaság,
Bannon stands for is backwards-looking.
the American identity.
the Russian identity.
és lényegében mindannak elárulása,
and foundational betrayal
korábban kiállt.
like to hear from you,
from some of you, we'll --
to convince progressive friends
meggyőzni haladó nézetű barátaimat
what motivates Trump supporters,
mi hajtja Trump támogatóit,
lemondtak erről,
trying to understand
és gyűlöletet érzékelnek.
as lies, selfishness and hatred.
a baloldal Tea Party mozgalmát,
the Tea Party of the left,
there are commonalities in anger,
both being passionate about something.
oldal valamiért szenvedélyes.
the c-word has also become
egy k-val kezdődő szó ugyancsak
and the far right,
tegyenek le róla!
to even think about it.
gondolni sem akarnak rá.
of voters, myself included,
magamat is beleértve:
that wants to see change
we're trying to bridge.
megkísérlünk hidat verni.
right now, perhaps especially on the left,
to the great tyranny
az erős zsarnokságra,
is to fight it tooth and nail,
a harc foggal-körömmel.
If it means literal fighting, then no.
Ha szó szerint harcolunk, akkor nem.
marching to raise consciousness,
hogy fölrázzuk az embereket,
we do it through parties and politics.
s politikán keresztül szoktunk elérni.
are big, diverse, messy coalitions,
sokféle és zavaros koalíciót alkotnak,
morally unsatisfying
soha nem kielégítő,
a bunch of compromises.
a competition between partial truths.
pártok igazságai közötti verseny.
of the truth in America.
némi igazságuk Amerikában.
to the right question,
a rossz válasz a jó kérdésre,
of opiates around the country,
járványszerű terjedésében,
the spread of loneliness,
whose lives are inverted.
doesn't take fighting,
még a beszéd közben is,
even at the speech,
who came and wore white
a szüfrazsett-mozgalom előtt.
to actually get rid of the amendment
el akarták töröltetni
lehetővé tevő törvényt.
that's the right way to fight.
because I was looking in the audience,
vettem a közönséget,
who didn't wear white.
akik nem fehérben voltak.
that are not necessarily doing that.
questions, to me, is:
but, if you like, are more in the center,
de inkább a centrumhoz tartoznak,
amenable to persuasion --
by seeing a passionate uprising
látva az emberek szenvedélyes lázadását,
and push them away?
és kijjebb szorítja őket?
"Well, you're kind of a bigot,
vágom: "Maga vakbuzgó követő,
you're supporting sexism.
a szexizmust támogatja.
from some authoritarian past"?
valamiféle autoriter múltból"?
too persuasive to you.
are persuaded is by:
vagyunk meggyőzhetők:
for the point of view, and saying,
mások álláspontja iránt, megjegyezve:
to get you where you need to go."
kívánatos irányba viszi önt".
you've heard over and over again,
I heard it almost on an hourly basis,
"political correctness."
letting us say what we think."
amit gondolunk."
that liberals have fallen into
amelybe a liberálisok beleestek,
they really believe in,
amelyekben igazán hittek,
of "political correctness."
nyelvezetén tettek szóvá?
They have pushed people away.
Elriasztották az embereket.
a lot of the argument, though,
vagy autoriterségig",
"authoritarianism" --
eight million anti-Trump columns,
for the coastal media,
a part menti médiával,
slightly wrong, we go to 11,
csinál, mindjárt a plafonon van,
credibility at some point.
a szavahihetőségüket.
and a little too early.
when we really do have to cry wolf.
kérdés számomra,
important things to me
handles Trump.
hogyan kezeli Trumpot.
when things are not true,
in this entire discussion,
nekem ez a legfontosabb,
followers of somebody
if he tells the truth or not,
media going to respond to it?
a konzervatív média?
of conservative media deal with that
média más formái
Charles Krauthammer vagy George Will volt.
or Charles Krauthammer or George Will.
of institutions further right,
Alex Jones, Laura Ingraham,
Alex Jones, Laura Ingraham;
his base, not even so much Fox.
is just on this question of the truth.
az igazságra vonatkozik.
things to people right now,
számára a legijesztőbb,
nationally, on what is true.
abban, hogy mi az igazság.
is delivering fake news every day.
naponta ontja a hamis híreket.
some kind of consensus,
konszenzust érhetünk el,
az internetes közösségek?
media was biased.
between being biased and being fake.
és a hamisítás között.
distinction in this conversation.
különbséget tenni e beszélgetésben.
in the mainstream media.
elfogultság a fősodratú médiában.
to try and mend that.
is nuclearizing that and saying,
atomtöltettel turbózza föl, mondván:
all of that fake."
to the truth than to any ...
hűségesebb az igazsághoz, mintsem...
of not supporting something
a correction at some point?
kiigazításra lesz szükség?
előbb-utóbb kiderül.
eventually comes out.
has based a lot of his economic policy
ama föltevésre alapozta,
have lost manufacturing jobs
vesztették el gyári munkájukat,
by the Chinese.
of the jobs that left.
talán 13%-a maradt meg.
were replaced by technology.
87%-át a technológia váltotta ki.
"A munkahelyek visszajönnek,
and all the jobs will come roaring back,"
óceáni Partnerségi Megállapodást";
his supporters think is the truth,
hogy az az igazság,
you might say that,
hányszor cáfolják nekik,
will come back or they will not come back,
a munkahelyek vagy sem,
will work or it doesn't work,
because of great marketing,
addresses a real problem
mert valós kérdéssel foglalkozik,
the truth will out.
az igazság ki fog derülni.
please raise your hand here.
talking to each other more
végre beszélgetni egymással,
értenünk egymást.
published on this subject as well,
yes, I live in New York,
vagyok mondható –,
a Rozsdaövezetet?
the Rust Belt?
Middle America better?
értsük Amerika közepét?
vagy beszélgetés
or conversations from Middle America
the so-called coastal elites better?
értsék az ún. parti elitet?
as being put in a box as a coastal elite
ha parti elitnek skatulyáznak be,
ha átrepült államnak tekintik őket,
as being considered a flyover state
cheering as you --
a Facebookról az éljenzést.
who has been conservative
are all on the left.
where the culture is liberal.
it's going to be liberal.
az liberális lesz.
a The New York Timest választom.
it'll be the New York Times.
to speak both languages.
for a number of years,
with William F. Buckley,
National Review-jébe.
against people every day.
kellett az embereknek.
is you have ghettoization on the right
gettósodás észlelhető,
világban rendezkednek be,
on the right has diminished,
az érvek minősége gyengül,
in Minnesota or Iowa or Arizona,
Minnesota, Iowa vagy Arizona lakosa,
make themselves aware to you,
középső része a parti elitről?
not get about coastal elites?
with the real problems.
an elitism that is very off-putting.
s ez nagyon visszataszító.
egy szemernyi igazságot
in this room, for example,
csodásak vagyunk!
is the same problem with elitism.
mint az elitizmussal.
egy valószínűleg túláltalánosított
social class distinction
to apply in reality.
semhogy alkalmazható legyen a valóságra.
there are some people in New York
and some people who are pathetic,
emberek, de szánalmasak is,
are awesome and some people are pathetic.
mi a végzettsége,
of what degree you have
az ország mely részén él.
in the country.
a politikai hatalom növelésére.
simplification to arouse political power.
hogy nézzen tévéhíradót,
to watch a television news show
that they normally wouldn't.
melyeket máskor nem szokott.
watch the other side for a day,
nézzék a másik oldalt,
to have a conversation.
that's very conservative.
you would normally read,
amelyet egyébként nem olvasnának,
of what the other side is thinking,
a másik oldal gondolkodásmódjával,
of coming together.
you worry about, these bubbles.
a buborékok.
certain entities,
of the world is talking about.
a világ többi része.
nem csupán nézni kell,
that meets at least once a month
összeülő szervezetnek,
with people completely unlike yourself
kerülünk más nézetűekkel;
a responsibility for.
automotive models in this country,
eladott 3-4 autómodell
are all pickup trucks.
do I know who own a pickup truck?
akinek pickup teherautója van?
for a lot of people.
nagyon kevés vagy akár nulla.
kind of a problem.
with a person who drives a pickup truck
személlyel sok közös vonásunk van,
interest in whatever?
contributing to this.
bizonyára hozzájárul.
of communications,
media and individualized content,
szabott tartalom túlsúlya használható-e
kiküszöbölésére ahelyett,
a political divide,
into echo chambers?"
and Google, since the election,
és a Google
last time round.
promising signs of ...?
of the equation.
argument from the right,
and the internet in general
that were not their worldview.
tükröző cikkeket teszi az élre.
that's not what I believe."
changed everything,
mindent megváltoztatott.
of Twitter changing absolutely everything.
mindent teljesen megváltoztatott.
without a filter,
szűrés nélkül éri el,
correctness, and I'm curious:
vonatkozik; szeretném tudni:
become synonymous with silencing,
az elhallgattatás szinonimájává,
about other people
ahogyan embertársainkról beszélünk
and preserve their dignity?
s méltóságukat megőrizve?
really pounded this issue
eléggé kivesézte e témát
spent a lot of time
the ability to say what they think.
hogy mire gondolnak.
became so popular:
of people in America
egy csomó amerikai
gave them the opportunity
a csendes egyetértés lehetőségét.
it's a legitimate point of view
legitim álláspont,
in the country,
especially from Britain.
főleg Nagy-Britanniából.
sort of impermissible to say that,
vált ilyet mondani,
you must be a bigot of some sort.
was not only cracking down on speech
nemcsak azzal a beszédmóddal számolt le,
completely offensive,
that was legitimate,
beszédmóddal is leszámolt,
and thought into action
and people thrown out of schools,
iskolából kidobtak embereket,
that somebody finds offensive,
amit sértőnek találnak,
a válasz: "Sértegeti a csoportomat",
you can say "You're insulting my group,"
will come down into your dorm room
of what is permissible to say.
should be some social sanction against,
nincsenek megengedve,
to enforce a political agenda.
napirenden tartásra használják.
if you like -- progressives --
a progresszívaknak,
around political correctness
a politikai korrektség alapszabályait
uncomfortable language
kellemetlenebb nyelvezetet?
won't be so offended?
különösen az elit egyetemek
especially elite universities,
to try to enforce some sort of thought
hatalom alkalmazására,
s korrektnek vélt gondolatot.
and correct thought.
of, are we doing that?
a Chicagói Egyetem,
the University of Chicago,
hogy nem lesznek biztonságos terek.
we will have no safe spaces.
of micro-aggression.
ilyen az oktatás világa.
well, welcome to the world of education.
of people on the left, by the way --
from Karen Holloway:
go back to some fictional past?
valamiféle képzelt múltba?"
in the American dream,
our children is the basics,
meg tudjuk tanítani;
amit csak akarunk.
whatever you want.
wow, that's maybe not always so true.
rájöttem, hogy nem minden igaz.
for that to continue.
hogy ez a jövőben is így lesz.
exceeding their parents' salary --
hogy többet keressen a szüleinél
in social mobility in the country.
a társadalmi mobilitás.
century has basically been a disaster,
alapvetően katasztrofális volt,
and we're in deep trouble.
és nagy bajban vagyunk.
in real terms, population-adjusted,
a népességhez igazítva
than one percent growth.
that they should take risks,
hogy csak vállaljanak kockázatot,
is a rapid decline in mobility,
across state lines,
az államhatárokat,
among millennials.
az ezredforduló táján születettekre.
from which they can take risk?
biztonságot a kockázatvállaláshoz?
theory of raising children,
a gyermeknevelést illetően.
is based on the motto
hogy az egész élet
of daring adventures from a secure base.
merész kalandok sorozata.
we do not have a secure base,
risk-taking, energetic ethos
kockáztató, energetikus szellemiségét,
there's ground here
közös menetrendet kialakítani
a bridging conversation,
that there is this really deep problem
hogy valóban súlyos probléma,
the economic system that we built,
gazdasági rendszer
that it's not all about immigrants,
a bevándorlók miatt alakult így,
the single most divisive territory
a Trump-támogatók és a többiek közötti
which is around the role of the other.
a másik fél szerepéről.
to have the other demonized
ha démonizálják őket
seems to be demonized.
is démoninak látszik.
could agree, as you said,
azzal, amit mondtál,
may have happened too fast,
human societies struggle,
a társadalmak ellenállnak,
becomes de-emphasized
on recognizing that it's real,
hogy elismerjük a realitást,
probably wasn't properly addressed
nem kezeltük
how to rebuild communities
újjá a közösségeket...
the fertile conversation of the future:
beszélgetésnek tűnik számomra:
in this modern age,
korunkban a közösségeket
I'm not looking at the facts,
at it from an optimistic point of view --
ha nem derűlátón nézzük...
to say, "Look, the world is dim."
hogy a világ reménytelen.
one more question from the room here.
the infrastructure plan and Russia
az infrastruktúratervet és az oroszokat,
traditional Republican priorities.
nem elsősorban republikánus témák.
will Republicans be motivated
a republikánusok elég késztetést,
he's got 85 percent approval,
népszerűsége 85%-ot ért el,
had at this time,
has just gotten more polarized.
much more than they used to.
jobban követik a pártot.
and the Republicans in Congress
és a republikánusok a Kongresszusban
concerned about reelection,
egy újraválasztás miatt,
with getting people either for you
képes a javukra vagy ellenükre
every day, probably:
or should I not?"
sounded presidential,
elnöki hangnemet ütött meg,
a sigh of relief today.
tegnap este föllélegzett.
until Twitter happens again.
nem művel a Twitteren valamit.
each of you the chance
to -- I don't know --
somewhere in the middle.
or to relate to other people?
vagy viszonyuljanak az emberekhez?
tell them that as well.
kerek perec mondjátok meg.
and coming together starts from the top,
felülről kezdődik,
could encourage their leaders
ösztökélhetnék vezetőiket,
that we could have
to be more inclusive
starts from the top,
people are coming from on the other side.
a másik oldal polgárai iránt.
kéne egymást a jólneveltségre,
each other to be civil,
is he smashed our categories.
hogy szétzúzta a kategóriáinkat.
we were thinking in, they're obsolete.
They're not good for today.
s a kereskedelem korlátozása szerepel.
closing borders and closing trade.
újrateremteni a munkahelyeket,
communities, recreate jobs,
divisions and our current categories.
megosztottságon és kategóriákon.
a makroökonómiai politikában,
on macroeconomic policy,
és a baloldal egyesítése.
economy that creates growth.
amely növekedést teremt.
nurse-family partnerships;
de független iskolákat,
with wraparound programs
kell létrehozni
of social solidarity in this country
a társadalmi szolidaritás válságát,
a lot more involved
úgy kell ebben részt vennie,
to rebuild communities.
újjáépíteni a közösségeket.
an economy that's free and open
s nyitott gazdaságra van szükségünk,
is how you smash through
a polarizációt.
ultimately shapes our polarization.
fascinating conversation.
really interesting.
going on Facebook.
bármely oldala gondolatait,
of the political spectrum you're on,
in the world you are.
hanem az egész világról van szó.
It's about the world, too.
to end today without music,
a mai napot zene nélkül,
in every political conversation,
minden politikai beszélgetésbe,
completely different, frankly.
that brings teens together,
amely egybegyűjti a tizenéveseket,
and the impact of gospel music,
örömére és hatására,
through this program.
már részt a programban.
of ending this TED Dialogue
jobban a TED Dialogue-ot,
Gospel Choir from Harlem.
Vy Higginsen harlemi gospelkórusát.
for spacious skies
Ó, gyönyörű hatalmas ég
Gretchen Carlson - TV journalist, women's empowerment advocateGretchen Carlson is a tireless advocate for workplace equality and women's empowerment.
Why you should listen
Named one of TIME's 100 Most Influential People in the World for 2017, Gretchen Carlson is one of the nation's most highly acclaimed journalists and a warrior for women. In 2016, Carlson became the face of sexual harassment in the workplace after her lawsuit against Fox News Chairman and CEO Roger Ailes paved the way for thousands of other women facing harassment to tell their stories. Carlson's advocacy put her on the cover of TIME, and her new book, Be Fierce: Stop Harassment and Take Your Power Back, joined the New York Times best-seller list the week it was published. She became a columnist for TIME's online "Motto" newsletter in 2017, focusing on gender and empowerment issues.
Carlson's ongoing work on behalf of women includes advocating for arbitration reform on Capitol Hill; in 2018, she plans to testify before Congress about workplace inequality and forced arbitration clauses in employment contracts. Carlson also created the Gift of Courage Fund and the Gretchen Carlson Leadership Initiative to support empowerment, advocacy and anti-harassment programs for girls and underserved women.
Carlson hosted "The Real Story" on Fox News for three years; co-hosted "Fox and Friends" for seven years; and in her first book, Getting Real, became a national best-seller. She co-hosted "The Saturday Early Show" for CBS in 2000 and served as a CBS News correspondent covering stories including Geneoa's G-8 Summit, Timothy McVeigh’s execution, 9/11 from the World Trade Center and the Bush-Gore election. She started her reporting career in Richmond, Virginia, then served as an anchor and reporter in Cincinnati, Cleveland and Dallas, where she produced and reported a 30-part series on domestic violence that won several national awards.
An honors graduate of Stanford University, Carlson was valedictorian of her high school class and studied at Oxford University in England. A child prodigy on the violin, she performed as a soloist with the Minnesota Symphony Orchestra at age 13, and in 1989, became the first classical violinist to win the Miss America crown.
Ever grateful for the opportunities provided to her and imbued with a "never give up" attitude, Carlson has mentored dozens of young women throughout her career. She serves as a national trustee for the March of Dimes, a member of the board of directors for the Catherine Violet Hubbard Animal Sanctuary in Newtown, Connecticut and a trustee of Greenwich Academy, an all-girls preparatory day school in Greenwich, Connecticut. Carlson is married to sports agent Casey Close and mom to their two children.
Gretchen Carlson | Speaker |
Vy Higginsen's Gospel Choir - Gospel ensemble
Vy Higginsen's Gospel Choir of Harlem is an influential source of education and self-development for young people.
Why you should listen
Vy Higginsen's Gospel Choir of Harlem is a celebrated group of performers elevated from the Mama Foundation for the Arts' Music School of Gospel, Jazz and R&B. The Foundation, founded by the writer/producer of Mama, I Want to Sing!, is a highly respected and influential source of education and self-development for young people. The award-winning, nationally recognized program offers performance choirs small, medium, and large and has been seen accompanying many of today's pop icons including Ariana Grande, Chance the Rapper, Pharrell Williams, Alessia Cara and Madonna.
In addition to various performances and collaborations throughout New York City, the choir enjoys weekly performances in Harlem. They can be seen every Sunday headlining Ginny Supper Club's Gospel Brunch at Marcus Samuelson's acclaimed restaurant, Red Rooster, which is ranked one of the top five gospel brunches in the nation. The choir will begin Saturday performances in The Harlem Gospel Concert Series beginning April 15th at The Dempsey Theater in Harlem.
Vy Higginsen's Gospel Choir | Speaker |
David Brooks - Op-ed columnist
Writer and thinker David Brooks has covered business, crime and politics over a long career in journalism.
Why you should listen
David Brooks became an Op-Ed columnist for The New York Times in September 2003. He is currently a commentator on "The PBS Newshour," NPR’s "All Things Considered" and NBC's "Meet the Press."
He is the author of Bobos in Paradise and The Social Animal. In April 2015, he released with his fourth book, The Road to Character, which was a #1 New York Times bestseller.
Brooks also teaches at Yale University, and is a member of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences.
Born on August 11, 1961 in Toronto, Canada, Brooks graduated a bachelor of history from the University of Chicago in 1983. He became a police reporter for the City News Bureau, a wire service owned jointly by the Chicago Tribune and Sun-Times.
He worked at The Washington Times and then The Wall Street Journal for nine years. His last post at the Journal was as Op-ed Editor. Prior to that, he was posted in Brussels, covering Russia, the Middle East, South Africa and European affairs. His first post at the Journal was as editor of the book review section, and he filled in as the Journal's movie critic.
He also served as a senior editor at The Weekly Standard for 9 years, as well as contributing editor for The Atlantic and Newsweek.
David Brooks | Speaker |
Chris Anderson - TED Curator
After a long career in journalism and publishing, Chris Anderson became the curator of the TED Conference in 2002 and has developed it as a platform for identifying and disseminating ideas worth spreading.
Why you should listen
Chris Anderson is the Curator of TED, a nonprofit devoted to sharing valuable ideas, primarily through the medium of 'TED Talks' -- short talks that are offered free online to a global audience.
Chris was born in a remote village in Pakistan in 1957. He spent his early years in India, Pakistan and Afghanistan, where his parents worked as medical missionaries, and he attended an American school in the Himalayas for his early education. After boarding school in Bath, England, he went on to Oxford University, graduating in 1978 with a degree in philosophy, politics and economics.
Chris then trained as a journalist, working in newspapers and radio, including two years producing a world news service in the Seychelles Islands.
Back in the UK in 1984, Chris was captivated by the personal computer revolution and became an editor at one of the UK's early computer magazines. A year later he founded Future Publishing with a $25,000 bank loan. The new company initially focused on specialist computer publications but eventually expanded into other areas such as cycling, music, video games, technology and design, doubling in size every year for seven years. In 1994, Chris moved to the United States where he built Imagine Media, publisher of Business 2.0 magazine and creator of the popular video game users website IGN. Chris eventually merged Imagine and Future, taking the combined entity public in London in 1999, under the Future name. At its peak, it published 150 magazines and websites and employed 2,000 people.
This success allowed Chris to create a private nonprofit organization, the Sapling Foundation, with the hope of finding new ways to tackle tough global issues through media, technology, entrepreneurship and, most of all, ideas. In 2001, the foundation acquired the TED Conference, then an annual meeting of luminaries in the fields of Technology, Entertainment and Design held in Monterey, California, and Chris left Future to work full time on TED.
He expanded the conference's remit to cover all topics, including science, business and key global issues, while adding a Fellows program, which now has some 300 alumni, and the TED Prize, which grants its recipients "one wish to change the world." The TED stage has become a place for thinkers and doers from all fields to share their ideas and their work, capturing imaginations, sparking conversation and encouraging discovery along the way.
In 2006, TED experimented with posting some of its talks on the Internet. Their viral success encouraged Chris to begin positioning the organization as a global media initiative devoted to 'ideas worth spreading,' part of a new era of information dissemination using the power of online video. In June 2015, the organization posted its 2,000th talk online. The talks are free to view, and they have been translated into more than 100 languages with the help of volunteers from around the world. Viewership has grown to approximately one billion views per year.
Continuing a strategy of 'radical openness,' in 2009 Chris introduced the TEDx initiative, allowing free licenses to local organizers who wished to organize their own TED-like events. More than 8,000 such events have been held, generating an archive of 60,000 TEDx talks. And three years later, the TED-Ed program was launched, offering free educational videos and tools to students and teachers.
Chris Anderson | Speaker |