Ryan Gravel: How an old loop of railroads is changing the face of a city
Ryan Gravel: Bagaimana jalur rel putar tua mengubah wajah kota
Ryan Gravel is an architect and urban planner who played a key role in developing the Atlanta BeltLine. Full bio
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pada pertengahan 90-an.
in college in the mid-'90s.
like a French anarchist --
saya seperti anarkis Perancis --
saat bercermin di pagi hari.
berat saya turun hampir 7 kg
I'd lost 15 pounds
pembangunan jalan layang dan mobil
by highways and automobiles
as a poster child for sprawl,
panutan pembangunan kota,
mengubah pemahaman saya
the way I understood
di sekitar saya,
dengan peran infrastruktur --
of infrastructure --
from point A to point B,
cara memindahkan orang dari titik A ke B,
air, selokan, atau energi,
or sewage or energy,
kehidupan sosial dan juga budaya,
and for our culture,
to the way that we live.
I was instantly frustrated,
di ujung jalan layang lingkar.
the top end of our perimeter highway.
yang melewati saya,
that were hurtling past me,
menghadap ke depan dengan musik meraung.
and their music blaring.
an inevitable outcome,
tak dapat dihindari,
this condition in Atlanta
that I wanted to live in?
in architecture and city planning,
arsitektur dan perencanaan kota
dengan infrastruktur,
yang mengelilingi pusat kota
of old railroad circling downtown
untuk revitalisasi kota.
for urban revitalization.
we would actually build it.
akan benar-benar dibangun.
di firma arsitektur,
at an architecture firm,
dengan rekan kerja saya
to my coworkers about it,
dengan lebih banyak orang,
to more people about it,
menjadi presiden dewan kota.
city council president.
around this idea:
dengan ide berikut:
jalur, dan transformasi sepanjang 35,5 km.
for two and a half years,
selama dua setengah tahun,
para stafnya, dan sejumlah relawan.
and a handful of volunteers.
hebat yang melibatkan manusia dan ide.
of people and ideas.
who were used to fighting against things,
yang biasanya berseteru melawan apapun,
sebagai sesuatu yang dapat diperjuangkan;
as something that they could fight for;
yang akan sangat berkembang;
of new growth in the city;
who saw their mission
yang melihat misi mereka
dengan visi yang sama.
by the shared vision.
aren't at the same table
tidak sependapat
and it was kind of weird,
fell in love with a vision
dari jendela mobil mereka,
through their car windshields,
yang mewujudkannya,
jika tidak demikian.
be building it otherwise.
our coalition was diverse.
adalah bagian kisah ini.
were part of our story.
of the economic spectrum loved it, too.
saat pembangunannya selesai,
they weren't going to be able to be there
that they'd be priced out.
hal semacam itu, bukan?
that kind of story before, right?
the Atlanta BeltLine would be different,
Atlanta BeltLine tidak seperti itu,
daripada yang dibayangkan awalnya,
than anything we ever imagined
subsidies for housing,
a list that continues to grow.
arboretum -- dan lain-lain.
that were required to make it happen.
mereka berhasil mewujudkannya.
tahap awal implementasi dan semua lancar.
of implementation, and it's working.
of trail was opened in 2012,
sebesar lebih dari tiga miliar dolar.
over three billion dollars
the physical form of the city,
mengubah bentuk fisik kota,
we think about the city,
untuk tinggal di dalamnya.
for living there.
anak-anak ke toko kelontong
to the grocery store
to get in the car.
"Ayah, jika kami harus ikut,
kami naik sepeda saja?"
how ridiculous that is,
harapan mereka akan Atlanta
that their expectations for Atlanta
is exactly like sprawl
di mana-mana pada abad terakhir.
pada jalan layang dan mobil
in highways and automobiles
telah mengubah hidup Amerika.
within it, of course.
membuat jutaan keputusan
making millions of decisions
mengubah cara membangun kota,
not only the way that we build cities,
for urban sprawl.
dasar perkembangan kota.
sebagai perkembangan.
dan kuldesak yang kami dambakan.
and strip malls and cul-de-sacs we wanted.
of the places we live
pada waktu yang sama.
are happening at that time.
was breaking down barriers,
began its march
of our nation's promise.
perjalanan, bisnis -- semua berubah,
business -- everything was changing,
maupun swasta bekerja sama
and private sectors were colluding
kehidupan yang kita inginkan.
sebelum ada jalan layang
before there were highways.
untuk mengerti dan menyadari
to understand and acknowledge
diwujudkan untuk sekelompok orang
to some groups of people
in wonder and disgust, maybe,
dengan rasa kagum mungkin sekaligus muak,
di depan mata kita,
of that inequity?
peninggalan ketidakadilan itu?
traffic hellscape?
distopia neraka kemacetan?
urban displacement,
perubahan kota yang merajalela
and permanent outcomes?
yang tak terhindarkan dan permanen?
of our collective cultural decisions
keputusan kultural bersama
from our experience in Atlanta
dari pengalaman kami di Atlanta
are playing out everywhere,
tak hanya jalur kereta kuno,
not only old railroads,
dan jalan raya yang sudah tak terpakai,
and obsolete roadways,
kembali membangun dan menciptakan
are reclaiming and reinventing
proyek infrastruktur katalis,
of all catalyst infrastructure projects,
for which similarly started
menjadi momentum kultural,
of being transformed
yang memperkokoh kehidupan,
infrastructure again,
pemancingan, kapal,
and fishing and boating
dan pengendali banjir.
and flood control.
kehidupan masyarakat,
the lives of people.
kita semua terhadap Los Angeles.
the rest of us think about Los Angeles.
bagi diri kami sendiri.
pangan lokal, pertanian urban,
local food, urban agriculture,
indikator awal perubahan yang amat radikal
early indicators of a really radical shift
semangat dan baik adanya.
pada proyek katalis saat ini,
with these catalyst projects today,
tak bisa menguntungkan semua pihak.
don't usually benefit everyone.
kultural ini, seringnya diikuti dengan
by this cultural momentum
tak dapat dihentikan dan tak terhindarkan.
prices and rents.
bertindak dan bersuara.
ajakan untuk bertindak,
to not improve communities.
tidak memperbaiki masyarakat.
and transit and grocery stores.
taman, transit, dan toko kelontong.
to hold communities down
and address the financial realities
dan mengatasi kenyataan finansial
happen on its own.
berkomitmen akan tujuan di Atlanta,
to this goal in Atlanta,
who made it possible in the first place.
yang mewujudkannya sejak awal.
ini berhasil, tanpa mereka.
yang berkomitmen bersama saya
commitments to all those years
as my graduate thesis
dengan skripsi S1 saya
with thousands of people
dengan ribuan orang
bahwa untuk siapa BeltLine dibangun
the BeltLine is being built for
as whether it's built at all.
apakah ia akan dibangun atau tidak.
whose lives we are changing,
terubahkan oleh kita,
yang sedang kita bicarakan.
we just need to speak up.
kita hanya harus buka suara.
sesuai dengan keinginan kita.
comes on our terms.
dalam proses membentuk perubahan.
in the process of shaping change.
Ryan Gravel - Urban planner, designer, authorRyan Gravel is an architect and urban planner who played a key role in developing the Atlanta BeltLine.
Why you should listen
Ryan Gravel is an urban planner, designer and author working on site design, infrastructure, concept development and public policy as the founding principal at Sixpitch. His Master's thesis in 1999 was the original vision for the Atlanta Beltline, a 22-mile transit greenway that, with fifteen years of progress, is changing both the physical form of his city and the decisions people make about living there. Now a $4 billion public-private investment in the early stages of implementation, the project's health and economic benefits are already evident through record-breaking use of its first section of mainline trail and $3.1 billion of private-sector investment since 2005.
Alongside project work at Sixpitch and research on similar "catalyst infrastructure" projects around the world, Gravel's new book makes a compelling case about what these unexpected assets mean for our lives and why they matter. In Where We Want to Live – Reclaiming Infrastructure for a New Generation of Cities (St. Martin's Press, 2016), he summons the streets of Paris, the spirit of Detroit, the unruly Los Angeles River and dozens of other examples to illustrate how a new cultural momentum is illuminating a brighter path forward for cities. Through insightful narrative, Gravel articulates how projects like the Atlantas Beltline, New York's High Line and Houston's Buffalo Bayou are part of this movement and how they will ultimately transform our way of life with the same magnitude that automobiles and highways did in the last century. More than discrete projects, he argues, they represent a shared vision for our future that will require us to forget tired arguments about traffic, pollution, blight and sprawl -- and instead leverage those conditions as assets in the creation of something far more interesting than anything we’ve seen so far.
Gravel's early work as a volunteer and later across the nonprofit, public and private sectors has brought his long-term commitment to sustainable city building full circle -- from vision, to advocacy, to planning, design and implementation. He speaks internationally and has received numerous awards for his work on the project.
Gravel's latest pipedream is a nonprofit idea studio called Generator, to be funded in part by a bar. While juggling two kids, amazing projects like the Atlanta City Design and requests for help navigating impacts from the Atlanta Beltline, he's also taking time to look up and enjoy the city he wants to live in.
Ryan Gravel | Speaker | TED.com