Carl June: A "living drug" that could change the way we treat cancer
Carl June: "Obat hidup" yang mengubah cara pengobatan kanker
Carl June is a renowned pioneer in the fight against cancer. Full bio
Double-click the English transcript below to play the video.
I've told this story in public,
menceritakan ini di depan umum,
baseball player who said,
terkenal yang berkata,
in the road, take it."
ambil keputusan."
for more than a century,
peneliti telah
as a way to fight cancer,
sebagai cara melawan kanker,
unfortunately, been disappointing.
caused by viruses,
yang disebabkan virus,
gave up on the idea
tidak lagi mengandalkan konsep
to fight cancer.
untuk melawan kanker.
did not evolve to fight cancer;
tidak berkembang untuk melawan kanker,
invading from the outside.
yang menyerang dari luar.
bacteria and viruses.
bakteri dan virus.
has trouble with most cancers
memerangi sebagian besar kanker
from the outside;
menyerang dari luar,
not recognize the cancer as a problem,
mengenali kanker sebagai masalah,
and also our normal cells,
sekaligus sel normal kita,
like colitis or multiple sclerosis.
seperti kolitis atau sklerosis multipel.
synthetic immune systems
sistem imun buatan
and kill cancer cells.
dan membunuh sel kanker.
a synthetic immune system.
and synthetic biology.
rekayasa genetika dan biologi sintetis.
parts of the immune system,
yang terjadi secara alami,
cells infected with viruses,
sel yang terinfeksi virus,
antibodies that are secreted
antibodi yang dikeluarkan
these two functions
ini digabungkan
to repurpose them to fight cancer?
untuk melawan kanker?
to insert the genes for antibodies
menyisipkan gen penghasil antibodi
as a Trojan horse
sebagai kuda troya
from Greek mythology,
dalam mitologi Yunani,
and a serpent's tail.
dan ekor ular.
thing that we had created
paradoksal ciptaan kami ini,
our T cells carrier
pengangkut sel T,
Receptor T cells," or CAR T cells.
antigen chimeric", atau sel T CAR.
informasi genetik
into their killing mode.
memprogramnya sebagai pembunuh.
into somebody with cancer,
ke pengidap kanker,
see and bind to their tumor target?
melihat target tumornya?
T cells on steroids.
ganas terhadap steroid.
buildup system in the body
pertahanan dalam tubuh
and multiply by the millions,
dan menggandakan diri,
are the first living drug in medicine.
pertama di bidang kedokteran.
yang Anda konsumsi,
and then you have to take them again --
lalu harus diminum lagi,
and on the job for years.
selama bertahun-tahun.
in the bodies of our cancer patients
sel T CAR yang menetap di tubuhnya
cancer T cells, CAR T cells,
of more than 17 years.
waktu paruh lebih dari 17 tahun.
for the rest of your life.
berpatroli seumur hidup.
of a new paradigm in medicine.
di bidang kedokteran.
to these T-cell infusions.
pada infus sel T ini.
that will work in a patient
yang akan bekerja di tubuh pasien
an identical twin.
membuat sel T CAR.
the patient's own T cells.
sel T milik pasien sendiri.
platform for this in the 1990s.
yang kuat untuk ini pada 1990-an.
CAR T cells in patients
kami menguji sel T CAR pada pasien
survived in the patients
bertahan di tubuh pasien
and decreased their viruses,
dan virus mereka menurun,
and over the next decade
dan dekade berikutnya
to the CAR T cell design.
rancangan sel T CAR.
leukemia patients.
pasien leukemia.
lymphocytic leukemia in 2012.
stadium lanjut pada 2012.
tidak bisa disembuhkan
every year in the United States.
20.000 orang dewasa di Amerika Serikat.
was a retired Marine sergeant
pensiunan sersan angkatan laut
hitungan minggu
for his funeral.
biaya pemakamannya.
and within days, he had high fevers.
beberapa hari dia demam tinggi.
and was comatose.
fork in the road happened.
kembali bercabang.
the CAR T cell infusion,
infus sel T CAR,
had been there had melted.
telah hancur.
no evidence of leukemia,
menemukan jejak leukemia,
three patients we treated,
pertama yang kami obati,
now for eight years,
delapan tahun sampai sekarang,
the leukemia in these patients
di tubuh ketiga pasien ini
and 7.7 pounds of tumor in each patient.
kilogram tumor dalam setiap pasien.
bioreactors for these CAR T cells,
bioreaktor nyata untuk sel T CAR,
and millions of CAR T cells
blood and tumor masses.
dan massa tumor.
can punch far above their weight class,
bertarung di kelas yang lebih tinggi,
1,000 tumor cells.
1.000 sel tumor.
of one to a thousand.
its daughter progeny cells
and divide in the body
terus membelah dalam tubuh
in cancer medicine.
dalam pengobatan kanker.
who had full remission
mencapai remisi penuh
who had run out of options,
tak lagi punya pilihan,
tradisional yang dicoba,
for those forks in the road.
ada banyak jalan bercabang.
to treat children with acute leukemia,
izin mengobati anak pasien leukemia akut,
on the trial was Emily Whitehead,
uji coba ini adalah Emily Whitehead,
a series of chemotherapy
serangkaian kemoterapi
over several years,
selama beberapa tahun,
Emily sakit parah.
was advanced, incurable leukemia.
lanjut yang tidak bisa disembuhkan.
her liver, her spleen.
hati, dan limpanya.
with the CAR T cells
dengan sel T CAR
she did not get better.
dia tidak membaik.
bahkan jauh lebih buruk.
officer had in 2010,
pasien kami pada 2010,
in the whole road of this story.
menakutkan dalam kisah ini.
and on life support
dan butuh alat penopang hidup
as 106 degrees Fahrenheit for three days.
selama tiga hari.
what was causing those fevers.
demam itu.
blood tests for infections,
standar untuk infeksi,
an infectious cause for her fever.
infeksi yang menyebabkan demamnya.
very unusual in her blood
kejanggalan dalam darahnya
before in medicine.
di dunia pengobatan.
called interleukin-6, or IL-6,
bernama interleukin-6, atau IL-6,
above the normal levels.
di atas normal.
fork in the road came in.
kembali muncul.
of pediatric arthritis.
mengidap artritis anak.
following as a cancer doc,
saya mengikuti perkembangan
for arthritis for my daughter,
artritis bagi putri saya,
before Emily was admitted to the hospital,
sebelum Emily masuk rumah sakit,
level interleukin-6.
that my daughter had.
yang diidap anak saya.
to the pharmacy at Emily's hospital,
di apotik rumah sakit Emily,
these very high levels of IL-6,
level IL-6 Emily sangat tinggi,
di ICU dan berkata,
with this arthritis drug?"
dengan obat artritis saja?"
for suggesting that.
tekanan darahnya yang rendah
to the institutional review board,
dewan peninjau ulang institusional,
short of striking.
with tocilizumab,
dengan tocilizumab,
peningkatan pesat.
and still in remission.
dan masih dalam remisi.
of the high fevers and coma,
demam tinggi dan koma ini,
sel T CAR,
all patients who respond to the therapy.
pasien yang merespons terapi tersebut.
in those patients who fail to respond.
yang gagal merespons.
for these high fevers after therapy,
demam tinggi ini setelah terapi,
"the worst flu in their life,"
"flu terparah seumur hidup,"
terapi sel T-CAR.
reaksi ini
of the twisting and turning path
dari titik balik
are often those who are not cured.
sering kali tidak sembuh.
to eradicate leukemia.
untuk membasmi leukemia.
CAR T cells for leukemia,
sel T CAR untuk leukemia,
of tocilizumab to block the IL-6 effects
tocilizumab untuk memblokir efek IL-6
in these patients.
pada para pasien ini.
in medical history.
dalam sejarah kedokteran.
completed further trials
uji coba lanjutan
the first 30 we treated,
30 orang pertama yang kami rawat,
dalam sebulan.
in patients with advanced cancer
pada pasien kanker stadium lanjut
penelitian kanker.
success in a cancer trial
keberhasilan uji coba kanker
had a complete response rate.
memiliki angka respons lengkap.
"New England Journal of Medicine" in 2013.
Jurnal Kedokteran New England pada 2013.
has since confirmed those results.
mengonfirmasi hasil ini.
leukemia in August of 2017.
pada Agustus 2017.
of a cell and gene therapy,
pertama yang disetujui,
has also been tested now
juga diuji coba
limfoma kambuhan.
a year in the United States.
20.000 orang setahun di Amerika Serikat.
and have been durable to date.
dan bertahan hingga hari ini.
the therapy of this advanced lymphoma
terapi limfoma stadium lanjut ini
and scientists around the world
dan ilmuwan di seluruh dunia
with the rapid pace of advancement.
dengan kemajuannya yang pesat.
who were formerly terminal
yang tadinya tidak mungkin sembuh
that may, in fact, be a cure.
yang bahkan mungkin sembuh.
about the financial cost.
masalah keuangan.
to make the CAR T cells for each patient.
pembuatan sel T CAR per pasien.
of treating CRS and other complications,
pengobatan CRS dan komplikasi lain,
one million dollars per patient.
per pasien.
of failure, though, is even worse.
kegagalannya jauh lebih besar.
for cancer are also expensive
untuk kanker juga mahal
research done now
menginginkan riset
lebih efisien
to all patients.
semua pasien.
and evolving field,
dan terus berkembang,
therapies and services,
terapi dan layanan baru lain,
to do things more efficiently.
industri belajar untuk lebih efisien.
all the forks in the road
semua jalan bercabang
as very important.
of this magnitude don't happen overnight.
sebesar ini tidak terjadi dalam semalam.
after a 30-year journey,
setelah perjalanan 30 tahun,
and surprises.
rintangan dan kejutan.
kepuasan instan,
vision and patience
visi, dan kesabaran
is not always a dilemma or a detour;
tak selalu menjadi dilema atau halangan.
we may not know it at the time,
kita mungkin tidak tahu,
Carl June - Oncologist, researcher, professorCarl June is a renowned pioneer in the fight against cancer.
Why you should listen
Carl June's revolutionary leukemia therapy, which was recently approved by the FDA, uses genetically engineered versions of a patient’s own T cells and is the first personalized cell therapy for cancer to be sanctioned in America. Developed by June and his colleagues, this method has the potential to help patients with many other types of cancers.
June is currently Director of the Center for Cellular Immunotherapies at the Perelman School of Medicine and Director of the Parker Institute for Cancer Immunotherapy at the University of Pennsylvania. A graduate of the Naval Academy in Annapolis and Baylor College of Medicine, he has published more than 350 manuscripts and is the recipient of numerous prizes and honors, including election to the Institute of Medicine in 2012 and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in 2014, as well as being named one of TIME Magazine's 100 Most Influential People in 2018.
Carl June | Speaker |